Tuesday, March 25, 2014

26 Weeks!

We are officially 3 months (yes, just 12 weeks!) away from our scheduled C-Section!  How in the world are we already this close!?!?
26 weeks have gone so fast, and it's definitely been such an incredible, amazing experience that I am truly grateful for!  I think as time gets closer and closer to the end, I am savoring every little pregnancy symptom, especially every kick and punch (even the strong ones straight down to my cervix that sometimes take my breath away a bit).

With everything that it took for Jon and I to get here over 4 years, and the threat of a possible hysterectomy at the end of all of this, I am wanting to take it all in.  Trying to etch every little detail of this pregnancy into my mind.  And certainly our dream and our prayer is to be able to do this all over again after Isabella is born, but if not, I will be grateful for each and every moment that this pregnancy gives me. 

How Big is Baby: The size of a head of lettuce!

Weight Gain: +2 this week, so +15 total.

Workouts: Just one...prenatal yoga. 
-->It's getting harder and harder with the activity restriction that I have to get in workouts during the week, because with the amount of time that I walk and am on my feet at work, I have surpassed my "activity" for the day, and then once I catch up on things that need to get done and run errands on days off, many times that surpasses my activity restriction as well.  Oh well...I can work out til my heart desires to burn off all the baby weight once Isabella is born.

Maternity Clothes: Maternity pants are a must. Still using regular shirts and dresses.

Belly Button: In

Sleep:  Still falling asleep sometime between 8:30 or 9pm, and waking up at 5 am for work, and closer to 6am on days off. Other than one nighttime pee break, I'm sleeping great!

Cravings: No true cravings yet, although yesterday I asked Jon if we could stop at the drive though at Wendy's for a frosty while driving somewhere. I think this was the first sweet/dessert thing I've asked for all pregnancy!  That being said, after about 4 bites, I was over it already. 

Aversions: Grilled chicken, meat, ground turkey, salmon.  I'm not totally averse to sweets at this point (AKA: when I think about them it doesn't make me gag), but they still don't make the list of things that I want to eat.

What I Missed: Ice cold beer at dinner with friends at an Irish Pub over the weekend.

Symptoms: Belly is getting way bigger which I'm loving, (especially in the last 2 days- and it's not just in my head b/c literally everyday at least one person would comment on how small my belly was at this point, and the last 2 days haven't heard it once!), tons of movement, getting tired more easily, and for some reason nausea has come back this week making a majority of Sunday pretty miserable.  Isn't that supposed to be gone once it's gone!?

Movement: Absolutely! Isabella is most active right before bedtime, but she certainly is a mover and shaker throughout the day too!

Gender: It's a GIRL!

Best Moment This Week: Jon has started working from home 4 days a week and it's been amazing to spend more time together, or at least see him a bit more.  Just the time saved in his commute to and from work has added up! We even got to eat a quick lunch together twice last week!

Worst Moment This Week: The cold has come back and I hate it!!!  20's at the end of March AND some snow, really Chicago!? I'm so ready for summer!

What I'm Looking Forward To: I have a work shower scheduled in about 3 weeks, and while it's still 3 weeks away, I'm so looking foward to going out with great friends to a restaurant in the city I've been wanting to try for awhile, and celebrating Isabella!! So exciting!

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