Thursday, August 30, 2018

Aubrey 33 Months!

Oh my Aubrey Love!! This girl is a true joy and we say it every single day! Add to that the fact that her teacher is in love with her and says so every single day at pick up. Oh this sweet lady, stop growing so fast!

Happy 33 Months Aubrey Lynn!

33 Month Highlights:

-We love our Saturday morning family time and usually all pile on the bed to snuggle, eat some blueberry muffins or fig bars, and watch some tv until it's time to actually get out of bed!

-You and your sister love to play together and you have adjusted to being one of three now. I love watching you and Isabella read together, make believe together, and just grow in your friendship!

-You have cray cray hair. And we love it!

-We love taking silly selfies...

-You started preschool this month and were SO excited! All last year you would cry when we dropped off Bella because you wanted to go, so this was now your time! You picked out a "jaffy" (giraffe) lunch box which is your favorite animal and were ready to go. Since you started you have been happy and ready for school every morning with the exception of one (in which you cried the entire way to school, walking into class, and for about 3 minutes after I left...I think you were overtired that day!), and your teacher doesn't stop raving at what a true joy and light you are! 

-We love going to brunch, and you especially love it because you LOVE eating!!  

-You and Isabella enjoy coming out to the garden with Mama every once and awhile, but you were particularly excited to go harvest the corn! Unfortunately Mama didn't do quite enough research prior to planting and they were mini corns, but hey, it was fun none the less! You also love the chickens, and say "Snowflake is my favorite" often. 

 *the sunflowers you helped Mimi plant*

-You guys are just besties and it's so cute to see your friendship grow! Yes, Isabella can be bossy. And yes, you can yell at her with the best of them. But wow, I'm amazed at how well you both play together and have so much fun being with each other. 

-We didn't have as many pool days as we would have liked this month, but Daddy tried taking you on Friday evenings after he was done with work. You got more and more adventurous in the water, and watching the two of you at the same time became more difficult because you both wanted to be without floaties! 

-An attempt to get a full family picture : ) 

-We got a swingset at the end of the month, and it was something we had talked about for a couple months and then got delayed because the yard needed leveling (blah, blah, blah), so you were SO excited the day finally came for it to be installed!

Sleeping: Sleep is not your forte, or maybe I should say you just don't need or want as much sleep as other people in our family : ) You definitely don't love naps, but when you do nap, you nap hard. It's just getting you to stop playing and singing, and actually nap that's the hard part! Naptime is usually 2-4. If you aren't napping, you still need to have quiet time in your room during that time, and you do great with it. Bedtime is around 7:30 or 7:45, although when Daddy puts you to bed he leaves closer to 8. You usually sing and play until 9 or 9:30 most nights, and then wake up around 7 or 7:30 am. 

Eating: You love to eat! Favorites include: eggs, turkey bacon and toast, avacado, mixed cereals, breakfast muffins, fig bars, strawberries and blueberries, watermelon, greek yogurt, rotisserie chicken, cheese, squeezies, coldee nanies, and ham sandwiches. 

Aubrey Loves:
-Playing on her "new playground" (AKA our swingset)

-Listening to music and singing songs
-Coloring, painting
-Playing in the tunnels
-Dress up
-Reading ALL the books!
-PJ Masks
-Playing "Incredibles" with Isabella
-Playing with the Doc Mobile

Aubrey Hates:
-Being told no
-Not being able to do something independently
-Isabella bossing her around

33 Month Stats:
Height: 35.5 in (25th percentile)

Weight: 26.2 lb (about 15th percentile)

*Wearing 2T clothes and panties. Wearing size 3 diapers at night (although most nights this month you've woken up dry, and most likely don't need them!). Wearing size 5 or 5.5 shoe. 

*All 4 of her 2 year molars have broken through, but none are fully there yet

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Isaiah Jae 2 Months!

Mama brain is a real thing! I so vividly remember how HARD and EXHAUSTING the last 2 months have been, and yet after one (just one!) good nights sleep (read: 7 hour stretch!), I have found myself thinking, oh it's not that bad, not that hard, not that tiring. And that, my friends, is what allows people to have more than one child. The brain that so quickly forgets, which I hear is the same from women who have natural births. And then there is one bad night, and it's all back to, OMG, this is INSANE and HARD!?!? When does it EVER get easier!?!? : )

Anyways, we are just beginning to enter into the phase in which this little guy is becoming an actual person (rather than just a newborn lump), who interacts and occasionally (ok, rarely, but still!), smiles, and I am so excited about that. I can't wait to see his personality flourish and see who he becomes!!

Happy 2 Months Isaiah Jae!

Weekly Highlights:


-You still sleep a lot and Mama can't stop taking pictures of it!

-You also started becoming more awake during the day, but it seemed to go in waves. One day you'd be awake several hours (not in a row), and other days it seemed like you just slept all day long!

5 Weeks: 

-More sleeping and lots of cuddles

Snoozing away in the stroller (b/c you HATE your car seat!) while we were at a park

-We started doing tummy time more frequently and you do a great job, but usually only last several minutes before you get fussy

-You definitely have a serious personality so far. No smiles yet, although big sisters and Mama certainly try hard to get them out of you!

-You have a fussy period in the evenings, usually right around the time I'm cooking dinner or feeding the girls, which means you get put in the Boba wrap a lot. You LOVE it there, and calm so quickly and easily. 
Not a great photo on a night Mama was exhausted and trying to do 3 things at once, all while wearing you!

6 Weeks: 

-Isabella loves you SO much, and is always wanting to give you kisses, hugs, snuggles, and hold you. You also always have glitter or sparkles on your head thanks to her snuggles : )

-Some days you like your swing and are content for awhile, other days not so much

-Chillin' in the boppy

-Trying to get you to smile, but no dice. Maybe you didn't like all my comments on the growing belly : )

-Daddy hanging out with the 3 of you

-You are just starting to enjoy the play mat, for a couple minutes at a time

-Anter Stine coming over on Sunday afternoons for her snuggles : ) 

7 Weeks: 

-You are one serious baby!

-But you have your first social smile to Tia right before you turned 8 weeks! 

8 Weeks:
-You LOVE to sleep on your tummy...too bad we can't do it when you are in your crib at night, I'm sure you'd sleep ALL night long! 

 -You also love sleeping on Daddy's chest!

-Mama working hard for those smiles. They don't come easy or often. And Mama certainly can't capture the full smile on camera!

-Playing the many facies of Isaiah and enjoying some matchy matchy selfie action!

-Look what a difference 7 weeks makes!

-The many faces of Isaiah Jae

Sleeping: He is becoming a little bit more predictable with daytime sleep and naps, but nights are still all over the place. He usually gets up for the day around 6:30 or 7 and Daddy takes him downstairs so Mama can get a stretch of sleep til the girls get up at 8am. He usually catnaps during this time, although some days Daddy puts him in his crib and he will nap well for 45 min to an hour. He then goes down for morning nap around 9 or 9:30 and sleeps for an hour to an hour and a half. His next big nap is usually when sisters sleep, so around 2ish and lasts about the same amount of time. The rest of the day is just cat naps between feeds and some awake time. 

Bedtime is after the 6/6:30 pm (sometimes 7pm depending on the day!) feed. Week 5 and 6 he woke up every 3 hours on average, and would usually go down within 10 minutes of eating, although a few times a week would need extra cuddles for up to an hour. I think a lot of this was because he was so gassy and had reflux. At 7 weeks, he would go about 4 -4.5 hours after the 9:30 pm feed, and then 3 hours after that one. Week 8 was essentially the same, but on the night he got his immunizations, he slept from 10:30pm til 5:45 am! HALLELUJAH!!! Unfortunately it was only a one night thing, and he went back to waking up around 2ish every morning. 

Eating: Breastfeeding is still going well, and usually takes 10-20 minutes from start to finish, although a couple feeds during the day he gulps for about 6 minutes and has his fill. He usually takes just one side still but occasionally (like twice a week) will switch to the other side for a couple minutes. Right around 8 weeks he started spitting up more, although still not a ton, but that just means we keep you upright and burp a bit longer after each feed. He definitely has developed more reflux over the last several weeks, including coughing and crying after feeds now. 

In better news, we were able to completely wean off the nipple shield in week 8...YAY! 

Number of Feeds by the week: 
5 weeks 10-11 
6 weeks mostly 10, but occasionally 9 
7 weeks mostly 8 but occasionally 9 
8 weeks he stuck with 8 feeds (very occasionally 9)

Isaiah Loves:
-Having his head rubbed
-Being in the Boba wrap
-Daddy's football hold
-Elephant paci (you use it to calm you, and then spit it out when you are ready to sleep)
-Being snuggled and held

Isaiah Hates:
-Diaper changes
-Getting dressed
-Being in your carseat unless you/the car is moving

2 Month Stats:

Height: 21.5 in (6th percentile)

5 weeks - 8 lbs
6 weeks - 8 lb 12 oz
7 weeks - 9 lb 9 oz
8 weeks -  9 lb 14.5 oz
2 Months (5 days later) - 10 lb (about 7th percentile)

*Still wearing newborn clothes, although onesie shirts are starting to fit a bit snug (PJs and onesie outfits are still a perfect fit). 
*At 6 weeks we ran out of newborn diapers and switched to size 1 which fit a bit big but the newborns were getting a bit small, so it worked out better. 

Isaiah's Firsts this Month:
 -Cooing started at 4 weeks but became much more regular at 5
-Social smile 8/12/18 (day before 8 weeks) it was a few brief smiles, but it was sweet!

Weekly Pictures: