Thursday, July 18, 2019

Isaiah 13 Months!

There has definitely been a shift in the last month from "baby" more towards "toddler." It's fun to watch this little guy move around and explore, and while it's sad to see the baby parts fading, I'm just excited for what's ahead!!

Happy 13 Months Isaiah Jae!

13 Month Highlights:
-We've tried to enjoy the nice, albeit hot weather with park days and picnics. You were not too fond of the butterfly trying to take a drink from your cup : )

-Your sisters LOVE to make you laugh, and you seriously have the sweetest, most contagious laugh ever! They will play peek-a-boo on repeat, say silly things, or just growl back when you growl at them, and you are in stitches! 

-We went to a splash pad for a birthday party and you didn't love it. You were far happier sitting in your stroller watching everyone run around. In all fairness though, it was your naptime, so maybe that was part of it.

-You love to play in the playroom, and are really starting to explore more now that you are on the move! You love the Doc Mobile, and anything you can take things out of and put back in, or put together!

-Your big sister is starting to enjoy you more, probably b/c you interact with her more : ) Sweet big sister!

-Getting you up from naps or in the morning is one of the BEST parts of the day! You are so smiley and happy. And there is never a shortage of hands reaching into the crib after nap times! Those sisters love to see that big smile as well! 

-We had cousin blueberry picking day and it was so much better this year vs last, partly b/c you were a month old last year, and Mama wore you in the boba wrap (hello sweaty craziness!!), and partly because there were a lot more berries to pick easily. This year, you sat in the stroller and ate your weight in blueberries and veggie straws while listening to music. Mama picked 2 3/4 lbs, and Tia got 3 lbs in about an hour of picking. 

-We celebrated 4th of July this year with a cook out at the Leflers, and fireworks in the cul-de-sac. You slept right through all the fireworks, despite them being right outside your window! Rock star!

--You love putting on Daddy's hat. Aubrey likes to turn it into a game of peek a boo with you! What a handsome little guy : )

Sleeping: We've been trying to push bedtime closer to 7pm when sisters go to bed. Some nights we make it, other's you are just done at 6:15 or 6:30. Regardless of when you go to bed, you wake up anytime in the 6 am hour most mornings, with the occasional 5 or 5:30am, and the even more rare (like once or twice a month) 7am. 

You go down for your first nap around 9:45 or 10 am, and sleep for an hour and a half to 2.5 hours. You then go back down about 2.5 or 3 hours after you woke up, and sleep none at all (ugh, why the nap regression!?) to another 1.5 hours. Many, many days this month you just boycotted the second nap altogether. 

Eating: We weaned off all breastfeeding sessions this month except the first early morning feed of the day. Mama still enjoys this time with you, and it's just so much easier than going and heating up some milk or oatmeal that early in the morning! We had nearly gotten out of using bottles all together, but you refused to drink Mama's milk (freezer stash) in a sippy cup, and since Mama worked so hard for that, we gave you back the bottle to drink it up. Some days you drink a total of 2 oz, other days up to 8. So while you don't take a ton of volume, at least you are drinking up the good milkies!! And thankfully, in the last few days you did start to drink a bit of milk from the sippy cup with meals, so we'll take it. 

In regards to eating, wow, you can throw down! Favorite foods include: runny eggies, GF toast, strawberries, blueberries, oatmeal, PB &J sandwiches, peaches, cheerios, num nums, and anything that is on big sister's plates!!

Isaiah Loves:
-Taking baths

-Eating, a lot!
-Throwing, rolling, playing with balls
-Shape sorter toy
-Anything musical
-Dancing (he really gets down way more than the girls ever did!!)
-Swinging at the park
-Cell phones, remote controls, electronics!
-"Flying" in the air

Isaiah Hates:

-Things on his feet
-Not getting to eat what someone else has

13 Month Stats:
Height: 29 in (10th percentile)

Weight: 17 lbs 3 oz (just under the growth curve)

*6 teeth, 4 on top, 2 on bottom

*Wearing size 3 diapers

*Wearing size 6 mo clothes mostly, but transitioning to 9 mo sleepers b/c he's getting a bit long

Isaiah's Firsts this Month:
-Crawling!!! Finally, like a champ! We have a baby on the move now!