Sunday, July 30, 2017

Aubrey 20 Months!

Good grief, time is just flying by right before my eyes and I can't even keep up. I was a week late taking this months picture, and then as I went to upload it to the blog, I realized I took a second 19 month picture! Gah!  So apparently you can't be the same age 2 months in a row. It wasn't worth the hassle of taking yet another picture (she already took her cute outfit off b/c it was too big...but it was too cute not to take a pic in b/c it used to be mine!), so thank you photo editor!

Happy 20 Months Aubrey Lynn!

20 Month Highlights:

-You love drinking milk first thing in the morning (which also conveniently buys us time before we have to rush downstairs to feed you breakfast!), and you call it "Moo Moos" which cracks us up b/c I'm sure you aren't putting together that it's cow's milk! Sweet none the less!

-We love that we can live in a new town and yet still enjoy some of the things from our old home. The local library is only 5 minutes away and we went to a Teddy Bear picnic which was fun (although insanely hot and in the sun!). We are looking forward to going to Toddler Time on Tuesdays (yay for it being on my day off!) once school starts!

Sweet little baby bear!

-We went to Tia's pool a few times and you love it. You are much more adventurous than someone else was at your age (ahem, Bella!), and have no fear just jumping on in! Thank goodness for swim suits with built in life jackets! You also love eating the entire time we are there : )
-We went to a sunflower farm which sounded like a great idea on paper, but in real life was pretty terrible. It felt like it was 1000 degrees outside, with the sun blazing, and the humidity was so thick we were swimming amongst the flowers. Mix in about 20,000 bees of which you all were scared of and it was loads of fun. Oh and with Bella's leg still broken and you both wanting to be held it was super fun : )

-You are trying to potty train yourself, and Mama is very resistant! You are still so LITTLE!  Never the less, more days than not, you poo poo on the potty rather than in your diaper. I know that if I did a 3 day potty training boot camp with you, you'd probably do amazing, but I'm just not ready for that right now!

-You all love playing in the boxes and they seriously entertain you much longer than any toy in our play room. I'm pretty sure I'm gong to keep a stack in the garage to whip out on rainy days!

-Daddy bought a tool set for you and Isabella and you both LOVE them! Probably one of your favorite things is putting on the protective goggles which just cracks us up!

Sleeping: Bedtime is still around 7:30 Most nights you fall asleep quickly and sleep until about 7am, and we leave you in the crib as long as we can which usually means sometime between 7:30 and 8am.  There are some nights where you stay up in your crib just talking and giggling to yourself for an hour (and sometimes even 9pm!) but that usually only happens once every 10 days or so.
You nap once a day at 1pm, and nap anywhere from 1 hr 15 min to 2.5 hrs. And very occasionally, you will sleep almost 3 hours. But that's not a norm!
Eating: Nothing has changed in this area over the last month, so thank you to copy and paste : ) Some days you are a great eater, and other days you eat very little. You are however consistently picky! And consistently messy!  You refuse to let us feed you because you want to do everything your big sister does, especially using spoons and forks. 

I can't get you to eat a green vegetable, or any vegetable (potatoes, sweet potatoes, and corn included!) to save my life! So that's a bummer for mama.
Some of your favorite foods include: macaroni and cheese, squeezies (although you are VERY picky about brand and flavor!), cheerios, cheese, strawberries, bananas, ham (at least on most days), eggs, and plain greek yogur.

Aubrey Loves:
-Playing outside
-Ruff Ruff, Tweet and Dave and 
-Playing musical toys 
-Listening to Pandora Kids silly songs in the car
-Singing and music (Baa Baa Black Sheep is still your JAM this month, but you also love Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes, and )
-Taking showers
-Playing hide and seek or being chased
-Swinging at the park
-Playing tea party and blowing on the hot tea : )
-Playing in Mama's closet, taking out every single shoe and pulling necklaces off the rack!
Aubrey Hates:
-Leaving the park
-Not being able to do something Bella is doing

20 Month Stats:

Height: 31.5 in (25th percentile)

Weight: 22.5 lbs (approx 15th percentile)

Teeth: No new teeth this month, still have 16
*Wearing mostly 18 month things, although we still use a good amount of 12 month summer stuff (bathing suits, shorts, etc).
*Wearing size 4 shoe
*Wearing size 3 diapers