Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Aubrey 26 Months!

This girl is a total joy. She is also totally feisty and can throw tantrums with the best of them. But she makes us laugh and smile on a daily basis. She is talking up a storm, and speaking in paragraphs, most of which we can now understand! We are loving watching this little lady grow up!

Happy 26 Months Aubrey Lynn!

 "Smile pretty!"

"Silly smile!"

26 Month Highlights:
-We love lazy Saturday mornings that we can spend as a family. Once your clock wakes up (at 8 am), we come grab you and you run out, jump on our bed, and promptly say "I hungies!" We usually eat a fig bar, which tides you over for about 20 minutes, and then you want real breakfast. We love just hanging out in bed, watching some tv, and eating breakfast that way. You usually get a bit antsy after breakfast and want to run around the room, play with toys, or ask to be tickled. You are a ball full of energy!

-You love being on the go, and running errands. No matter what stores we go to, you always ask for "car ride", and luckily more and more stores have those now! You and Bella both love racing the cars, and seeing who can drive faster. Mama plays along when there aren't many people around, zooming down some of the isles and you both just giggle and squeal with excitement!

-You absolutely love bath time, and playing with stackable cups or bath paints. But probably more than the bath itself, you love getting out and running around like a crazy naked lady!

 -You and your sister are playing more and more with each other for longer periods of time! You guys still have your moments where Bella is bossy and you just scream in her face. But you both love doing dress up together, having tea parties, playing with your doll house, or just making up games in the playroom. 

-We've gotten more into a bedtime groove lately and you are doing well with it being consistent. There was a period of time (last month?) where every time we left the room for naps or bedtime, you'd cry for several minutes, but now for the most part, you have stopped that. We get on jams, you drink your "moo moo," we read a book, brush teeth and go potty, and then sing two songs (you ALWAYS pick You are My Sunshine), and pray. You still pray "Dear Guy" every single night and it melts my heart. You then proceed to say thank you for a lot of things pertinent to that day, half of which we actually understand. You then give huggies to Bella and mama or daddy (whoever isn't tucking you in that night), and get a few minutes of special one on one time. You get to rock for one song (and you ALWAYS pick Frosty The Snowman during which the Thumpity Thump Thump part you prace around your room), and then we climb into bed for one, sometimes two last songs. You like to sleep with your lady bug pillow light on (blue stars), put baby on your tummy, and have snoopy dog and pink bear in bed with you. 

Sleeping: Bedtime is still around 7:30 or 8 (whenever we can get up there and get the bedtime routine done). You usually fall asleep pretty quickly, and on the rare night, you lay in bed and sing to your baby for 20 or 30 minutes. You sleep until about 7 or so, and then play in your room (not so quietly but we'll take it) until 7:45 or 8 when your clock wakes up. 

You are a not so great, definitely not consistent napper. Nap time is usually 1:30 or 2, and you will sleep 45 minutes some days, and 2 hours on rarer days. Most days you sleep somewhere between 1 hr and 1.5 hrs. And about once a week, you just won't nap at all. 

Eating: You must be going through a growth spurt this month because your appetite has been insane! You wake up hungry, eat about 22 times during the day, and go to bed saying your still hungry (even if you JUST ate!). You eat breakfast right after you wake up (usually oatmeal with fruit or a bowl of cheerios/bran flakes), and are ready for second breakfast by 10 which consists of eggs, turkey bacon and toast! I still can't get you to eat vegetables with the exception to the occasional sweet potato, but I keep trying! Otherwise favorites this month: second breakfast as above (you want the same thing every day!), fig bars, squeezies, berry smoothies, greek yogurt, strawberries, blueberries (which you call boobies and makes us laugh every single time!), black beans, quinoa rice, ham and cheese, pulled pork, hard boiled eggs, avacado, and  hot dogs. 

Aubrey Loves:
-Singing and dancing (favorite songs this month:Frosty the Snowman, Twinkle Twinkle, You are My Sunshine, Tell Me Why, I Know No Matter What God Loves Me, the Moana song and the Frozen song)
-Dress up
-Having tea parties, or "making cookies" and "cooking" in the play kitchen
-Reading books
-Watching "shows" - loving Paw Patrol, PJ Masks
-Being outside, scooters, running around
-Having "Daddy bear" chase her
-Tunnels in the playroom
-Coloring and drawing 

Aubrey Hates:
 -When Bella is bossy (obviously, I don't blame her!)
-While she has an obsession with shoes, she is very picky about what she actually wears!

26 Month Stats:
 Height: 34 in (approx 30th percentile)

Weight: 24 lb 11 oz (approx 13th percentile)

*Wearing 2T clothes and panties. Size 4 or 4.5 shoes. Wearing size 3 diapers at night. 

*Teeth: Still waiting on all 4 second year molars, but boy have we been "teething" hard this month!!

Monday, January 29, 2018

16 Week Bumpdate!

Oh second trimester, how much I looked forward to you! And you have not let me down! By far this has been my easiest pregnancy, and just like that, the hardest, most miserable parts almost vanished overnight right at 15 weeks. Hallelujah. I look forward to feeling this way *hopefully* from here on out, getting my energy back even more, not gagging in stores and at work anymore, and just watching this baby grow inside me!

 Not gonna lie, this pic was taken in late afternoon after several meals (and right after a pretty big one!) and I'm always amazed at how much the belly pops just from morning til night! 

How Big is Baby: The size of an avacado

Weight Gain: +1 in the last 2 weeks, so +2.5 total. 

Workouts: I got on my game the last two weeks and decided to make working out a priority 5 days of the week. Partly because I knew it would make me feel better and less sluggish in the afternoons (which it did), and partly because I'm hoping it will help me bounce back into being active once this baby is here. So on the days I work, I count the bajillion steps I take, and the many flights of stairs I climb as a workout. But on op of that, on my 3 days off during the week, I fit in some awesome 20-25 minute Prenatal HIIT workouts that mix cardio and strength, which I follow up with about 10 minutes of yoga. I also did a prenatal Barre class that was pretty killer last week. This past weekend we took a family adventure hike/walk in the woods near our house which was fun and also a good workout. Those are the best!

Maternity Clothes: I put on my maternity skinny jeans around 15 weeks and forgot how amazing they are! So stretchy and OH SO comfy! I'm pretty sure I will wear them forever. Otherwise still fitting into my regular clothes. 

Belly Button: Innie

Sleep: I'm loving sleep these days! Most afternoons/early evenings I'm super tired and want to go to bed at 5. But for real, I'm usually in bed around 8:15 and asleep sometime between 9 and 9:30. On work days, I'm up at 5:30, on non-work days I try and sleep til 7, and have been making it lately! Unless one of the girls keeps us up at night for various reasons, which has been more nights that not this past week. 

Cravings: Pickles! Dirty martinis (which may just be an olive craving). Ice cold beer. 

Aversions: Ground beef, lots of meats, chicken, and most fish never sound good. But if someone else is going to cook dinner, or work serves it and it's free, I will happily eat it! Luckily there really isn't anything that is totally off limits for me this time around. 

What I Missed: Not gonna lie, my sister and I have started watching this season of Bachellor, and not having a glass of wine during it just stinks : ) 

Symptoms: Fatigue and insane tiredness is getting much better. Nausea is getting SO much better. Gagging is pretty much gone which, hallelujah! Just feeling fat and bloated, and not quite pregnant in the belly area. Worst complaint at this point are my boobs are insane sore. So glad to be in the second trimester. 

Movement: Feeling the occasional pops and bubbbles (and no, not the gas ones). They aren't at all consistent or frequent, but every time I do feel one I get excited!

Gender: BOY!!!

Best Moment this Week: Feeling like a light switched on in my body and so many of the bad symptoms dramatically got better. 

Worst Moment this Week: Nada

What I am Looking Forward to: Another appointment to see this little one on US, or at the very least hear the heart beat on doppler. It feels like FOREVER (which I know it's been like 3 weeks : )! ) 

Also seriously looking forward to our family beach vacation over winter break, but we have several weeks for that one. 

Monday, January 15, 2018

14 Week Bumpdate!

Welcome Trimester 2! I've been looking forward to getting reacquainted! This is where the fun begins. And hopefully where the all day nausea ends! Bring on a bigger baby bump, more energy, less gagging, and getting to share the wonderful news!

Just for comparisons sake, 14 weeks with Aubrey on left, 15 weeks with Bella on right.

How Big is Baby: The size of a lemon

Weight Gain: +0 over the last two weeks, so +1.5 overall. I'm grateful for this given I started out 16 lbs above my ideal weight, and really am wanting to only gain what is necessary for the baby to grow and be healthy.

Workouts: Week 12-13 I did a whole lotta nothing in the workout department. I was just still so exhausted and nauseous all the time. Week 13 I made a decision to make working out a priority, even though it meant some other house things wouldn't get done. I was able to do an hour long prenatal yoga (which felt SO good!), a prenatal bootcamp/pilates combo, and a full body weights session that caused walking and sitting to be extremely painful for the next 2 days! Ouch!  Glad to be getting back into it though.

Maternity Clothes: Loving my leggings and sweatshirts or sweaters which are both comfy and oh so warm! And absolutely love wearing scrubs to work because it's been so easy to hide as the bump has started to protrude lately!

Belly Button: Innie

Sleep: The absolute exhaustion is letting up some, but some days it's still crazy how tired I am come 2 or 3pm.  Like I can't even keep my eyes open. I'm still falling asleep around 9 or 9:30 most nights, and there's the occasional night where it's 8:45 and I'm out! My body is loving getting about 9 hours a sleep per night which is much more than usual, but definitely needed!

Cravings: Not necessarily craving anything specific, and am grateful I can eat pretty much anything. I did see a huge jar of pickles the other day though and wanted to not only eat 4 of them, but drink the juice straight from the jar. So I guess there's a salt craving for ya!  I'm enjoying a fig bar before I get out of bed in the morning, kashi granola bars as a snack, and a bunch of random things in between. A bagel with a ton of cream cheese always sounds amazing, but I've only indulged in that twice (thank you free bagel day at work!). Trying to eat what I can keep down, but keep it healthy as well! 

Aversions: Chicken, fish, beef, and hard boiled eggs never sound great, but I usually can manage to eat them. 

What I Missed: Still wanting ice cold beer or really cold, bubbly champaign which is weird, b/c we don't really drink that!

Symptoms: All day nausea and gagging. The nausea is usually pretty bad in the morning, gets better during the day unless I haven't eating in awhile, and then comes back pretty bad right before bedtime. Also still SO tired, especially during the afternoon, and around 8pm! 

Movement: Feeling the occasional bubbles popping kind of movement. Nothing substantial yet!

Gender: It's a BOY!

Best Moment this Week: 
-Getting back into a routine that involves working out. 
-Getting to take Isabella to my MFM appointment where she got to see baby brother on US.  She LOVED it!!! She kept saying "Ohhhh, he's so cute! Look mama, he's wiggling and dancing!" 
-Oh, and I also got to tell my boss and some co-workers that I am pregnant, so that was super fun!

Worst Moment this Week: Dry heaving into a meat bag at Costco when a terrible wave of nausea took me off guard. 

What I am Looking Forward to: Nausea be gone! Feeling baby move more. The bump growing!

Monday, January 8, 2018

13 Week US

I was referred to a high risk specialist this time around (thank you clotting disorders and now being "Advanced Maternal Age!"). Can we just say I can't believe in this day and age, being 35 makes you an old lady having a baby! So many people don't even start their families til then. But I digress.

My first appointment was exactly at 13 weeks, and it was a fun one because we got a fairly lengthy US, and I got to take Isabella with me. She was super excited about her Mama date, and while she didn't really understand how she was going to get to see baby brother, she was looking forward to it!

He is looking good, measuring right on track, with a HR of 164. Nuchal translucency was normal. And he was definitely a mover and shaker in there. But he'd have his moments where he'd prop his arm behind his head, and cross his legs like he was straight chillin'. Gee, wonder where he gets that from!? (Ahem, Daddy!). 

Monday, January 1, 2018

12 Week Bumpdate

Hello week 12, we are so close to the end of an era (or ok, end of a trimester) I will be glad to not ever see again. As much as I love being pregnant, and have with my last two, this just solidifies how much the first trimester stinks in so many ways!! I look forward to Tri-2, bring on the baby bump, and getting to the good parts of pregnancy!!

How Big is Baby: The size of a lime...quite fitting because I've been all about the lime water lately!

Weight Gain: +1.5 lbs (which is about 3.5 lbs less than I was expecting!). This is reflective of the last 2 weeks of crazy holiday eating, and not as much about being pregnant. We definitely over did it in the eating department, and are excited for the new year to bring back on the healthy eating habits.

Workouts: Going with a trend here...not a single one! I'm waiting for some energy and lack of nausea. Working out and barfing at the same time is just not my thing. 

Maternity Clothes: Not yet, but when your work wardrobe is scrubs, and your home wardrobe is yoga pants with a sweater or sweatshirt, it's just not needed. That being said, I can still fit into my jeans just fine. 

Belly Button: Innie

Sleep: Loving lots of it! I'm still feeling pretty tired, ok exhausted, most of the time. But I'm also getting about 8 hours of sleep on work nights, and 9 to 10 on non-work days (thanks to a 9pm fall asleep time on most nights!).  Pregnancy insomnia has gotten much better the last two weeks, although there are still plenty of mornings where I wake up at 5 am (on non-work days) and just can't fall back asleep. Those are the nights that I fall asleep at 8:30 pm ...so I guess it evens out!

Cravings: I had the most insane, crazy, psycho-pregnant lady craving for Sushi last week. Like, I HAD to have it! At that moment. Nothing would get in my way. And luckily our local sushi place has some good non-sushi appetizer options that I love, and a few cooked sushi options that are awesome. Calm the preggo down!  Other than that, not really craving anything in particular, other than anything unhealthy which is fabulous (grr!). 

Aversions: Not really completely averse to anything this time around which is new to me. I don't look forward to grilled chicken, or ground turkey/ground beef, but even those I can eat if I have to. Really missing the days of Isabella's pregnancy where I couldn't eat chocolate or sweets of any kind. Definitely not the case this time around!

What I Missed: Beer! Oddly enough, with as cold as it has been, I have been craving beer. Also really wanted a glass of champagne on New Years last night!

Symptoms: Nausea, still low grade all day, most days. Some times it gets pretty bad, and there's dry heaving involved. But luckily no throwing up. And ginger and/or eating carbs usually helps. 
-Gassiness...it's bad folks

Movement: I know most people would balk when I say this, but I have felt little rice crispy like bubbles popping since week 9, which is exactly how I started feeling both girls (at much later times). Over the last week, it has gotten stronger and more definitive, so I know that's what it is. At least I think I do : )

Gender: It's a ....BOY!!!

Best Moment this Week: Finding out on Christmas Eve that we were having a boy! Seriously the most surreal moment because I was just convinced it was a girl!

Worst Moment this Week: Blurting out to my bestie that it was a boy, after keeping it a total secret for 5 days so we could do a big reveal with her and her husband this weekend. Oopsies!

What I am Looking Forward to: We are seeing the high risk specialist at the end of this week, and we get an US. Always look forward to those. Also looking forward to the end of the first trimester. Bring on feeling better and more energy!