Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Isaiah Jae 18 Months

Wow, can I just say how much we love this little man! He can teeth like a beast. Like, full on, demon possessed. But when he's not in pain, he is just SO stinking cute. So stinking fun. So stinking amazing!!!

Happy 18 Months Isaiah Jae!

18 Month Highlights:

-You've been coming on training runs with Mama once or twice a week which is fun. You love being outside! You occasionally nap, but most times just sit quietly and enjoy the ride. Depending on where we run, we sometimes end up at a park and you love to swing! 

-You officially learned to walk this month and are loving doing it! The shopping cart and push toy really helped you get confidence that you could do it. So you pushed those...a lot!

-You LOVE your Daddy!

-You absolutely love to read, and so does Aubs. The only thing you fight over is who gets to sit in Mama's lap!

-Relaxing saturday morning watching some tv in mama and daddy's room

-Santa visit at church

-You came to MCA with Mama 3 days a week for about 3 weeks to practice for big sister's Christmas pagent. You were a rock star! You loved listening to all the music and just dancing along. 

-18 month and 4 year old check ups! You two were climbing ALL over the room waiting for the MD to come in. of your most favorite things! We gave you an older sound machine so you could push all the buttons til your heart was content...which was quite awhile!

-You love taking baths now, especially when one of your sisters gets in to play with you. With 2 older sister you play quite a bit with barbies and dolls : )

-Invading Mama's yoga time : )

-Celebrating Aubrey's 4th birthday

-Christmas Parade time! We had perfect weather! Such a fun night. 

-Thanksgiving with the family! Fun night, good food. And of course, matching cousin PJs!!

Sleeping: You are doing great in the sleep department. Bedtime is between 7 and 7:30 pm, and you sleep for about 12 hours. We usually leave you to play in your crib most mornings until 7:45 or 8 am. You nap once a day, usually around 1 or 1:30 and it can last anywhere from 1.5 to 3 hours. 

Eating: You seem to be eating about 14 times a day this month! You are obsessed with crunchy snacky things (cauliflower sticks, veggie straws, hippeas, sugar snap pea crisps, etc). You've been eating oatmeal AND an egg most mornings at breakfast. You like ham and cheese, apple sauce, yogurt, and ALL the fruit (fav this month is bananas). 

Isaiah Loves:
-Balls, or throwing anything!
-Cars, trucks, anything with wheels
-Music and dancing
-Reading:  you want to read "Car, car, truck, jeep 500 times every day!
-Bath time

Isaiah Hates:
 -Getting his diaper changed (such an inconvenience to take a pause in whatever you're doing!)

18 Month Stats:

Height: 30 in (2nd percentile)

Weight: 19 lbs (2nd percentile)

HC: 18 in (11th percentile)

*No new teeth this month, still 8 total (4 top, 4 bottom)

*Wearning 9 and 12 month clothes, size 3 diapers, and still in robeez shoes

Isaiah's Firsts this Month:
 -Walking like a champ!!
-You really are following commands well lately

Monday, November 18, 2019

Isaiah Jae 17 Months

Happy 17 Months Isaiah Jae!

17 Month Highlights:

-You got your first haircut and while you hated most of it, you looked so handsome, and so much older afterwards! Also the animal crackers and toy you got when you were done helped cheer you right up : )

-We went to Kroger to pick out some pumpkins and of course take adorable fall pictures with them!

-Uh oh, Baby Zae behind the wheel!

-You are still OBSESSED with your jumpee, and ask to go in it almost daily. You've fallen asleep a few times in it, while jumping, which is hilarious!

-You went on a training run with Mama (who was training for a half marathon), and fell asleep for the entire run! We then spent a little bit of time at the park, but since it was wet from raining the night before, ended up going to the library and having some fun. 

-We carved a pumpkin for Halloween

-You have really mastered throwing yourself on the floor and throwing a fit when you can't do something by yourself that you're trying to do! 

-You are ALL boy and love to climb onto and into everything!

-Cracking up with Mimi and playing with the hard hat

-Silly Selfies : )

-You love to play with the tool set, but mostly you love putting the goggles on and off on repeat!

-And this is how you felt about your Halloween costume! Actual Halloween day was so cold, so Mama took the girls to an indoor Halloween festival while you napped. Good thing bc you didn't last more than 2 minutes in this costume!

-Soaking in the "winter" GA sunshine! We love our swing set, and you LOVE swinging!

 -You've also started to color this month, which means putting a few scribbles on the paper, and then proceeding to throw every single crayon all over the playroom. 

-Handsome boys! You LOVE your Daddy. Like, sometimes cry when Mama tries to take you from him! 

-Happy boy eating Mexican food and playing with Mimi!

 -We actually managed to get a cousin crew pic in our matching Halloween jams!

Sleeping: Bedtime is still around 7 pm and you sleep about 12 hours usually. We try and leave you to play in your crib until 7:30 or 8 most mornings (usually closer to 7:30). 

You are down to one nap most days, with the exception of when Mama goes for a run pushing you in the stroller, and its usually a guarantee you'll sleep about 30 minutes during the run. Otherwise you nap from 1 or 1:30 til 3:30 or 4. 

Eating: Still not loving veggies (unless it's in the form of a veggie straw which SO doesn't count!), and you could eat 10 times your weight in Pirates Booty. We didn't buy it this month so you haven't eating it quite as readily as last month...good grief! Otherwise favorites include: yogurt, cheese, most fruits but particular bananas lately, mum mums, turkey or ham, and noodles with butter and parm. 
Isaiah Loves:
-Push toys
-Bath time
-Listening to music and dancing
-Cars, trucks, anything with wheels he can push around
-Remote controls
-Musical toys

Isaiah Hates:
-Not being able to do something he's trying to do...he growls, throws himself back and then has a tantrum!

17 Month Stats:
Height: 29.5 in (back under the CDC growth curve)

Weight: 18 lb 12 oz (under the growth curve again)

*You got 2 new teeth in this month on the bottom!

*Wearing 9 an 12 month clothes, and size 3 diapers still 

Friday, October 18, 2019

Isaiah Jae 16 Months

Happy 16 Months Isaiah Jae!

16 Month Highlights:
-We went to the beach for 11 days which was awesome. You did a great job overall sleeping, and most days just took one nap because you enjoyed being on the beach.  Mama tried to get you to nap on her one day at the beach, but you weren't having it. You wanted to be in your bed, or a part of the action. 

 -We had dinner one night at a fun family restaurant, right on the water

-We had lunch another day at a place right on the bay, and you loved watching all of the birds, fish, and kayakers that passed by!

-Enjoying lunch poolside one day

-You loved the kiddie splash pad!!!

-We spent a good amount of time outside this month because despite being October, it still felt like summer! You LOVE to swing!

-Halloween jammie time!!

-We went to Hillcrest Apple Orchard and had a blast. You ate your weight in apples : )

-You are cruising and climbing onto everything this month, but still no independent walking

-Trunk or Treat at MCA was a blast. We even won 2nd place for our Bakery themed trunk!!

-You love to roll on the ground and be silly to get us to laugh. Works every time! 

Sleeping: Bedtime is still 7pm (ish). You sleep until about 7 am the next morning, and on most days we let you play in your crib until 7:45 or 8 am. 

You started dropping your second nap more consistently this month, so over the last week we've made a more conscientious effort to condense naptime into one longer one. Some days you go down around 11:30 (when you're just wiped), but we try to hold you off until 1245 or so. You sleep 2.5 to 3 hours most days...holla! 

Eating: No big changes. Favorites this month include: yogurt squeezies, PB sandwiches, oatmeal, cheerios, pirates booty (thank you vacation for introducing him to what we affectionately call Baby Crack), strawberries, raspberries, hamburger, cheese, and mum mums. 

Isaiah Loves:
-Musical toys
-Stacker toys
-Remote controls
-Putting on Daddy's hats
-Playing with cars
-Throwing balls
-Listening to music and dancing

Isaiah Hates:
-Sign language (not sure why he refuses bc he knows "more" and "all done" really well...he just refuses to do them most times! urgh!)

16 Month Stats:
Height: 30 in (about 5th percentile)

Weight: 17 lb 6 oz (still well below the growth curve)

*Teeth - no new teeth, still 4 on top and 2 on bottom

*Wearing 9 month jammies and clothes, although you have some 6 month summer outfits you're still rocking, and some 12 month things that fit fine.

*Still size 3 diapers.   

Isaiah's Firsts this Month:
-Walking with walking toy well, or holding 1 finger