Tuesday, March 11, 2014

24 Week Update

It's weird posting two weekly updates within a day of each other.  Most times I have the entire week to think about things I put on here, but these last two weeks just kind of blended together because of our Babymoon (which if you didn't read yesterday's 23 week update post, it was AMAZEBALLS!).

And now, here we are: 24 weeks. 6 months down!

Hello!!! I can't believe I'm 6 months pregnant already! Time is certainly flying by!  And I'm really loving this part of being pregnant. 

So without further ado, here is the Week 24 Pregnancy Update, full with a chalkboard bump photo, but not as many fun Caribbean pictures now that we are back in cold, snowy Chicago. Oh how quickly things change!

How Big is Baby: The size of a cantaloupe!

Weight Gain: +3 in the last 2 weeks (since I didn't have a scale last week), so +14 total.
Workouts: None- took a day to recover (AKA: be lazy) once we got back from vacation, and yesterday I just had way to much to do to squeeze one in.  Definitely ready to get back into the swing of things though, as much as my MD will let me!
Maternity Clothes:  Definitely now using maternity jeans and will have to bust out the maternity work pants this week.  But for now regular shirts and dresses are still working for me.
Belly Button: In, but its starting to look more shallow than ever before!
Sleep:  I slept like a baby on the cruise. I'd get up once a night to pee, then go right back to sleep.  Since I've been home, I'm having a harder time falling back to sleep after my pee breaks, but I think it's just stress and my mind going into overdrive.
Cravings:  Still no true cravings yet. Just trying to stick to the foods that don't make me wnat to gag!  I will say the endless supply of fruit (especially watermelon), fresh salads, and baked goods in the morning were amazing on the cruise.  Now it's back to previously scheduled healthy eating : )
Aversions:  Same old thing- red meat, chicken, ground or regular turkey, sweets, especially chocolate.
What I Missed:  Mojitos, margaritas, ice cold beer, and wine on the cruise.  Virgin drinks just aren't the same!  But probably the thing I REALLY missed this week was my all time favorite cruise breakfast- smoked salmon on a bagel with cream cheese and capers...aghh passing that up daily was not easy! 
Symptoms:  Whoa pregnancy + travel = insane constipation (enough said). And I still have pressure and the occasional shooting pain in the pelvic region every once and awhile.  Also, in regards to eating, portions are definitely getting smaller as Isabella is taking up more room in there. *I was upset over the weekend that I could only eat one small square of pizza and 2 boneless wings before I was insanely stuffed. If we are going to have "cheat meals" on the weekend, I want to make them count!
Movement:  This is absolutely the best thing about being pregnant!  Isabella is certainly make my belly move like crazy! She is particularly active in the evening time around 8 or 9 pm, and again around 9 am. I love it!
Gender: It's a GIRL!
Best Moment of the Week: Definitely being on our Babymoon...just soaking up the warm weather and enjoying our time as a couple.  We had so many laughs and made some great memories.  It was a much needed vacation for both of us and a time we will cherish forever!
Worst Moment of the Week: Going from 80 degree Caribbean weather to 18 degree Chicago weather : (  Isn't it supposed to be Spring!?!?
What I'm Looking Forward To: We have an OB appointment next Monday with an ultrasound so I'm so excited to see our baby girl and how much she's grown!  We also do the diabetes screen that day so not eating until noon won't be fun, but at least the ultrasound before hand will help take my mind off the hunger a bit! *BTW- what office schedules a pregnancy appointment in which the woman can't eat anything prior at noon!?!? Apparently mine.

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