Sunday, December 30, 2018

Christmas 2018

This Christmas season was fun, exciting, exhausting, and jam packed with festivities! Each year gets better and better as the girls get older and older. 

We had several Santa visits (one at the library, one at church, and one at the store), but the girls didn't seem to know what to say each time : )  

OH this makes me laugh so hard every time!!!

-Mama's work had a fun dinner party in Atlanta, which made for a great date night out!

-We love staying in our Christmas Jammies all day kinda days off!!!

Isabella and Aubrey had their MCA Christmas pagent. Isabella got to be an Angel and do a dance with 3 other little angels and she was estatic about it! Aubrey's 2 year old class were all stars, and sang (appropriately) Twinkle, Twinkle twice, and then sat down for the remainder of the program. 

Our small group had a Christmas party for the adults, and it was a much need, super fun, stomach-hurts-from-laughing-SO-much kinda night! We played a couple of fun games, ate some great appetizers, and just had a blast being around each other. 

 Mama had her annual Christmas brunch which was a ton of fun, and had a TON of great food!

 -About 3 days before Christmas, we let Isabella and Aubrey open up a gift or two, so that Christmas day wouldn't be super overwhelming. They looked forward to unwrapping things each day, and we had a lot of fun family movie or game nights to enjoy what was being unwrapped!

-Christmas Eve we had a nice family dinner, and in keeping with tradition, Pops read Twas the Night Before Christmas right before bed

-Christmas day was fun, a bit chaotic with 5 kids now, but also just a good time with family. We had our Lerma 5 christmas (with Mimi and Pops) in the morning, and let you girls unwrap the remainder of your gifts, plus stockings. Then around 11, Tia, Uncle G, DL and EL came over. We had brunch (sausage balls, eggs, croissants, and of course pomegranite mimosas!), and then opened more presents!  During nap time, the adults had an amazing meal of prime rib, Mimi's mashed potatoes, hot rolls, and green beans. Squeezed in there were 7 baby feedings (3 for Zae, and 4 for EL), an attempt to play a game (didn't happen), lots of running around, tons of Christmas wrapping paper, and a lot of fun! Whew, it was a long, fun, exhausting day!


Gotta get in my newborn snuggles!!

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Isaiah Jae 6 Months!

Out little guy is 6 months! SIX!!! How on earth does time just fly by so quickly!? He gets better and better every month, and for every time I think "Oh, I wish he could stay this little for SO much longer" I have about 12 thoughts regarding how much better he gets as he gets older and older. Here's to half a year of life Nuggie, we love you more than you will ever know!

Happy 6 Months Isaiah Jae!

6 Month Highlights:

-You LOVE your Daddy! You are so content when he holds you, you give him the biggest smiles and giggles, and you still love his football hold, even though you're getting pretty big for it!

-You are getting so much better at being in your car seat, and even manage to smile and coo occasionally while in the car!

-You are starting to play a little bit more this month. You certainly still LOVE your play mat, but have started to enjoy the catepillar toy, the light up piano, and any random thing you can put in your mouth.

-Mama really needed a break one day from holding you to pee and grab something to eat, so you watched Praise Baby for 2 songs and then were over it. It was nice while it lasted : )

-You are a champ when it comes to being out of your routine or off your "schedule" (which I say very loosely b/c I don't feel like we have much of a schedule with you yet). Either way, Sunday mornings you go early with Mama to singing practice, and despite completely missing your morning nap, you are content letting some of the older ladies hold you. Mama takes you to the Nursing room during the sermon, and you eat, and then fall asleep for the remainder of church. It means you usually only get a 20-30 min nap but you still do so great!

-Mama loves spending time with you while the big girls are at school!

-Mama spared no opportunity to take some christmas pics of the 3 of you! Not an easy feat!

-Isabella is obsessed with you and loves to make you laugh! You love when she sings, makes silly faces or makes you dance!

-Aubrey has also taken *some* interest in you, and will interact a little bit when you are in the play room. It will be fun to see your relationship with her as you get older and are able to do more. 

-Isabella loves to play doctor, and one day when you had a cold, she thought you were the best patient ever : )

-Your favorite toy ever is the bouncy! You are OBSESSED with it and become so happy when we put you in! You are still too short to touch the floor without a blanket underneath, but you sit in there, bounce, and play for quite awhile!

-You have adapted so well to getting breastfed from Mama 5 days in the week, and taking bottles from Mimi the 2 days Mama works. You've been taking 20-22 oz in 4 feeds from bottles, and then breastfeed once Mama gets home.

-Happy, smiley baby!

-A couple days before you turned 6 months we tried food for the first time. Avacado, just like sister's first food. You hated it. So there's that : ) 

-We got to see Santa at church. This picture absolutely cracks me up. All of it!

Sleeping: Bedtime was moved up quite a bit this month because you don't like to nap after your afternoon nap, and come 5pm you are exhausted! We first started putting you down around 5 or 5:30 thinking it would be a quick cat nap, but nope, you just slept right through til we wake you on your dream feed. You sleep in the morning til sometime around 7:15 or on lucky days, 8 am! There are a few days where you will take a long morning nap, and then not really nap after that, so come 4:30 you are done. Yup, 4:30 bedtime on occasion. 

Naps are still all over the place. On average you probably nap 2 to 3 hours a day, but there is no rhyme or reason as to when and how long each nap will be. Your first nap is usually about 1.5 hours after you woke up, and then subsequent naps are 1-2 hours after you wake up. 

Eating: You still eat 5 times a day, usually taking 6-10 minutes to eat, and with the exception of the first morning feed, you take both sides. You certainly don't have set times to eat, because you nap schedule is all over the place. You first feed of the day is usually sometime between 7:15 and 8 am, and you last feed before bedtime can be around 4:30 or 5:30. I still wake you up every night around 9 or 9:30 for a dream feed. 

Isaiah Loves:
Being held and snuggled
-Being rocked and sung to (he even sings along!)
-Elephant paci
-Having his head rubbed
-Piano playmat
-Catepillar toy

Isaiah Hates:
 -He doesn't love tummy time! He rolls right back over
-Being tired...he starts to "growl cry" which makes us laugh so hard!

6 Month Stats:

Height: 26.5 in (44th percentile)

Weight: 14 lb even (2nd percentile)

*Wearing 3-6 month clothes still and size 1 diapers

No Teeth yet

Weekly Pictures: