Thursday, April 3, 2014

27 Week Update!

So it's almost halfway through week 27, and I don't have a bump picture this week, but I figured I still wanted to remember the events of this week, so here ya go. 

How Big is Baby: The size of a rutabaga!  Am I the only one that is saying "What the heck is a rutabaga!?!?"
Weight Gain: +1 this week, so +16 total
Workouts: Jon and I did 3 x10 minute total body workouts together which was fun (yes, I'm still going by the "every little bit counts motto!), plus 3 x20 minute walks
Maternity Clothes: Maternity pants are a must, regular sweaters and shirts, and still loving my sweats and leggings on days off!
Belly Button: Every week we are getting closer and closer to an outie, but it's still an innie for now.
Sleep: Sleeping well in my cloud (which I'm obsessed with!), waking up just once to go to the bathroom.  I'm getting about 7-8 hours of sleep on nights that I work, and getting more like 10-11 hours on days off.  Yes, I'm sleeping more now than I can ever remember, and loving every minute of it!
Cravings: I officially had two cravings!  One was for a plain, only slightly sweetened white cake.  So I whipped one up Saturday night and it was good! I also had been thinking for about a week and a half about a Costco hotdog with a lot of mustard, ketchup and tons of relish...we finally got one the other day when we went shopping and after 2 bites I was done with it thinking, yeah that would be really good with just the bun and ketchup, mustard and relish (yuck hotdog!).  I'm still loving rice noodles with parmesean, cereal, and eggs on Ezekiel bread.
Aversions: Meat, chicken, turkey, anything not vegetarian still.  And besides the one day of wanting the cake, I'm still not wanting anything sweet, especially chocolate.
What I Missed: Sushi and red wine
Symptoms: Still getting nauseous this week! Grr.  Mostly it's in the mornings, or in the middle of the night when I wake up to pee. Otherwise lower belly pressure and stretching after being on my feet for awhile. 
Movement: She may be little, but this lady knows how to move!  She's most active at night as I'm laying in bed, and after I eat.  Absolutely LOVE this!
Gender: It's a GIRL!
Best Moment This Week:  I got my first delivery of baby stuff from the most amazing co-workers ever!  First came a box of super soft blankets, crib sheets, a mattress pad, and a soft toy. And then to top it all off the next day on our doorstep was our crib!!  Seriously, I'm so grateful to be working in a place that I love, with people that I love working with even more!
Worst Moment This Week: I had so many urges to go running, do jumping jacks, or just do something really physical...and then I remembered the whole placenta previa thing which put a damper on all that.  Oh well. My body is just not used to being this in-active.

What I'm Looking forward to: My parents are coming in for a visit next weekend!

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