Monday, June 30, 2014

Isabella Rae's Birth Day!!!!

Isabella's birthday was Friday the 13th, with a full moon that night...something that won't happen again until 2049.  A special day, for an incredibly special baby. 
There was so much anticipation leading up to the birth of Isabella.  It was a bit bizarre going into the hospital for a planned C-Section with our first child.  I know so many friends who had c-sections, but none of them were pre-planned for the first kid. 
A part of me felt like I was missing out a little bit on going into labor, feeling any contractions, or the spontaneous-ness of having the baby, but when all was said and done, things went perfectly and I can't complain.
Rather than describe in detail the events of the day, Isabella Rae's birthday will be presented in pictures.  Mostly because the day is largely a complete blur to me!  I wish I could say that I remember every single detail, but really once I got the spinal block things got very fuzzy very quickly.  And that didn't wear off until about the next day when extreme exhaustion of being up for almost 48 hours set in.  So the combination of the two leaves a lot of "fill in the blank" moments for me.  Which is why I treasure the pictures so much. 
We arrived at Rush Copley Hospital at 6:00 am.  I remember being about 75% nervous and 25% excited at this point.  Or maybe it was 75% excited and 25% nervous excitement.  Either way, it was a lot of excitement and a lot of nerves! 
Once we were registered, we were taken to the pre-op room and 2 IVs were placed. Generally they just place one, but because of my complete previa and anticipated increased blood loss, they had 2. Good thing, because we would need both those bad boys in the OR!
 One last belly picture before the big moment!  The nurse we had was right up my alley and LOVED taking pictures. So she took about 45 before we went to the OR, and pretty much every picture from there on out until we were transferred to the Post Partum unit. Loved her!
I was wheeled into the OR at 7:49 for my spinal block while Jon stayed behind to get dressed in his bunny suit and fancy hat and boots : )  He came in and saw me like this.  At this point I was trying to "escape to the beach" in my head, trying my hardest not to pass out or throw up all over myself.
About 30 seconds after the spinal was placed, I was laid down and then felt absolutely awful!  I started sweating bullets, my heart felt like it was racing and pounding out of my chest, I was super dizzy and felt fuzzy, and thought I was going to throw up (which was one of the things I SO badly didn't want to do in the OR!). 
I just remember hearing my monitors beeping, the doctor saying "push more fluid" and the anesthesioligist asking for the "pressor" to be drawn up.  Apparently my blood pressure bottomed out, they gave me several boluses and then some medication for my blood pressure to come up when the fluid was working quick enough (which the APN in me wishes I was coherent enough to ask what it was!).  After that, things were better.  The nausea went away, I stopped sweating, and my heart felt normal again...thank goodness!  It probably lasted less than 2 minutes, but it felt like an eternity of awfulness!
The c-section then started, and another round of the above happened.  The doctor later told me that she had to cut through the placenta to get to the baby out, and I lost over 1 L of blood during that causing my blood pressure to bottom out again, and the same scenario to replay. 
They had blood for me in the OR, but decided to hold off on giving it, and just replaced fluid instead.  My hemoglobin going into the OR was 11.8, and the next morning was 8.1, so the doctor said the estimated blood loss may have been lower than what was truly lost. 
Either way, with everything that could have gone wrong in the OR, it didn't.  My placenta was easily detached from the uterus, and no hysterectomy was needed, which was my biggest fear. 
And one thing I clearly do remember was hearing my doctor say "Wow, Dana, you really have no abdominal fat!" as she was starting the section.  I still wasn't feeling great at that moment, but remember thinking 1.) yeah right, but 2.) can we get that on recording! : )

 And just minutes later out came our precious little girl. Isabella Rae Lerma was born at 8:10 am.  She cried right away, and it was the sweetest sound. It wasn't a boisterous, loud big baby cry, but something more like a petite, really mad sheep crying!  Oh so cute!
The first time I laid eyes on my baby girl. This is one of those moments that I wished I had etched deeply in my mind, but other than thinking "Oh my gosh, she's really mine!?  She really just came out of me!?" this moment is mostly blurry. 

Jon got to cut the cord, which I was so proud of him doing.  He was in charge of taking pictures of the OR, but when the doctor said he could stand up and take pictures, his eyes got barely over the blue drape, he saw "blood everywhere" and then promtly sat down, saying "No thanks, we're good."  Thanks again to the RN who then took the camera back and continued to take tons of pictures.
 Daddy's first picture with Bella just a minute after she was born. 
Her APGARs were 9 and 9!! 
She was 5 lb 4 oz, head circumference 11.8 in, and 19 inches long. which puts her at 5th percentile for weight and head circ, and about 25th percentile for length.
First family picture!  I absolutely loved that they did quick APGARs, height and weight and we were able to do skin to skin within minutes in the OR.  They literally didn't take her away from my chest until we had to roll back to the recover room.  They even attempted breastfeeding there which wasn't super successful but I was grateful for the opportunity.

Back in the recover room, they placed her on the warmer to check her temperature, and because it was normal, they gave her right to me to try breastfeeding again.  My temp was a bit low which is why there are mountains of heated blankets on me.
I loved how much emphasis they put on skin to skin, breastfeeding, and just mother and baby being together.  I have to say, Isabella was a feeding champion.  Despite being small, that girl can eat!  She latched on almost right away and did great.  I had to use a nipple shield, but as long as it helped her eat well I didn't care.
After about 2 hours (maybe more?) of skin to skin, she was given her first bath.  She pretty much hated every minute of it. But honestly, the fact that she was healthy, in my room and not a NICU, and screaming was just music to my ears!

And once the bath was over, she melted right into dreamy newborn sleep : )
AND finally, Daddy was able to hold her for the very first time!  Wow, I didn't share very well, huh!?  What a natural he was though, right from the get-go. 
I have absolutely no recollection of this picture what-so-ever.  We have about 50 pictures after this in the recovery room that I have very little memory of as well.  The spinal, and the morphine they added to the spinal at the end of the case made me so loopy and tired.  I just remember I kept saying over and over "I feel like I can't even keep my eyes open!" for about the next 10 hours.
And after about 5 hours in recovery (we could have gone after 3 but there were no beds in post-partum for a bit), we were taken to the Mother/Baby unit.  Isabella looked so tiny in her little bassinet, and was so wide eyed, ready to take on the world : )
That's where the adventure really began.  As much anticipation as the c-section and day of birth were, the joys and absolute exhaustion of parent-hood started here.  And we couldn't be happier!
So Happy Birthday sweet baby girl!  We love you more than you will ever know Isabella Rae!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Dear Isabella

Dear Isabella-

Tomorrow will be your birthday. In so many ways, it is cool to know just when you will enter this world.  It leaves so much room for expected anticipation!

Your daddy and I cannot wait to meet you. We cannot wait to look into those little baby eyes.  We cannot wait to see all your tiny features and decide who you look more like.

We cannot wait to hold and cuddle and snuggle you.  We know that you will be little based on your ultrasounds lately, but we can't wait to see just how tiny you will be.

I have truly enjoyed every moment of you growing in my belly.  Have treasured every single kick, punch, roll, and hiccup that you created.  Have enjoyed singing with your daddy to you, mostly "You are My Sunshine," "Good Morning Bella Boo," and "Don't Shut the Door Tight."  And I have loved laughing every time your dad puts his hands on my belly and says "Isabella, this is your Father" in such a serious voice despite the fact he does not want to be known as father, but daddy. 

And while being pregnant with you was amazing, an answered prayer, a dream come true, I know that being your mama will be that and so much more.

Isabella Rae, I already love you with all of my heart. I can't wait to meet you tomorrow, and hold you in my arms.  We are praying you are healthy and that we can bring you home with us from the hospital.  We look forward to the journey that being your Mama and Daddy will bring!

Sorry babe, your eyes were closed in pretty much every picture we took!

Mimi can't wait to meet Isabella too!
Being pregnant with your sister is SO much fun! 

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

37 Week Bumpdate!

Well, we are here at last.  We made it to the 37 week mark.  We made it to the week of the c-section.  And all without one bleeding episode related to the complete placenta previa which is completely against the odds.
I have to say I feel both successful and very blessed to be able to say that! 
In just 3 short days, we will officially be parents.  Isabella will be in my arms, not in my belly.  And she will completely rock our world, that I am sure of.
While I know we have many sleepless nights, probably lots of crying (perhaps from both her and me!), and hormones galore post-birth, I can't wait.
You take all of the above because of the many cuddles, snuggles, sweet baby smell, and precious little baby parts that comes along with it.  I mean really, how cute are a newborn's tiny little booty, fingers and toes!?!?
Jon can't wait to kiss her all over her face.  I can't wait to see him hold her and kiss her all over her little face.  I absolutely love how affectionate he is!
But before I jump way ahead to having her in our arms, I will do one last Bumpdate.  Crazy how fast time flies when you're having pregnancy fun!  It almost makes me a little sad that this will be the last one...but when I picture being able to hold her in my arms, and look into those sweet baby eyes, that (mostly) goes away! 

I truly have enjoyed every moment of being pregnant (yes, I will even include the reflux and the constipation as they are reminders of being pregnant!).  I am so grateful to have been able to experience pregnancy as there are so many women who battle with infertility or have other life circumstances that do not allow them such the experience and opportunity.

OK, enough with the rambling, here's to the last Bumpdate for our Little Lerma!

Baby is the Size of: a winter melon (umm, looks like a cucumber to me!)

I feel very sorry for the woman who has a 9.2 lb baby at the 37 week mark...good luck lady over the next 3 weeks! gah!
Weight Gain: 24 pounds total...although I will say this week it has felt more like a jiggly 54 lbs. But who's counting! 

Workouts: Not allowed to be working out or do much more than sitting on the couch with my feet up. Taking short, leisure walks around the block are the closest thing I get to a workout...and they certainly don't qualify.

Maternity Clothes: I had enough regular maxi skirts and dresses, and comfy shorts and flowy tanks that continued to fit, so it made not spending $$$ on maternity clothes super easy! Love that.

Belly Button: I'd say it's officially an outie (and made its debut in the picture above!), unless I'm leaning back or laying flat on my back (which, yes, I'm aware you shouldn't do too much of) during which only the upper half stays out, and the inner half goes back in.

Sleep: Still had pregnancy insomnia about 4 times this week, but I'm able to fall back asleep within 45 minutes to an hour vs the 2 or 3 or last week. So much better!

Cravings: Fruit, particularly watermelon, ezekiel bread with cream cheese, and FINALLY something sweet- ice cream!! Just a few bites (ok, sometimes 10!) most nights this week has certainly satisfied the craving. And seeing as I barely had sweets or sugar the entire pregnancy, I don't feel bad at all!

Aversions: Grilled chicken.

What I Missed: Ice cold beer.

Symptoms: I'm peeing what feels like every 5 minutes, for a grand total of 5 drops of pee...lovely! Still have reflux (although the fact that we have had leftover pizza 3 nights in a row certainly doesn't help the cause!). Moving around has week been much harder, mostly because I have felt a ton of pressure and heaviness in my lower belly. And the crazy dreams continue...and have even been passed on to Jon- he's had several bizarre baby dreams this week as well.
Movement: Isabella has moved more this week than ever which has not only been reassuring with everything going on, but so much fun to watch and feel!
Gender: It's a GIRL!!!

Best Moment This Week: NOT having the c-section moved up over a week like we were initially told, and ultimately that Bella was still doing ok and needing more time time cook. While we can't wait to meet her, the more time she can stay in there and do well the better!

Worst Moment This Week: Hearing the diagnosis "IUGR"...and hoping that the measurements were just way off, as we know they can be on ultrasound!

What I'm Looking Forward To: Seeing our little Bella's precious little face on Friday!! We can't wait to meet you baby girl!

It's going to be so weird looking down and not having my bump in just a few days...I seriously love it!  I will try my best to embrace the flab that will replace it : (