Thursday, March 27, 2014

Registry Done!

*Note- I did this post a couple weeks ago when we actually went to Babies R Us to register.  I guess pregnancy brain got the best of me b/c I forgot to post it (no surprise there!).  But in efforts to preserve every memory of this pregnancy that I possibly can, I guess better late than never! : )

I had this image of how amazing registering for Isabella's baby stuff was going to be.  Jon and I would spend the entire day together laughing and dreaming about the walks that we would take her on, the cute little outfits that we would dress her in, and the little things that would comfort her.

We would go into the store, get our bag of freebies, get the registry gun and skip happily out of the store an hour later so happy with all of our picks.

Flash to reality: We got into a small argument before even entering the store about the proper way to prepare and actually register (not even going to go was silly!).  We got the registry gun and wanted to scan completely different patterns and colors- he wanted all things pink, frilly and girly while I was sticking to greys and black.  Ha!  And then about 3 1/2 hours later we finally left the store.  Exhausted and a bit overwhelmed, but certainly elated that we had done it...and it was over!

I have to say, I had done quite a bit of research for all of our big ticket items, so those were pretty easy to pick out.  For those, it was more a matter of checking them out in person to see how the fabrics looked, or how amazingly awesome the stroller maneuvered!

Luckily, we have amazing friends who have given us a swing, bouncy seat, rocker and glider, bumbo, boppy, high chair, and exersaucer! 

So we're glad that it's done!  And more importantly, I can't wait to see our Little Lerma strolling in her stroller, sleeping in that crib, or playing with her piano kick mat! 

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