Tuesday, April 29, 2014

31 Week Bumpdate!

And just like that we are at 31 weeks!  Just a mere 7 weeks away from the c-section! 
I think this week I have felt more pregnant than ever, and the body aches that people talk about associated with pregnancy have kicked in after some long days at work.  On days off, I generally feel great...so maybe that means I should stop working : ) Moving is getting harder (especially getting out of our big bed), but with all that comes a bigger belly, which I love!  So without further ado...a bump pic and update!

How Big is Baby: The size of a pineapple!

Weight Gain: +1.5 this week, so +21 total.

Workouts: LOTS of walks this week being at an APN conference and not having a car downtown...it was AMAZING!!! Seeing as walking is the only workout I'm cleared to do, I call this a success.

Maternity Clothes: Maternity work pants and jeans are a must. Otherwise still wearing my leggings, comfy shorts, tops and dresses that were pre-maternity.

Belly Button: Still an innie, but when I cough or go from lying down to sitting up and crunch, it's pretty much even.

Sleep: Not good this week at all due to a persistent cough.
Cravings: The board says it all this week : ) 

Aversions: Same ole' thing- meat, beef, ground turkey, and chicken breast.  I think I can finally take sweets off the list, although I don't really crave them like I used to, especially chocolate! And bizarre enough, if presented with a dessert made of fruit or chocolate, I would hands down choose fruit now which is SO unlike me!

What I Missed:  Red wine...why does it seem that every tv show I watch all characters have a delicious looking Cabernet in their hand!?!?

Symptoms: Super tired this week (although probably b/c I'm not really sleeping), constipation, and when I'm on my feet too much I get lower back and lower abdominal pain with pelvic pressure, more Braxton hicks contractions, and left foot/lower leg swelling (and that's my cue to sit down, put the feet up, and drink some water...easier said than done most days at work!).

Movement:  Lots and lots...and loving it!  Although I will say some of her alien like attempting to crawl out of my stomach maneuvers have been rather uncomfortable, especially the ones where she tries to pry herself under my ribs!

Gender: It's a GIRL!!!

Best Moment This Week: Spending half the week and weekend in the city with Jon while I went to a great APN conference.  It was so much fun getting to re-live my college days with lots of walking, great food, and just taking in everything the city has to offer.  Chicago is the best city ever!

Worst Moment This Week: Lack of sleep because of a cough that won't go away.

What I'm Looking Forward to: Seeing Isabella on US Thursday!! Can't wait!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

2nd Trimester Must Haves

Ahh...the second trimester.  What a glorious time in pregnancy it is (at least it was for me!) While my all day nausea persisted through week 16, after that came all the fun part. The belly actually started to become more round and pregnant like, rather than just "Wow that girl has eaten one too many donuts this week!" The baby starts to become a little acrobat and feeling her moving is absolutely amazing.  The energy picks up. The nesting kicks in.  And man what you can accomplish during this time since you're not too big to actually get stuff done.  THIS is the trimester pregnancies are made for! 

But, I will say despite me loving pretty much every single moment of Tri 2 (and yes, I'm even embracing the few aches, pains, and pressure that came along with it!), there were several things that I consider a must have during this time.  Here is my list below.

1.) Wishes Body Butter (in pomegranate)- I got a sample of this organic lotion with skin firming seaweed in my BirchBox in January and fell in love!! The scent is amazing. The texture is rich and non-greasy. And slathering it all over the bump every night was heavenly! Nothing more to say. (**If you don't know what Birchbox is, you MUST look it up...and then sign up, using me as your referral of course : ) I absolutely love getting a box of high end samples every month, for less than $10 a month!).

2.) LeechCo Pregnancy Pillow- I initially tried this out when I got it around 12 or 13 weeks, but didn't really get what all the hype was about. I thought it was way too big (despite our king sized bed), and didn't do anything for me. Until 18 weeks came...and then it was ahhhmazing! Jon and I call it the cloud and it completely changed the way that I slept!! Such great back, hip, belly, head/neck, overall support. It's expensive, but I found mine on a resale website and the lady used it once, hated it, and sold it! It was a MAJOR score at only $15!  Resistance Bands- Jon got me a set of these for Christmas, but during the first trimester they sat in the box because I was just too sick to work out.  Once second tri hit and I was able to be a little more active, these were a great way to get in some strength training from the comfort of my own home.  Plus you can use them in full body workouts to get some cardio in at the same time. Love these!
-->Disclaimer: I had to stop using these once I was diagnosed with complete placenta previa and was told not to strain, bear down, or contract my abs. The great thing about these are the focus on tightening the core with pretty much every workout, so not compatible with previa.

3.) Resistance Bands- Jon got me a set of these for Christmas, but during the first trimester they sat in the box because I was just too sick to work out. Once second tri hit and I was able to be a little more active, these were a great way to get in some strength training from the comfort of my own home. Plus you can use them in full body workouts to get some cardio in at the same time. Love these!
-->Disclaimer: I had to stop using these once I was diagnosed with complete placenta previa and was told not to strain, bear down, or contract my abs. The great thing about these are the focus on tightening the core with pretty much every workout, so not compatible with previa. Whish Three

4.) Crane Humidifier- We got this last year because it just gets so dry during Chicago winters. I have to say that it has been even more helpful this year with all of the insane pregnancy congestion and increased bloody noses. Despite being somewhat of a pain to have to empty, rinse and refill nightly, I could tell a difference on the days that I didn't use it!

5.) Thermos 24 oz water bottle- Once I was able to start drinking water again (of the non-sparkling version), I carried my water bottle around everywhere! My goal was to drink at least 3-4 (5 when I was being really eager) of them a day.  Some days it was a little less, some more, but without it I know I wouldn't have been drinking as much.

6.) Black Leggings- I have about 8 billion pairs (which may just be a slight exaggeration) and find each one completely necessary. I could seriously live in them every day. Great for wearing under dresses or tunics for work, or with longer t's or sweatshirts to be comfy at home. They're a pregnancy life saver because most maternity pants fit too akwardly at this stage, especially the over the belly kind that constantly slips down, but pre-preggo pants just aren't happening!

7.) Comfy full-coverage underwear: My booty hasn't really changed size, but its preference for what it wears definitely has! Now, the bottom wants underwear that are silky smooth, or cottony soft, and covering the entire booty. Comfort is what it's all about in the second tri! 

8.) Comfy full-coverage underwear:  My booty hasn't really changed size, but its preference for what it wears definitely has!  Now, the bottom wants underwear that are silky smooth, or cottony soft, and covering the entire booty. Comfort is what it's all about in the second tri! 
-->And while we're on a rather personal topic, you might as well pick up a five year supply of panty liners because let's just be honest, the only way to not change your underwear 5 times a day is to wear one...constantly!  BTW- NONE of my friends warned me about this!  When friends in the future ask about unexpected pregnancy symptoms, this will be the one I give for sure!

What were your must haves for Trimester 2???

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

30 Week Bumpdate!

This week I think pregnancy has caught up to me.  That, or I just overdid it because I tend to forget I'm pregnant at times. *Yes, my husband is reading this and thinking "Gee, she overdid it!? That's a big surprise!"- sarcasm definitely noted!*

On the plus side, we got a ton done.  We thoroughly deep cleaned our downstairs, painted our master bathroom after getting the shower redone, and finished more Isabella "stuff" organizing! 

Photo: I suppose this is "nesting"...you wouldnt believe the amount of things Jon & I accomplished the last 2 days!
So the bump picture this week definitely shows how tired I am but I'm thoroughly loving being pregnant, so I'll take it all as it comes.  And since I woke up at 4 am this morning and am exhausted after the last 3 days of work, I'm not making a chalkboard...let's just pretend there's "30 Weeks" painted behind me : )

How Big is Baby: The size of a cucumber (does this seem smaller to anyone else than previous weeks!?)

Weight Gain: +3 the last 2 weeks, so +19.5 lbs total. With 8 weeks til c-section, I'm hoping to stay under 30lbs...EEK!

Workouts: Two weeks in a row without a single workout!  Since the only thing I've been cleared to do at this point is walking, it's hard to get motivated after being on my feet walking all day at work.  That being said, Jon and I were able to take 2 (rather leisurely) walks this week which was fun.

Maternity Clothes: Maternity work pants are a must. Otherwise still wearing my leggings, comfy shorts, tops and dresses that were pre-maternity, although may be stretching some of them out a bit : )

Belly Button: Still an innie...barely!
Sleep:  This week I haven't slept the best.  I've been waking up at 4 am and not able to fall back asleep.  Plus, a rib came out of place which made sleeping the last 2 nights really hard (thank goodness for my chiropractor and massage therapist!)

Cravings: This weekend I wanted chips and dip with a hot dog that had ketchup, mustard and lots of relish. Seeing as I don't ever eat hot dogs, I'd call that a craving...finally! I've also been craving watermelon, but pre-pregnancy I could eat an entire watermelon every day in the summer, so this isn't really out of the norm...LOVE me some watermelon!

Aversions: Same ole' thing- meat, beef, ground turkey, chicken breast, sweets (although I've had a few nibbles of sweet things this week without gagging, so that's a change).

What I Missed:  Ice cold beer with Jonny for his birthday 

Symptoms: Fatigue/tiredness, constipation, low back pain, pelvic pressure when I'm on my feet too much, and difficulty breathing (although that was probably more because of the rib issue rather than the baby pushing up on my lungs)

Movement:  Little Lerma LOVES to move...and we LOVE to watch and feel it!  This week she's taken to pushing either her head or her booty (lovely how I can't tell the difference : ) right up into my sternum which creates a funny looking bulge...kind of like a 3rd boob! She's already making us laugh!

Gender:  It's a GIRL!!!

Best Moment This Week: Getting to spend a few hours with best friends  who live out of town this weekend and celebrating Jon's birthday together.  The downside was how fast the time went!

Worst Moment This Week: I've had chest congestion and a cough the last 4 days that is just annoying.  I don't particularly feel sick, but hate coughing all night long!

What I'm Looking Forward to: Spending the next 4 days in the city for an APN conference with Jon...can't wait to take walks along the lake, relax a bit, and not have to commute all the way home!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

29 Week Update!

Today my pregnancy app told me that we have 77 days til our due date...which really means only 63 days til our c-section! I say it every week, but seriously time is FLYING!!!  And the bump is certainly growing at a massive pace now, so we are closing in on the finale folks.  Crazy things going on over here!
 How Big is Baby: size of an acorn squash
Weight Gain: My alarm didn't go off this morning, so as I was flying out the door to work, weighing myself was the last thing on my mind. We'll just have to see next week.

Workouts: A big, fat zero this week!  Boo : (

Maternity Clothes: Maternity pants are a must.  Still wearing tops and dresses that were pre-maternity.

Belly Button: More and more shallow as the days go by, but still an innie.
Sleep:  I love sleep lately, and am getting plenty of it (usually 7-8 hours on work nights, and 9-10 on days off!).  Sleeping well through the night with the exception of waking up once to pee.  Can't complain. 

Cravings: Nothing substantial still.  Enjoying my rice noodles, green smoothies for breakfast, fruit, cottage cheese with tomatoes, and greek yogurt.

Aversions: Same ole' thing- meat, beef, ground turkey, chicken breast, sweets.

What I Missed:  House made gelato at Sienna Tavern for my shower on Friday.  Despite not liking sweets these days, I hear their gelato is heavenly, so was excited to try it, only to learn it's made with unpasteurized milk, a pregnancy no-no : (

Symptoms: Of the laundry list of symptoms I keep reading about at this stage, really the only one I have is constipation (lovely, I know!), and pelvic pain when I'm on my feet for too long.  Seriously, I love being pregnant...but probably b/c of lack of symptoms!

Movement:  Lots of it!  She's most active at night right before bed and after lunchtime.  Definitely able to see arms or legs moving across the belly now!

Gender:  Based on the amount of pink that has filled her dresser, it's a GIRL!!!

Best Moment This Week: Showering Isabella with love from my work gals.  I am so grateful and lucky to truly have great friends that are also co-workers!  Not only did we spend a great night at an amazing restaurant I've been wanting to go to, they also got me my crib, crib sheets, mattress pad, blanket, and snuggle blanket!  THANK YOU ladies!!

And tied for best moment also goes to having my mom refinish our rocker and glider which turned out amazing!  Our little master bedroom combo pseudo-nursery is coming along!

Worst Moment This Week: No complaints this week.

What I'm Looking Forward to: Celebrating Jon's birthday on Friday. He's going to be the best dad (EVER!), and can't wait to see him with Isabella, but I am looking forward to one last birthday just the two of us, before we become parents. Happy (early) birthday lovee!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

28 Weeks!

Ten more weeks til Isabella makes her big c-section debut! Time is seriously flying by!  I am loving setting up her little nursery in our room (since I'm going to have family staying in our second bedroom for awhile after she is born), and getting all her precious little clothes hung up or organized in drawers!  This whole baby thing is SO.MUCH.FUN!!!
How Big is Baby: The size of an eggplant!
Weight gain: +0.5 this week, so +16.5 total

Workouts: 1 body weight workout with Jon (yes, another ten minute video!), and 5x 15 minute walks

Maternity Clothes: Still using regular shirts and dresses, but absolutely need maternity pants (unless they are my tried and true leggings or sweats!).

Belly Button: Even closer to an outie...but still and innie!

Sleep: Sleeping great still! Although several times this week I'd stay awake for about an hour after going to the bathroom...that's annoying at 2am! Still falling asleep around 8:30 every night though...and loving it!

Cravings: Still none.

Aversions: Nothing new...meat, chicken, poultry, anything with lots of flavor (except Indian never falls in this category b/c I love it in all it's full spicy flavor glory!).

What I Missed: Wine!!

Symptoms: Overall I'm feeling great still and absolutely love being prgnant!!  Nausea still coming and going this week, mostly early in the morning before work, or in the evenings if I haven't eaten much that day. My low back is also getting sore/crampy when I'm on my feet too much, and I certainly have a fair share of foot cramps (which is fun to shake out when I'm presenting in rounds during the morning!), but this is all par for the course, and really I'm not complaining about it at all! I keep reading about all these horrible aches and pains and trials and tribulations to experience at this point, and I'm just not.

Movement: Lots of it and lovin' it! She's been doing a lot of what feels like rolling around in there, as opposed to just kicking and punching, so it will be fun to see how she's positioned next time we go in.

Gender: It's a GIRL!!!

Best Moment This Week: Having my parents in town and having 4 days off in a row from work, just relaxing, doing a little shopping, and relaxing some more. Oh yeah!

Worst Moment This Week: Work was SO boring this weekend...and I think I'm just getting tired of working almost every weekend. But if that's the "worst" moment...I have nothing to complain about!

What I'm Looking Forward To:  My work shower this Friday night!  Can't wait to celebrate Isabella with the best work ladies out there!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

27 Week Update!

So it's almost halfway through week 27, and I don't have a bump picture this week, but I figured I still wanted to remember the events of this week, so here ya go. 

How Big is Baby: The size of a rutabaga!  Am I the only one that is saying "What the heck is a rutabaga!?!?"
Weight Gain: +1 this week, so +16 total
Workouts: Jon and I did 3 x10 minute total body workouts together which was fun (yes, I'm still going by the "every little bit counts motto!), plus 3 x20 minute walks
Maternity Clothes: Maternity pants are a must, regular sweaters and shirts, and still loving my sweats and leggings on days off!
Belly Button: Every week we are getting closer and closer to an outie, but it's still an innie for now.
Sleep: Sleeping well in my cloud (which I'm obsessed with!), waking up just once to go to the bathroom.  I'm getting about 7-8 hours of sleep on nights that I work, and getting more like 10-11 hours on days off.  Yes, I'm sleeping more now than I can ever remember, and loving every minute of it!
Cravings: I officially had two cravings!  One was for a plain, only slightly sweetened white cake.  So I whipped one up Saturday night and it was good! I also had been thinking for about a week and a half about a Costco hotdog with a lot of mustard, ketchup and tons of relish...we finally got one the other day when we went shopping and after 2 bites I was done with it thinking, yeah that would be really good with just the bun and ketchup, mustard and relish (yuck hotdog!).  I'm still loving rice noodles with parmesean, cereal, and eggs on Ezekiel bread.
Aversions: Meat, chicken, turkey, anything not vegetarian still.  And besides the one day of wanting the cake, I'm still not wanting anything sweet, especially chocolate.
What I Missed: Sushi and red wine
Symptoms: Still getting nauseous this week! Grr.  Mostly it's in the mornings, or in the middle of the night when I wake up to pee. Otherwise lower belly pressure and stretching after being on my feet for awhile. 
Movement: She may be little, but this lady knows how to move!  She's most active at night as I'm laying in bed, and after I eat.  Absolutely LOVE this!
Gender: It's a GIRL!
Best Moment This Week:  I got my first delivery of baby stuff from the most amazing co-workers ever!  First came a box of super soft blankets, crib sheets, a mattress pad, and a soft toy. And then to top it all off the next day on our doorstep was our crib!!  Seriously, I'm so grateful to be working in a place that I love, with people that I love working with even more!
Worst Moment This Week: I had so many urges to go running, do jumping jacks, or just do something really physical...and then I remembered the whole placenta previa thing which put a damper on all that.  Oh well. My body is just not used to being this in-active.

What I'm Looking forward to: My parents are coming in for a visit next weekend!