Tuesday, April 29, 2014

31 Week Bumpdate!

And just like that we are at 31 weeks!  Just a mere 7 weeks away from the c-section! 
I think this week I have felt more pregnant than ever, and the body aches that people talk about associated with pregnancy have kicked in after some long days at work.  On days off, I generally feel great...so maybe that means I should stop working : ) Moving is getting harder (especially getting out of our big bed), but with all that comes a bigger belly, which I love!  So without further ado...a bump pic and update!

How Big is Baby: The size of a pineapple!

Weight Gain: +1.5 this week, so +21 total.

Workouts: LOTS of walks this week being at an APN conference and not having a car downtown...it was AMAZING!!! Seeing as walking is the only workout I'm cleared to do, I call this a success.

Maternity Clothes: Maternity work pants and jeans are a must. Otherwise still wearing my leggings, comfy shorts, tops and dresses that were pre-maternity.

Belly Button: Still an innie, but when I cough or go from lying down to sitting up and crunch, it's pretty much even.

Sleep: Not good this week at all due to a persistent cough.
Cravings: The board says it all this week : ) 

Aversions: Same ole' thing- meat, beef, ground turkey, and chicken breast.  I think I can finally take sweets off the list, although I don't really crave them like I used to, especially chocolate! And bizarre enough, if presented with a dessert made of fruit or chocolate, I would hands down choose fruit now which is SO unlike me!

What I Missed:  Red wine...why does it seem that every tv show I watch all characters have a delicious looking Cabernet in their hand!?!?

Symptoms: Super tired this week (although probably b/c I'm not really sleeping), constipation, and when I'm on my feet too much I get lower back and lower abdominal pain with pelvic pressure, more Braxton hicks contractions, and left foot/lower leg swelling (and that's my cue to sit down, put the feet up, and drink some water...easier said than done most days at work!).

Movement:  Lots and lots...and loving it!  Although I will say some of her alien like attempting to crawl out of my stomach maneuvers have been rather uncomfortable, especially the ones where she tries to pry herself under my ribs!

Gender: It's a GIRL!!!

Best Moment This Week: Spending half the week and weekend in the city with Jon while I went to a great APN conference.  It was so much fun getting to re-live my college days with lots of walking, great food, and just taking in everything the city has to offer.  Chicago is the best city ever!

Worst Moment This Week: Lack of sleep because of a cough that won't go away.

What I'm Looking Forward to: Seeing Isabella on US Thursday!! Can't wait!

1 comment:

  1. Wanted to pass this on to you and hubby - get Jon to check this out - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/aaron-gouveia/13-things-all-men-should-know-about-pregnant-women_b_5153423.html?utm_hp_ref=mostpopular
