Monday, January 30, 2017

Aubrey 14 Months!

Well, my little 1 year old is going on 10. It's official. I can't stop this girl from tripling her age every single month. So here goes nothing. Here's to another month!

Happy 14 Months Aubrey Lynn!

Oh that goofy laugh she does to make us all laugh!

14 Month Highlights:
-You talk ALL the time! We don't understand 99% of what you are saying, but you are a non-stop babble machine! You look at us right in the eyes, and just babble away with your head cocked to the side as if you are telling us super important. Cracks us up every time!

-Despite not understanding most of what you say, this month your vocabulary has increased! You say "Mama" a lot more frequently (yay!!), and have started saying Tia, dog, "ahhh dooo" (all done) yes, and no a whole lot more

-It was time for another dual well visit to the MD. Not one of your favorite things.  Partly because we end up waiting so long, naked, in an exam room, and all you want to do is get down and explore. But mama just thinks that's gross. So it's all hands on deck to think of ton of songs an as many books as we can to keep you entertained!
-You love to eat good food. As in, you will eat your body weight in things you love. Great beans!

-We had our first ever Friday Family Movie Night and it was so much fun!  I want to make it a monthly tradition, but we'll see if we can stick to it! We watched Inside Out which was a huge hit for everyone. Isabella was glued to the movie from start to finish. You watched a good portion of it, but mostly ran around the room and played with toys on the floor towards the end.  All in all, a winning friday family night!

-Perhaps your all time favorite thing to do this month is go outside. You will go to the front door, bang on it, and if we don't come over to take you out, you will slump down in a puddle on the floor and throw a baby tantrum! It's hard not to laugh b/c it's so cute how devastated you are. But we certainly don't want to encourage that!  Either way, you LOVE being outside, taking rides in the car, running on the driveway, swinging in the back, or just sitting on the porch watching things.  Even when it's cold, you don't care!

Sleeping: There are good days and there are somewhat sleepless days.  Bedtime is 7pm (sometimes a bit earlier if you didn't take an afternoon nap), and you usually sleep about 11 hours, with 1-2 wake ups to eat.  Luckily, many nights you are able to sleep from 7pm til 5 am, eat for about 10-15 minutes, and then go back to sleep for an hour or 2.  You nap for an hour to 1.5 hours in the morning, usually around 9:30 or 10, and then again in the afternoon for an hour or so.  But the afternoon nap is really questionable, and some days you won't nap at all, or if you do, it's a measly 20 minutes.

That being said, this month started out with you teething hard core which woke you up multiple times and you wanted us to rock you for comfort. Fast forward 2 weeks of that and you then just woke up and didn't want to put yourself back to sleep.  Hence about 2 weeks of us rocking for 1-2 hours off and on at 3 am. Not fun. So then we decided to do the oh so fun "sleep training" (AKA cry it out). Also so not fun listening to you cry for 45 minutes at 3 am. But after 3 nights, you rememebered how to put yourself back to sleep. Thankful mama over here. Just hoping it sticks. Until next time those molars start popping through. Oh boy!

Eating/Breastfeeding: You know what you like and you make it well known when there is something you don't (usually by screeching really loud and throwing it on the floor!). I can't get you to eat vegetables to save my life; you won't touch most purees of any kind (even applesauce!) and real veggies get spit out quicker that I can blink.  Favorite foods this month: greek yogurt, strawberries, blackberries, and raspberries, green smoothie (hallelujah you'll get some greens in this way), squeezies, cheese, black beans, ham, and roasted chicken (most days, other days it's the worst thing you've ever tasted...go figure!).

Aubrey Loves:
-Music, singing and dancing

-Bella's tea set (that she only gets to play with when Bella is napping!)
-Any musical toy 

-Running around and playing outside
-Climbing onto anything and everything!
-Playing "Slow horsey, fast horsey" on mama's leg
-Wrestling with Daddy
Aubrey Hates:
-Having something taken away or being told no...hello collapsing on the floor and throwing a fit!
-Napping in the afternoon
-Sleeping all night : ( 

14 Month Stats:
Height: 29.5 in (approx 40th percentile)

Weight: 18.5 lbs (juuuuust below the 5th percentile)

Teeth: You got 1 molar this month, though I was convinced it was all 4 primary molars popping through at the same time *yeah, that was rough!!*

*Wearing mostly 9 month and 12 month things. It's funny how 6 month pants fit you so well around the waist but they are so short on you, while 12 month pants are a good length but just fall right off!

Aubrey's Firsts this Month:
-Climbing on and off the couch, the futon, the playroom chair, Bella's bed, pretty much anything you can sit on!

Monday, January 16, 2017

Isabella 31 Months!

This month has been one of transition with Mama going back to work. I must say, it's not been the easiest thing for you, and that has come out in tantrums and fighting Mama on things that you normally wouldn't, and in ways that you normally wouldn't. It has led to some very frustrating moments, but at the end of the day you still are so sweet, loving, and affectionate which somehow makes us so quickly forget (or at least forgive : )!

Happy 31 Months Isabella Rae!

31 Month Highlights:

-We celebrated Christmas this month (which I will have a full post on) and it was so much fun with you! You truly got into singing Christmas songs (no surprise there!), but I was amazed at how many you learned word for word in such a short period of time. By far, your favorite was Jingle Bells and I'm pretty sure most days we sang it a good 12-15 times!

-We got you an Olaf pillow pet for Christmas and while I thought you would like it, you LOVED it! You opened it, gave it a huge hug and said "Olaf is my friend! I love Olaf!"  The great thing about it is that it has a projector so on nights you aren't ready to sleep you put it on, change the colors, and it keeps you occupied til you get tired enough to sleep.

-We went to the zoo for a family day and you had a blast. You were obsessed with the Panda Bears and scared of the snakes.  You also loved the lions, and they were quite vocal while we were there which you were equal parts terrified of and loved, because you and Aubrey growled right along! 

-We had your 30 month check up and you are acutely aware of the doctor and shots.  On our way, you said "Mama, Baba goes to the doctor and is not afraid?" Your high pitched questioning tone made me realize you really are aware of what is going on around you, and thankfully you weren't getting any shots this time so I kept trying to calm you down. You did a great job with your exam, although you made Aubrey go first : )  Just trying to make sure it was all good! 
Poor Daddy- while Mama is working the night shifts, Daddy gets the night shift and morning shift with the girls! Makes for one tired Dada! He is a trooper!

-You are obsessed with hats, particularly the Kitty hat (thank you Lefler ladies), and pretty much wear it all the time. You have worn it to bed, at naps, while playing inside, pretty much anywhere and everywhere! You also insist that I wear the matching kitty hat just as frequently.  Lovely look.

Sleeping: Bedtime is 7:30 and you usually sleep til about 7 or 7:30 am, but I must say you are resisting bedtime and naps like you haven't before.  Most nights you sing or play in bed for about an hour before falling asleep. Some nights it's closer to 2 hours!  You also started having nightmares which wake you up once or twice a night (at least that's what we think they are b/c you wake up from a deep sleep screaming!) Either way, we just have to go into your room, put you back in bed and cover you up and you are fine. Sometimes it doesn't even seem like you are awake which makes me think it's a night terror, but if it is they are usually very short lived which is good!  Your nap in the afternoon is at 1, and lately you have been sleeping 2.5 to 3 hours, and many days I've had to wake you up so you will go to bed at night! 

Eating: It is official, you are a foodie!  You love eating and seriously make an experience of it. It takes you a good 45 minutes to an hour for pretty much every lunch and dinner!  This month you ate a lot of what we ate for dinner which was nice, including vegetable and bean soup, salmon and rice, and more veggies than you have in the past! Proud mama! Otherwise your favorite foods are: smoothies, squeezies, PB sandwich, greek yogurt with berries, any and all fruit, cereal with milk, and gouda cheese (yes, you are very picky about not having "plain" string cheese or even cheddar these days!).

Isabella Loves:
-Music, singing and dancing! She is now putting on concerts on the fireplace which is fun to watch : )
-Running outside
-Push car or tricicle
-Eating good food!
-Reading (favorites right now are Dora, Llama Llama books, Frozen)
-Reusable sticker book (which is seriously amazing b/c you will play quietly by yourself for an entire hour with this thing!)
-Bubble baths (which is a new thing for you since your eczema has been at bay lately), and you love taking them in "Mama's big bath!"

Isabella Hates:
-Not being able to do something for herself ("Mama, I am so frustrated!")
31 Month Stats:
 Height:36.5 in (approx 55th percentile)

Weight: 29 lb 12 oz (essentially unchanged from last 2 months, approx 55th percentile)

No new teeth, just waiting on those secondary molars

*Wearing mostly 2T clothes still