Tuesday, April 15, 2014

29 Week Update!

Today my pregnancy app told me that we have 77 days til our due date...which really means only 63 days til our c-section! I say it every week, but seriously time is FLYING!!!  And the bump is certainly growing at a massive pace now, so we are closing in on the finale folks.  Crazy things going on over here!
 How Big is Baby: size of an acorn squash
Weight Gain: My alarm didn't go off this morning, so as I was flying out the door to work, weighing myself was the last thing on my mind. We'll just have to see next week.

Workouts: A big, fat zero this week!  Boo : (

Maternity Clothes: Maternity pants are a must.  Still wearing tops and dresses that were pre-maternity.

Belly Button: More and more shallow as the days go by, but still an innie.
Sleep:  I love sleep lately, and am getting plenty of it (usually 7-8 hours on work nights, and 9-10 on days off!).  Sleeping well through the night with the exception of waking up once to pee.  Can't complain. 

Cravings: Nothing substantial still.  Enjoying my rice noodles, green smoothies for breakfast, fruit, cottage cheese with tomatoes, and greek yogurt.

Aversions: Same ole' thing- meat, beef, ground turkey, chicken breast, sweets.

What I Missed:  House made gelato at Sienna Tavern for my shower on Friday.  Despite not liking sweets these days, I hear their gelato is heavenly, so was excited to try it, only to learn it's made with unpasteurized milk, a pregnancy no-no : (

Symptoms: Of the laundry list of symptoms I keep reading about at this stage, really the only one I have is constipation (lovely, I know!), and pelvic pain when I'm on my feet for too long.  Seriously, I love being pregnant...but probably b/c of lack of symptoms!

Movement:  Lots of it!  She's most active at night right before bed and after lunchtime.  Definitely able to see arms or legs moving across the belly now!

Gender:  Based on the amount of pink that has filled her dresser, it's a GIRL!!!

Best Moment This Week: Showering Isabella with love from my work gals.  I am so grateful and lucky to truly have great friends that are also co-workers!  Not only did we spend a great night at an amazing restaurant I've been wanting to go to, they also got me my crib, crib sheets, mattress pad, blanket, and snuggle blanket!  THANK YOU ladies!!

And tied for best moment also goes to having my mom refinish our rocker and glider which turned out amazing!  Our little master bedroom combo pseudo-nursery is coming along!

Worst Moment This Week: No complaints this week.

What I'm Looking Forward to: Celebrating Jon's birthday on Friday. He's going to be the best dad (EVER!), and can't wait to see him with Isabella, but I am looking forward to one last birthday just the two of us, before we become parents. Happy (early) birthday lovee!

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