Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Aubrey 4 Months!

Ahhh yes, here were are, already with 1/3 of Aubrey's first year flying by! She is getting more and more smiley and happy by the day and we couldn't love it any more!  Despite some major nap regression, we have had a great month with this little lady and we look forward to the ones to come!

Happy 4 Months Aubrey Lynn!

She was ALL business the entire photo shoot...oh well, next month, right!?
*On another note, Bella didn't wear this 3-6 mo outfit til she was 10 months!*

4 Month Highlights:

 -When you were almost 15 weeks old, we started to unswaddle you during naps. You didn't seem to mind at all, and if anything, sometimes it helped having your hand to suck on when you woke up since you can't grab your paci yet.
Both arms spread wide to the side to express the new-found freedom!
-Since it was so beautiful most of the month, we met Tia and Dani Leigh at the Greenway every Tuesday afternoon for a jog.  You sometimes slept and sometimes just enjoyed the fresh air. You love being outside! I will say, pushing the double jogging stroller is NO joke though!
I mean seriously, cutest little view I have on our runs!!

-You started rolling this month! I wasn't doing the best at giving you tummy time, so you decided just to roll right over from your back to your belly on your own!  At 14 weeks, you rolled from back to belly, and then back again.  It isn't something you are doing every day, but you have gone both ways multiple times this month!  By 16 months you were rolling right off your stomach onto your back as soon as I put you there...guess you don't love tummy time!
Mid-roll over : )

-You really started to giggle and laugh this month and it is completely precious! You also have turned into a really smiley baby! As serious as you were the first 3 months, it's like something snapped this month and you are just one happy baby.  We don't have to do much and you get this huge, full faced gummy grin! You particularly think Daddy is the best and will pretty much smile at him whenever he wants. Melt my heart! 

-Speaking of Daddy and hearts melting, you have the pouty face down pat...and man oh man is Daddy a sucker for it!

-We celebrated St Patrick's Day this year by wearing matching sister outfits and playing outside. Basically, just another normal day, but in cute matching outfits : ) 
Bella just wanted to hold A's hand for the picture. Smiling not included!

Yeah about 15 of these later where neither girl is looking...this will have to do!

-Just before you turned 16 weeks, we kicked you out of our closet, and put you in your very own room!  We initially had you sleeping in the pack-n-play since you were used to that (and b/c we didn't have a mattress for you yet) and you did great with the transition. We got the crib out of Bella's room and into your by the time you were 17 weeks and you did great with that one too. 

-Easter seemed to last a good 2 weeks this year, and we had fun.  The weekend before Easter we went to an Easter party in Mimi's neighborhood.  You pretty much slept in the Boba the entire time (all 45 minutes of it), but your sister had a blast.  And on Easter Sunday, we got you all dressed up (SO cute!), went to church, and then came home and had a nice Easter lunch with Mimi, Pops, Tia, and Uncle G.

Well sadly that's as good as it gets with a family of 4 picture!

 -Personality wise you certainly developed this past month! While you weren't a cuddler or snuggler as a newborn, that still holds true. Daddy tries to hold you on his chest like he used to with Bella and you just shoot your head and chest right up and have none of it! You don't want to lay down...ever! You always want to be upright and a part of the action! Luckily, you don't fight us rocking you right before sleep as much as you used to. I like to get one (or two, or three) songs in before you fall asleep : )
Sleeping: Let's start with the good: You are a great sleeper at night!  You seem to rotate weeks where you want a middle of the night feed, and then the next you don't. We put you down for bed around 6:30 or 7pm, and then wake you up around 9:30pm for a feed. So one week you will sleep from 10pm until 6:30 am, and then the next week you wake up around 4 am to eat, and then not again until 8am.  Either way, we can't complain!

Naps are all over the place and there is zero consistency! At 14 weeks, you were still taking two longer naps, about 1.5-2 hours each, usually right after first morning feed, and then around noonish. But once 15 weeks hit, your naps went downhill. You sleep for 30 minutes at a time, 45 when we are really lucky. Your awake time between these naps is usually only about an hour (2 at the most), probably b/c you didn't get a great nap and are tired! You can be pretty fussy between naps and not easily entertained, especially as the day goes on. Putting you down to naps is taking longer and longer, and you just fight it with all your might, screaming, arching your back and kicking your legs while we try to rock you! You are one feisty little lady! From what I've been reading this is relatively normal for your age, and can go hand in hand with the 4 month sleep regression.  Just doesn't make for getting things done around the house, or doing errands very easy.

Breastfeeding: Champion! I think I have said it from day 1, and I will continue to do so...this girl knows how to eat!  Eating 6 times a day most days, although sometimes you like to sqeeze in a 7th feed.  Usually eats on one side for the first 2 or 3 feeds, and then the last feeds you take both sides.  When you eat on one side you are typically done in 5-7 minutes, and with both sides you are done in under 15. Typical day eating schedule: 6:30 am, 9am, noon, 3:30, 6:30pm, 9:30 pm. On days where you take 7 feeds you squeeze in the extra between noon and 6:30 pm.

Aubrey Loves:
-Having her head rubbed
-Sleeping in the dark with sound machine on
-Piano playmat!

Aubrey Hates:

 -Having clothes put on that go over her head
-Getting buckled into your carseat
-While you don't HATE it, you certainly don't want to be in your swing or bouncy for more than 2 minutes!

4 Month Stats:
Height: 25 in (just about 75th percentile)
Weight:16 weeks- 13 lbs
17 weeks (day before 4 months)- 13 lbs 3 oz (just below 25th percentile)
*We went up to size 2 diapers at the beginning of the month and while they were on the bigger side at then, they fit pretty great now. You grow so quickly! That being said, despite trying 3 brands now, you still leak poop at least 4 times a week. You are one crazy pooper! Lots of laundry doing these days!
*Wearing mostly 3 month clothes, although still some 0-3 and some 3-6 month things as well.

Aubrey's Firsts this Month:
-Rolled back to front and then front to back in front of Daddy, Mimi & Tia! Mama missed it : ( 3/12/16 
-St Patricks Day 3/17/16
-First Easter 3/27/16

This Month in Pictures:

Cooing away at 14.5 weeks

Still getting milk drunk! 15 weeks

You love your lambie!
 15 weeks
Oh how I love those squishy little cheeks and pouty lips!

Yup, this is the face that will get Daddy every time!
Someone's not happy to be so bundled up for our run (16 weeks)

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Isabella 21 Months!

Smart, funny, silly, obedient, sensitive, cute, easy going, adaptable, music-lover, affectionate. If I had to pick ten words to describe Isabella, those would be them! And I'm sure Jon would come up with 9 different ones.  Bella is just one amazing kid, and we are so grateful to be her parents!

Happy 21 Months Isabella Rae!

21 Month Highlights:

-Valentines Day was low key, and we spent a lot of it in our jammies. We had a fun brunch with heart shaped pancakes and cheesy eggs.  While you loved the food, I think you liked being in your big girl chair at the table with the same plates and chargers that Daddy and I had!

-We found a great indoor play place called KidsUp. There were all kinds of inflatables, slides, and toys to play with, climb on, and jump in. You absolutely loved it! We were there for over 2 hours and while you were exhausted and hungry (b/c it was dinner and then bedtime) you did not want to leave!
We seriously went down this slide at least 20 times in a much fun!

I'm pretty sure I had as much fun on this huge inflatable slide as Bella did!
Our best attempt at getting the girls picture in front of one of the bunny slides in their matching outfits

-We took a walk one evening and you were completely afraid of your shadow!  You kept stomping on it and trying to run away from it.  Then came the crying...really hard! The rest of the evening you kept looking around for it saying "No shaaadowww"! Over the course of the next two weeks or so we talked a lot about shadows and sang song about "Me and My Shadow" and you grew to think it was ok.  But it was definitely a word we heard about a bajillion times this month!

-Every morning one of the first things you do while I am changing your diaper is ask for a bow!  You absolutely love picking out something from the large bow basket that you have accumulated!  And if there isn't a bow on your head, you are always wanting a "haa" there instead.  Doesn't matter if it's Aubrey's hat you are stretching out, a Santa hat, or non hat objects like bowls and love them all!

-We started holding hands, closing our eyes and praying with you before dinner this month, and you absolutely love it!  We did it one night, and the next afternoon during lunch you kept holding out your hands and saying "Meen"!! It took us about two minutes to figure out you were saying "Amen" and wanted to pray!  There are plenty of meals that you want to pray about 7 times, and simply because it is adorable to see you giggle and squeal and say "Meen" at the end, we always oblige!

-You have always loved music and singing, but as the months have gone on, your love has grown more and more.  You love sitting and watching music videos in the morning, singing songs throughout the day, and rocking at night.  At least 2-3 times each day you sign "sing" and then rock your hips which means you want to "rock-a-bye" in the recliner and sing with Mama. I absolutely love it...although some days it can be tiring to sing for 20-30 minutes at a time!  But just having you curled up on my lap, or laying on my shoulder is absolutely precious, and I know you won't be this little forever!  Songs you love lately: Itsy Bitsy Spider, God Made the Animals (and you officially sing every animal sound now!), We Clap Clap Clap Our Hands, Shake It Off (yes, the Taylor Swift song!), Skidamarinkadinkadink, God's Great Dance Floor, I Love You a Bushel and a Peck.

-We found a tiny little French Bakery that has amazing brunch food we enjoyed one Saturday, and a cute little Farm/Park super close by.  It made for a fun family day.  You loved running around and seeing the farm sights (plus it wore you out and you took a great nap that afternoon!), while Aubrey slept in her carseat pretty much the entire time!

-We started going on Tuesday afternoon runs at the Greenway with Tia and Dani Leigh and you love the ride. Afterwards we let you out of the stroller to run around or "walk" Max.

-There was a ton of gorgeous weather days this month and we took advantage of them by going out for walks as a family, going to different parks, and finding new places to hike! We definitely love being an active family, and you soak up anytime to go "side" (AKA outside)
-The night before you turned 21 months we let you nap in your toddler bed.  You did so great that we decided rather than just doing naps in there for several days (like we initially planned), we would just see how you did overnight!  Aaaand, to no surprise you did fantastic! You stayed in bed all night long, not getting out once. You even woke up at 6:15 am but didn't get out of bed til we came and got you at 7:45 am! 

Sleeping: No changes in sleeping this last month. Bedtime is still 6:30 pm and you get out of bed around 8 or 8:30 am (although you wake up around 7 am most mornings)! Yup, still loving your sleep!  You nap once a day around noon, and it usually lasts 2 hours, occasionally 3.

Eating: Some days you are adventurous and will try anything I put in front of you (although you may just take one bite and be done with it). Other days you are so picky and I can't figure out what it is you will actually eat.  You still love: string cheese, GF nuggets, corn, PB sandwiches, greek yogurt, black or cannelini beans, sweet potatoes, eggs squeezies, bananas, and blueberries. You don't love most meats. This month you actually ate and enjoyed tomatoes and avacado/guacamole (after about 1000 times of trying it and spitting it out in the past).

Isabella Loves:
-Rocking and singing
-Listening to music...all the time!
-Her baby doll could stay in there forever!
-Playing outside, riding in her pushcar, taking walks
-Playing at the par, especially the "schide" (AKA slide)

Isabella Hates:
-Her shadow!
-Not being able to do something independently that she tries

-Getting her height taken (I don't know why she doesn't like the tape measure!)
-Loud noises like the vaccum or our blender (although she's getting used to that b/c we use it daily!)

21 Month Stats:
Weight: 24 lb 14 oz (down a little bit in this last month, 25th percentile)
Height: 33.5 in (almost 75th percentile)

Teeth: 4 molars (one on each side of top and bottom), 8 front and center teeth, and 1 canine just popped through

Wearing 18 month and 24 month clothes. 18 month jammies with footies are just starting to get too short, so we need to move on up soon!

Isabella's Firsts this Month:
*I wish I could keep up with the amount of new words that you use, but your vocabulary has just sky rocketed over the last month and a half!  You are constantly saying things that I think "How do you even know that word!" 
Words we hear a lot of these days:
-Mama, Mommy, Dada, Daddy, Mimi, Popsch, Nani (for Dani)
-All da (done) and All go (gone)
-Poo poo (thank you Daddy)
-Boobies (whenever I am breastfeeding Aubrey, giving a bottle, bagging pumped milk, etc it's all "boobies!")
-Schide (slide) & "Side" (outside)
-Booberrs (blueberries), Nanas (bananas) Be (beans), Co (corn)
-Shoes or shoosies and "Saa" (socks)
-Haa (hat)
-Bow (every single morning!) 

-You have mastered big puzzles and shape sorter
-You got the hang of holding a crayon and coloring/drawing lines and squiggles
This Month in Pictures:
You have some crazy hair just doesn't know what to do with itself sometimes!

LOVES to be nakee...and run around laughing hysterically before bedtime!

Playing in a fountain at a park in Lawrenceville with Mimi and Pops
We found a cute antique shop and you were having a ball sitting on all the kid sized chairs and couhces...too bad you don't show your excitement when the camera comes out!!

And then there was the day I got out of the shower and heard you "ohhing" and giving kisses to yourself in the mirror...all because you put on 3 lovely scarves (AKA: Mama's underwear!) Ha!
Silly girl playing the drums on your booty

Teething were so miserable that morning until the baby crack (AKA: tylenol) kicked in!
Terrible picture quality but you made fishy lips ALL day wearing this shirt!
Hike at Sawnee Mountain Preserve
Gorgeous Sunday evening calls for play time at Suwanee Town Center!