Just as with Isabella, each passing month with Aubrey gets better and better, & more and more fun! Her little (or rather crazy big!) personality is coming out so much more, and she is already trying to exert her independence. Hello 7 months going on 17! We love this little lady so much!
Happy 7 Months Aubrey Lynn!
7 Month Highlights:
-You are a crazy lady! I say that with the utmost love and affection. But seriously, you don't sit still! You don't love to be held b/c you'd rather be on the floor checking out anything and everything in the room! You started leap frogging and partially army crawling/real crawling/dragging yourself across the floor right after you turned 6 months. You also have your signature move which I like to call the "Downward dog crawl" b/c it looks, well, just like a downward dog, and yet you move forward! By 29 weeks you got the whole traditional crawling thing down and are so fast and so mobile it blows me away!
-You are still the happiest and smiliest baby I know! I absolutely love it! It doesn't take much and that big ole' grin comes out. I also love making you laugh b/c you have such a short, stacatto little giggle that almost seems forced sometimes. Just adorable!
-You got your first cold this month and you were pretty miserable for about 4 days, and then still not yourself for another 4! You didn't sleep well (probably b/c you couldn't breath well with all that congestion!), and you had fevers up to almost 103F two days in a row. To top it all off, just at the tail end of the cold, you got viral pink eye in your right eye. Poor little baby! Luckily I squirted breastmilk in that eye several times the day it started and it was 50% better the next day, and gone the day after that! Miracle medicine!
-You started going from a crawl and pushing yourself to sitting while still keeping one arm on the ground at 27 weeks. By 29 weeks you didn't topple over as much without keeping an arm down, and could sit and play (although you don't tend to stay in one position very long!). At 30 weeks you routinely sit, no arms, and are much more stable.
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We stayed inside like 3 days in a row, and Isabella was getting stir crazy so I took the girls to the park. Poor Aubrey was miserable : ( |
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Caught in mid crawl to sitting up move |
-You ate your first food this month (at 29.5 weeks)...sweet potatoes! Aaaand....they were a HUGE hit! I was not expecting much other than you
spitting a majority of it out, getting it all over your face, and not really taking any in. BUT you surprised us all and ate like a champ, almost taking 2 tablespoons full and swallowing it!
Sleeping: You are a good night sleeper, but don't necessarily have the nap thing down just yet. At night you go for a stretch of 8 hours between feeds, usually 10pm til 6 am, although there are plenty of nights that you wake at 4 to eat instead. When you get an early morning feed, you still wake up around 6:30 or 7am to eat again, and then I put you right back in bed afterwards and you sleep til 8 am most days!
Naps are all over the place! Some days you take three 30 minute naps, and other days you take one long nap (ranging anywhere from 1 hour to 2!) and then one 20 or 30 minute nap. There is no rhyme or reason as to what the day will hold with your naps. If anything it makes you relatively portable b/c you don't have to do the same thing every single day!
Breastfeeding: Still a great eater! You eat 6 times a day, and still occasionally like to sneak in a 7th feed. It's usually about every 3 hours during the day, and then 6-8 hours overnight, followed by about 4 hours til the next one. You take both sides and most of the times only takes about 10-12 minutes.
Eating: You devour sweet potatoes...like a TON of them! You routinely take about 2-4 Tbl at a time. But that's about all I can get you to eat so far. You don't like oatmeal (even when it's mostly breastmilk with a teeny bit of oat particles), and you hated beets and bananas! Hated! I will keep on trying new things and see how those go! (As a side note, I realized today that by 7 months Bella had tried 7 different foods...I guess that's the difference b/t the first and second kid! I started feeding Aubrey much later b/c really who has time for that on top of breastfeeding so many stinking times per day, and joggling a toddler!).
Eating: You devour sweet potatoes...like a TON of them! You routinely take about 2-4 Tbl at a time. But that's about all I can get you to eat so far. You don't like oatmeal (even when it's mostly breastmilk with a teeny bit of oat particles), and you hated beets and bananas! Hated! I will keep on trying new things and see how those go! (As a side note, I realized today that by 7 months Bella had tried 7 different foods...I guess that's the difference b/t the first and second kid! I started feeding Aubrey much later b/c really who has time for that on top of breastfeeding so many stinking times per day, and joggling a toddler!).
Aubrey Loves:
-Moving like a crazy lady!! Nonstop!
-Moving like a crazy lady!! Nonstop!
-Musical toys, especially Puppy and several toy painos
-Watching Bella play and dance
-TV! I can't feed her with it on anymore b/c she's so mesmerized!
-Being outside, especially when it's warm (you get SO chill!)
-Soft, large blocks
-Soft, large blocks
Aubrey Hates:
-Being tired or hungry (pretty much this is the only time you fuss)
-Being held or contained : )
-Being held or contained : )
7 Month Stats:
Height: 26.5 in (50th percentile)
Weight: 15 lb 13 oz (35th percentile)
Teeth: Still just the 2 lower teeth but the 2 top centers look so swollen like they will push through soon!
*Wearing size 2 diapers
*Wearing 3-6 months and 6 month things
Firsts this Month:
-Crawling, army crawling, downward dog crawling, and frog leaping! (26 weeks)
-Going from laying down to rolling over, crawling and then sitting up (27 weeks)
-Sitting steady on her own (29.5 weeks)
-Sitting steady on her own (29.5 weeks)
-Eating purees (29.5 weeks) - sweet potatoes, oatmeal, beets, bananas
Month in Pictures:
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