Tuesday, April 22, 2014

30 Week Bumpdate!

This week I think pregnancy has caught up to me.  That, or I just overdid it because I tend to forget I'm pregnant at times. *Yes, my husband is reading this and thinking "Gee, she overdid it!? That's a big surprise!"- sarcasm definitely noted!*

On the plus side, we got a ton done.  We thoroughly deep cleaned our downstairs, painted our master bathroom after getting the shower redone, and finished more Isabella "stuff" organizing! 

Photo: I suppose this is "nesting"...you wouldnt believe the amount of things Jon & I accomplished the last 2 days!
So the bump picture this week definitely shows how tired I am but I'm thoroughly loving being pregnant, so I'll take it all as it comes.  And since I woke up at 4 am this morning and am exhausted after the last 3 days of work, I'm not making a chalkboard...let's just pretend there's "30 Weeks" painted behind me : )

How Big is Baby: The size of a cucumber (does this seem smaller to anyone else than previous weeks!?)

Weight Gain: +3 the last 2 weeks, so +19.5 lbs total. With 8 weeks til c-section, I'm hoping to stay under 30lbs...EEK!

Workouts: Two weeks in a row without a single workout!  Since the only thing I've been cleared to do at this point is walking, it's hard to get motivated after being on my feet walking all day at work.  That being said, Jon and I were able to take 2 (rather leisurely) walks this week which was fun.

Maternity Clothes: Maternity work pants are a must. Otherwise still wearing my leggings, comfy shorts, tops and dresses that were pre-maternity, although may be stretching some of them out a bit : )

Belly Button: Still an innie...barely!
Sleep:  This week I haven't slept the best.  I've been waking up at 4 am and not able to fall back asleep.  Plus, a rib came out of place which made sleeping the last 2 nights really hard (thank goodness for my chiropractor and massage therapist!)

Cravings: This weekend I wanted chips and dip with a hot dog that had ketchup, mustard and lots of relish. Seeing as I don't ever eat hot dogs, I'd call that a craving...finally! I've also been craving watermelon, but pre-pregnancy I could eat an entire watermelon every day in the summer, so this isn't really out of the norm...LOVE me some watermelon!

Aversions: Same ole' thing- meat, beef, ground turkey, chicken breast, sweets (although I've had a few nibbles of sweet things this week without gagging, so that's a change).

What I Missed:  Ice cold beer with Jonny for his birthday 

Symptoms: Fatigue/tiredness, constipation, low back pain, pelvic pressure when I'm on my feet too much, and difficulty breathing (although that was probably more because of the rib issue rather than the baby pushing up on my lungs)

Movement:  Little Lerma LOVES to move...and we LOVE to watch and feel it!  This week she's taken to pushing either her head or her booty (lovely how I can't tell the difference : ) right up into my sternum which creates a funny looking bulge...kind of like a 3rd boob! She's already making us laugh!

Gender:  It's a GIRL!!!

Best Moment This Week: Getting to spend a few hours with best friends  who live out of town this weekend and celebrating Jon's birthday together.  The downside was how fast the time went!

Worst Moment This Week: I've had chest congestion and a cough the last 4 days that is just annoying.  I don't particularly feel sick, but hate coughing all night long!

What I'm Looking Forward to: Spending the next 4 days in the city for an APN conference with Jon...can't wait to take walks along the lake, relax a bit, and not have to commute all the way home!

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