Tuesday, March 18, 2014

25 Week Update!

This week was pretty jammed packed. I guess that's what happens when you go out of town for a week.  I worked 6 of the last 7 days, had a hematology appointment, and an OB appointment filled with an US, blood work, the lovely glucose challenge, and a doctor visit, and had the urge to massively clean my house which was long overdue.  Whew!  No wonder I'm tired!

How Big is Baby: The size of a cauliflower!

Weight Gain: I actually lost 1 pound this week (probably just counter balancing the extra weight gain while on the cruise), so +13 total.

Workouts: Just one prenatal pilates session and 10 x10minute brisk walks (yes, I'm including my walks from the parking garage to work because it's been so cold out I walk as fast as I possibly can...and it takes ten minutes each way, so that has to amount to some calories burned!). 

Maternity Clothes: I am definitely needing maternity pants now...no getting around that.  But  I'm still able to wear normal dresses and skirts to work, as well as sweaters and sweatshirts.

Belly Button: In still, but getting more shallow.

Sleep: Thankfully, now that I'm back on a "normal" work routine and only working ten hour day shifts, I'm sleeping much more consistently!  I wake up at 5 am every day, and fall asleep sometime between 8 and 8:30 pm while we're watching a show in bed...pathetic I know!  But consistent 8.5-9 hours of sleep has helped me feel great!

Cravings: No cravings...I'm just waiting for the day that I can ask Jon to get me some pickle ice cream or something crazy.  Or maybe I'll even take something not crazy, like a cheeseburger or a milkshake that I'm craving! We'll see!

Aversions: Same old things...anything that falls outside the realm of vegetarian dieting and sweets/chocolate.

What I Missed: Blue cheese on my chopped salad this week!

Symptoms: I have actually felt great this week.  I don't know if it was because I worked a majority of it, and generally those are the days that I feel pretty good (I think it's all the adrenaline surging while I'm there!).  Pelvic pain and pressure has been better this week, energy overall has been better, and super quick minor bouts of nausea were more than tolerable. I'm definitely liking pregnancy at this point!

Movement: Isabella is one active lady! Feeling punches and kicks and rolling all around all the time now, and loving it!  Jon is feeling her movements stronger and stronger too...which isn't a surprise because my belly does the rumba multiple times a day and her movements are more and more visible!

Gender:  It's a GIRL!

Best Moment This Week:  Getting to see Isabella on ultrasound and how much she's grown! Always the highlight of our weeks!

Worst Moment This Week: Getting told that I'm at risk for placenta accreta based on the placement of my placenta which could mean hysterectomy with Bella's c-section.  It's a small risk, but it's still there, so that's scary (which really, "scary" is an understatement!).

What I'm Looking Forward To: Warm, sunny, consistent weather!  We've had a few teaser days where the sun comes out and it warms up a bit, but I can't wait to have a smoothie on our deck, take walks in the evening, and just enjoy the outdoors again! 


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