Well if the first month of Aubrey's life was a whirlwind, so was the second! Sometimes I feel like time has just whizzed by. Other times, the days just seem to drag along in a sleep deprived, yet still somehow happy, haze! Either way, while her newborn-ness is certainly disappearing (if it's not all but gone already), I am much more excited for what is to come than sad to see it go. While Aubrey's personality started to come out a bit this month, I know it will do so even more in the upcoming months and I can't wait to see that! So here's to 2 months already!
Happy 2 Months Aubrey Lynn!
Happy 2 Months Aubrey Lynn!
2 Month Highlights:
-You really started mastering tummy time this month and didn't hate it terribly...at least for the first few minutes! ![]() |
5 weeks |
-You started to smile a little before you turned 5 weeks, and by 8 weeks were doing it more consistently (although not all that often; maybe like once or twice a day). It's still really unpredictable when or how to make you smile, but that doesn't stop all of us from trying...and making fools of ourselves : ) Of course, I can't capture hardly any of the smiles on camera, so the week 6 picture below and the 2 month ones above will have to be my proof! You also started to coo this month which just melts my heart!
-You became a bit more predictable this month, and usually have a fussy period in the evenings after your 4 pm feed until after your 6 or 6:30 feed. This just means that I feed you, and then usually put you in the Boba to wear for the remainder of the evening until you are ready for bed while I cook dinner and feed Bella dinner. Or, Daddy will hold you in the football hold which is a much easier way for me to get dinner done and feed Bella!
-When you were 7 weeks, we moved you from our bedroom to our walk-in closet. This has been great for us getting a little bit more restful sleep since you are one loud breather and sleeper. You move all around, grunt, and just make a lot of noise for what seems like all night long! But, it's still nice to have you so close to us since you are eating multiple times in the middle of the night.
Sleeping: As each week goes on, it gets just a little bit better and better in terms of how long you can go between feeds at night, which means a little bit more sleep. We still act as if 6:30 pm is your bedtime which is the same as Bella's. We generally have to wake you up at 9pm to eat again, and then let you sleep as long as you can after that! You gave us one or two 4 hour stretches at 5 weeks, and a few 5 hour stretches at 6 and 7 weeks. We are waiting for the 6 hour stretches which will mean about 5 hours (or a bit more) of sleep at a time!
The night you turned 2 months, you ate at slept from 10:30 pm til 5:30 am! I woke up at 4:30 and had to pump a bit b/c I was so engorged. And of course, I went and checked to make sure you were still breathing b/c hello, that was a LONG stretch of sleep little one! Way to go! Let's hope that becomes a habit!
For naps, you sleep so much better and longer when you are swaddled and placed in a dark room with the sound machine on (which means you nap mostly in your pack-n-play in our closet). You don't love the swing or bouncy and have only fallen or stayed asleep in either one a few (very few!) times. And while I think you would probably do ok swaddled and placed in your mini portable bed wherever I am at the moment, Bella makes so much noise that it startles you and wakes you up crying. By week 7 you were typically up for about an hour to an hour and a half between naps during the day, with an extended wake period in the late afternoon/evenings that lasts anywhere from 2 to 3.5 hours.
Breastfeeding: You are a breastfeeding rockstar! Seriously, you make my job so much easier than last time around!! No pain + relatively quick feeds = no big complaints from mama.
I still have a very quick and forceful let down which causes you to choke quite a bit (especially during middle of the night feeds when I am still getting pretty engorged), and I can hear the large gulps hitting your tummy which causes you to turn into angry elf and scream (I feel so bad b/c I'm sure that hurts!).
In terms of how often you eat:
-At 4 weeks you were getting 10 feeds/day which meant every 2 hours during the day, and about every 3 hours at night.
-At 5 weeks you dropped down to 9 feeds a day (every 2 hours during the day, and every 3.5-4 hours at night).
-At 6 & 7 weeks you dropped another feed, and were getting 8 feeds on most days, although about every 3rd day you'd sneak in an extra. This typically meant you ate at 6:30 am, 9am, noon, 2pm, 4pm, 6pm, 9pm, and 2am-ish.
-At 8 weeks you dropped to 7 feeds about half of the time, and 8 feeds/day the other half, so the schedule was similar to the above.
-I am still pumping every morning after your 9am feed, and getting about 8 oz to store for when I go back to work. I don't love pumping (and will wean off over the next few days) but am excited about the stash I have been able to store over the last 2 months,.
-You take a bottle from Daddy about once a week for the last 2 weeks and are getting pretty used to it. He does paced bottle feeding and you take about 3-4 oz each time.
Aubrey Loves:
-Being cuddled and swaddled
-Sleeping with sound machine, tight swaddle, and darkness! You sleep SO well like this!
-Lambie paci to calm you down
-Daddy's football hold (and everyone at church loves to make comments about this!)
-Being sung to in the car when upset (magically it calms you right down most of the time!)
-Laying on the piano playmat and having Bella sing and dance around her
Aubrey Hates:
-Getting strapped into your car seat (although you do fine once you are settled and the car is moving)
-Getting dressed with clothes that go over your head
-You don't love (although don't hate) your swing or bouncy : ( At most you will sit in them for 5 minutes before you get really cranky.
2 Month Stats:
Height: 22.25 in (25th percentile)
Weight: 5 Weeks: 9 lb 1 oz
6 Weeks: 9 lb 7 ox
7 Weeks: 10 lb even
2 Months (8 weeks, 5 days): 11 lbs!
*Size 1 diapers (we love Pampers swaddlers and The Honest Company diapers, although have been using a pack of Huggies as well this last week and they work fine)
*Most newborn one piece outfits are too small now b/c you can't stretch your legs out: ( Still in newborn onesies and pants (separates), as well as 0-3 month clothes and outfits.
Aubrey's Firsts this Month:
-Smile 1/2/16 (almost 5 weeks)
-Cooing fairly regularly at 6 weeks old
-Giggle 1/29 (day before 2 months)
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Yeah, we'll work on that...Bella is just skeptical of you, and you are not happy! |
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Those chubby cheeks and pouty lips : ) LOVE! |
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You love your Mimi...and Mimi loves her Aubrey Lynn! |
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BIG stretchies...on Tia's blanket she had as a baby! |
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So sweet...laying on Lambie with your Lambie paci! |
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Daddy looks so tired, but he loves feeding you a bottle (you wouldn't take it from him the first try, but were good to go after that!) |
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First sister bath...you both loved it! |
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