Friday, September 30, 2016

Aubrey 10 Months!

Somehow overnight, you grew leaps and bounds in the development department this month!  You are certainly no longer a small baby anymore, but more of a pre-toddler who wants to be a full blown toddler with very specific desires. You know what you want, when you want it, and become Angry Elf quicker than we can say "Huh?" if we don't catch on right away! I can't believe we are only 2 months away from celebrating your first birthday because time has just gone so fast. But when I look at you, and all the things that you do, I feel like we are already at 1! You are a ball of fire and energy my little Chunka Munka (despite actually being small on the growth chart!), and we absolutely love watching you grow!!

Happy 10 Months Aubrey Lynn!

Oh hey, I'm 10 months already!?!?
10 Month Highlights:
-Your personality has really come out this month! You are super happy and easy going (until you aren't, and then it's angry elf!).  You love to be right in with all the action, and if Bella is doing something your eyes are glued to her.  You love to laugh, and most times when I try to rock you before sleep, you are playing and try to give me wide mouth kisses which just makes us both giggle so hard! That being said, you also can throw what I call "baby fits" with the best of them if you aren't getting your way, we take something out of your hand that you aren't supposed to have, or we are attempting to feed you something you apparently hate! 

-You had your 9 month appointment just a few days before 10 months, and you showed off your insanely active side! While you went from the 30th to 10th percentile in weight, your MD wasn't surprised based on the amount of activity that you were exhibiting.  Holy moly you would not sit still!
Looking so cute and smiling pre-shots : )

-And the bulk of the month's pictures are from our 2 week vacation to Florida, which I will do a separate blog post on because really we got quite a lot of great pics!  However, you did well, except in sleeping through the night. You went to sleep extremely easy pretty much all the time (perhaps b/c you were in a pitch black walk in closet with the sound machine close to you!), but you woke up pretty much every 3-4 hours to eat. Loads of fun.  During the day you loved crawling all over the condo and exploring, and putting EVERYTHING in your mouth. It became a game as to "What is Aubrey eating now?" Winning answers included: stickers, 2 seashells (yes, at one time), a fistful of sand, and various black or other gross colored things that I couldn't figure out what they were...EWW!!!  We took you to the pool several times and while you didn't always love it initially, by about 5 minutes in, you were reclining in your shaded floatie just loving life.  Same goes for your time at the beach! You were terrified of the waves at first, but once we got you in the water, you loved it.  

Best idea ever to bring a small inflatable pool with toys to the beach so you could stay cool in an inch or two of water, play, and not get insanely sandy (or eat a gallon of sand, b/c we all know that would happen!)

-You also have officially deemed yourself a "Mama's girl" this month, and although we never explicity stated it, it was/is pretty clear Isabella was a Daddy's girl by this point. You will follow Mama ALL over the house, are constantly trying to crawl up her leg, want to be held quite a bit, and have started crying when Mama hands you to other people. 

Sleeping: Ugh, there has been some big time regression this month in the overnight sleep department. I don't know if it's b/c we were out of town for two weeks it just threw you off your game, but it's been rough this month! Bedtime is around 6pm most nights, and you wake up two to three times to eat (usually right around every 4 hours) before you are up in the morning, usually around 7am.  You take a morning nap around 9 or 10 which lasts about an hour, and then an afternoon nap around 1 or 2 lasting 30 minutes (yup, love that one!). You pretty much never go down without crying a little bit (morning nap it lasts all of 10 seconds usually, bedtime more like 2-10 minutes!), and it's not a sad cry, it's a "I'm ticked off you are putting me in bed crazy lady" super angry cry!  You roll around quite a bit until you find your comfy spot in the crib, and then go to sleep, usually on your tummy with lambie nearby. I'm really hoping next month you start getting more consolidated sleep b/c Mama & Daddy need it! 

Breastfeeding/Eating: As much as you don't love sleeping, you really love breastfeeding! You eat 6-7 times a day, usually around 9am, noon, 3pm, 5:30pm, 11pm, 4am, & 6 or 7am. 

As for eating, you have pretty much declared yourself to wanting to eat "baby led weaning" style, and are not too into purees.  I think a lot of it is you eat when Isabella does, and you watch her feed herself, and you want to do the same! When we try to feed you purees or yogurt, you get so mad (unless you are super hungry), and just want to do it yourself.  You love eating small pieces of fruit, cheese, chicken, green beans, black beans and rice, whole wheat noodles, or pretty much anything that is on our plates that we can rip small pieces off of! We do still feed you oatmeal in the morning and this month your appetite has really decreased in the morning, although the last couple days it's picking back up.  You must be growin' : )

Aubrey Loves:
-Dancing when Bella & Mama sing
-Musical puppy, singing penguin toy, & toy pianos
-Feeding yourself finger foods
-Looking in the mirror
-Caterpillar toy
-Being on the move and very active
-Being outside, taking stroller rides in the warmth is an instant calmer!

Aubrey Hates:
 -Being fed and not allowed to feed herself
-Being put to bed

10 Month Stats:
-Height: 27.5 in (31st percentile)
 -Weight: 16 lb 0.5 oz (10th percentile)
-Head circ: 17.25 in (33rd percentile)

*Teeth- no new teeth this month despite INSANE teething (including 3 days of intermittent 102 fevers), still 6 teeth total (4 uppers and 2 lowers)

*Wearing size 3 diapers

*Wearing a few 3-6 month outfits still, but mostly 6 month clothes fit the best, with some 9 month things, and a few 12 months thrown in

Aubrey's Firsts this Month:
-First step: 40 weeks- it was one step and then you fell, you've done that twice this month, otherwise you are just practicing standing

-First long roadtrip (6.5 hrs) to Florida!
-First vacation to the beach!

-I would mention first foods this month but really if it's on our plate you've tried it (including eggs, PB and other things that previous we were told to be careful with, although our pediatrician said it was fine).

This Month in Pictures:


Well this is unfortunate...I messed up, was off on my counting and repeated a week! No, Aubrey didn't have 2 weeks of the same age Dana!! Argh. Total Mama brain over here!! I told ya we aren't getting good sleep this month!

Bath time with the 2 of you together is fun now b/c you both love it!
This was right after Daddy walked into the bathroom, you crawled over, and as he closed the door you laid down on the floor with your eyes peering under the door, and tried to stick your hand below. As I laughed and said your name, you popped right up like this and had the expression of "What? What did I do!?"
 While your sister wants to swing and slide for days, you just want to eat at the park! Typical!

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Isabella 27 Months!

This month has officially been named the month of "Self"! If there is one word on constant repeat, it is "Self" in, "Do it self" or "No mama, self!" This little lady isn't so little anymore, and she sure is wanting to exert her independence at literally everything!

Happy 27 Months Isabella Rae!


27 Month Highlights:
-This month we had a couple visitors (right on the tail end of the Anderson's visiting last month) and you just love the company!  Aunt Laurie ("LoLo") stayed with us for a week and you loved every minute of it!  She loved playing with you in the playroom, reading books, and even going to library time with us.

-Despite it being so hot out this month, we played quite a bit in the front yard/driveway in the mornings when it was still shaded. You love running around, being pushed in your car, bubbles, and probably your favorite- chalk!
Putting chalk on everything but the sidewalk!
-Your speech continues to blossom, and you are putting 3-5 words together to form sentences that actually make sense! There are still times during the day when I ask you to repeat yourself several times to figure out what you are saying, but for the most part you are very clear and speak well (or at least well enough for me to interpret!). And of course there are the endearing terms you use that remind me you are still my little girl and not a full blown teenager just yet, like "Soshee" (downstairs), "PeBop" (clean up, although you only say this about half the time), "Loshee" (lotion), "Bafin" and "Snuggle wuggle wuggle" (bath & snuggles), & our personal favorite: "F**ky water" (yup, still calling sparkling water the 'ole "f" word! In all fairness, any word that starts with "SP" gets replaced with an F, but "Foon" for spoon, and "fring" for spring just aren't quite as funny).

-We went out to dinner for Tia's birthday and you just amaze me at how well you do, sitting at a big table, being calm, and just eating with the adults! This isn't to say you don't have your moments, but I never think twice about taking you places because you really do so well!  

-You absolutely love music and started "playing" the piano this month which just means pushing various keys and singing songs like Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, You are My Sunshine, or The Wheels on the Bus.  I can't wait for Mimi to teach you lessons in a couple years!
-We went to the park this month (like twice, b/c seriously it was HOT this summer!) but every time we go you love it! Your favorite is the "schides" although Dani could swing ALL day long, so you like to swing next to her for a couple minutes. It's fun watching you two grow up and get to liking each other more : )
SO cute, you kept telling DL "Hold hands!!"

-As you have demanded independence this month, this holds especially true in picking out your outfit for the day! Long ago are the days where I could open your closet and pick out something cute (and appropriate for what we would be doing that day), with a bow to match.  Now, you say "Baba pick it" and who knows what combinations will come out that day!  Last week we were going to run a few errands and you picked out a fancy 90's looking floral dress, a lime green bow, and a pair of Fievell shoes that were Mama's when she was your age!

-For some reason this month you have started to sleep on the floor! We have found you on multiple occasions sleeping right in front of you door, and several times on the floor just next to your bed.  I have no idea why you do this (or how you think it's comfortable), but in the mornings you say "Baba sleep on floor" so you obviously know that you do it!

-For the record, you still call yourself Baba when people ask what your name is, but you do know that your full name is Isabella Rae "Yerma" which is so cute to hear you say the entire thing!  You also say "Bella" when we are singing songs that we insert your name into. You also learned mama and daddy's first names this month, and say Aubrey Lynn Yerma, and Dani Vega (which sometimes comes out as "Dani Yerma, no Dani Vega").
-We also took a road trip down to Fort Walton Beach, FL (technically Okaloosa Island) for a 2 week stay on the beach!  While I wouldn't necessarily call it a "vacation" for Daddy and I, you truly had a blast.  I will write a separate vaca post! 
Road trip made possible by "Daniel Tiger" (hence Jonny's face). Thank you for keeping the girls calm little Daniel!
Sleeping: You are still a great sleeper, and definitely need your sleep!  Bedtime is 7:30 and you sleep most mornings til about 6:30 or 7.  You play in your room quietly with the box of toys we bring in after you go to sleep (so there is something "new" and exciting to look forward to) until we come get you, usually around 7:30 or so.  You love your nap and if we have a very active morning, you sleep for 3 hours (from 1 til 4), and if it's a more low key morning you usually sleep about 2 hours (1 til 3).

Eating: You still love to eat, and this month you want to do it all yourself.  For the most part, you do a great job eating with a spoon or fork, even with your oatmeal, yogurt or rice and beans (which even I drop off my spoon sometimes!). Favorite foods: cheese, any and all fruit, squeezies, frozen corn, black olives, noodles with butter and parm, and yogurt. You still eat oatmeal with a small dollop of fruit preserves most mornings, and on the weekends you like "wahkies" (waffles) or scrambled eggs with cheese.  

Isabella Loves:
-Singing, dancing, music of all kinds
-Wheels on the Bus song...ALL day long!
-Daniel Tiger cartoon
-Reading (you are loving Llama Llama Red Pajama lately which I can't complain about b/c it is one of my favs!)
 -"Running" outside (literally, you love running up and down the sidewalks!)
-Bubbles and chalkies
-Rocking and cuddles, or "snuggle snuggle wuggle" after you get out of the bath

Isabella Hates:
 -Not being indepenedent (AKA mama helping with something)

27 Month Stats:
-Height: 35 in (approximately 30th percentile)
-Weight: 28.8 lbs (approximately 55th percentile

*Wearing size 4 diapers at night (and doing amazing with panties during the day!)
*In 2 T clothes, although some summer stuff that's 18 months works as well

*Wearing size 5 shoes 

*No new teeth (still just missing 4 molars)