Saturday, July 18, 2020

Isaiah Jae 25 Months

Happy 25 Months Isaiah Jae!

25 Month Highlights:
-New month, new haircut thanks to Daddy! So handsome!

-One of your fav activites...chasing big sister's around the house with push toys 

-Waiting outside in the parking lot before we got called into your 2 year check up 

-We went to the Chattahoochie Nature Center to see the butterflies. You weren't all that enthralled with them : ) 

-Hot summer days with bike riding and then popscicles in the shade!

-4th of July Fun!

-This is what we get when we say "Say Cheese"

-Blueberry picking fun family day

-Another favorite activity...playing piggy back rides but needing assistance : )

-You LOVE jumping from the ottoman to Daddy's lap on the couch

 -Mimi daycare and cousin fun!

Sleeping: No big changes. Bedtime is still around 7:30, so we go up around 7 for your bedtime routine (change into PJs, medicine, brush teeth, read a book or 2, sing a couple songs and then nighty night). To be honest I don't know what time you wake up, b/c you just play and "read" so well in your crib until we get you which can be anywhere between 8 and 9 am. Nap is around 1:30 and you sleep for about 1.5 to 2.5 hours most days. 

Eating: You LOVE to snack...and eat all the processed foods. You love fruit sticks, annie's fruit snacks, annies cheetoes, Z-Bars, salami, cheese, and cereal. You are a great eater of all fruits, but pretty much NO vegetables! Some days you like chicken and beef, and other days you won't touch it. But you certainly will eat your weight in ketchup that we give you to dip said chicken or beef in : )

Isaiah Loves:

-Being outside
-Going down the slide
-Riding his bike
-Being pushed in the push car
-His lovies (Elephante and Bluey) and some other stuffed animals ("Tigee", penguin, Blue bear, doggie)
-Listening to music (Wheels on the Bus, Twinkle Twinkle, and Baby Shark still on repeat, but he's also gotten into big sister's My Little Ponies movie soundtracks)
-Reading books (Whose Baby Am I?, Polar Bear, Polar Bear What Do You Hear?, Llama Llama, Car Car Truck Jeep, are some favs)
-Chasing sister's around the house with push toys
-Playing hide-n-seek with sisters
-Firetrucks, cars, trucks...anything with wheels
-Train set
-Water table and just playing in the water or well spigot

Isaiah Hates:
-Being told no
-Not being allowed to jump on couches
-Not doing something sisters are doing
-Sitting still while he eats

25 Month Stats:

Height: 33 cm (about 12th percentile)

Weight: 23.5 lb (about 10th percentile)

No new teeth this month

*Wearing size 4 diapers, size 18 mo -2T clothes, and size 5 shoes

Isaiah's Firsts this Month:
-Saying more words and sounds - down, "waddle waddle" for penguin, Mama, "wawa" for water, yum, ow, whoa, YAY!, yeah, Baba (for Bella), and "Au" for (aubrey), and yes mam (that sounds more like ya maa". Daddy is still waiting to hear you say "Dada!"

Monday, July 13, 2020

Isabella is 6!

How on earth is our oldest 6 already!?! Time really does fly! We enjoy her more and more each year, and it has been a true joy watching her grow and change into the little woman she will become. Maybe not that little, b/c she certainly is growing so much taller!

We weren't going to let Covid-19 put a damper on birthday celebrations for our big girl. Although we couldn't invite all the friends she would have liked, she still had an "AMAZING" birthday party (her words!). We are thankful to be in quarantine with the Leflers and our family, because there is no shortage of girlies to play with : )

We got a big water slide bouncy house and just had a day of outdoor water fun! 

Isabella got a bunch of desk organization and arts and crafts things for her desk, as well as a lot of books (her request!), a Twilight Equestria Girls doll, and a paint by sticker book. She loved it all!

-Birthday morning streamer and balloon tradition!

-Getting a lot of fun desk supplies and art things for your new (to you, because it was Mama's in high school and beyond!) desk in your room! 

-Fun birthday party!

Isabella's 6 year old 20 questions: 

1.) Favorite Color: Purple, Pink and blue 

2.) Favorite Song: Equestria Girls "Dance Magic" 

3.) Favorite Toy: My Little Ponies

4.) Favorite TV Show: My Little Ponies

5.) Favorite animal: Piggy

6.) Favorite Book: Stardust A Magical Friend

7.) Best Friend: Landon and Aubrey

8.) Favorite Fruit: Cherries

9.) Favorite thing to do outside: Play with Addie and Cate on the playground 

10.) Favorite Restaurant: Culvers

11.) Favorite drink: Fruit punch

12.) Favorite holiday: My Birthday and Christmas

13.) What do you sleep with at night? Olaf night light pillow, Bear Bear (purple bear)

14.) Favorite breakfast food: Chia pudding 

15.) Favorite snack: RX bars and Boom Chicka Pop 

16.) What do you want for birthday dinner? Macaroni and Cheese, Annie's cheetoes, fruit mix up 

17.) Favorite quiet time activity: Coloring and singing

18.) Favorite movie: Equestria Girls

19.) Favorite memory from this last year: Going to the beach

20.) What do you want to be when you grow up?  A nurse (and Mama says YAAAAYYYY!!!)