Tuesday, April 8, 2014

28 Weeks!

Ten more weeks til Isabella makes her big c-section debut! Time is seriously flying by!  I am loving setting up her little nursery in our room (since I'm going to have family staying in our second bedroom for awhile after she is born), and getting all her precious little clothes hung up or organized in drawers!  This whole baby thing is SO.MUCH.FUN!!!
How Big is Baby: The size of an eggplant!
Weight gain: +0.5 this week, so +16.5 total

Workouts: 1 body weight workout with Jon (yes, another ten minute video!), and 5x 15 minute walks

Maternity Clothes: Still using regular shirts and dresses, but absolutely need maternity pants (unless they are my tried and true leggings or sweats!).

Belly Button: Even closer to an outie...but still and innie!

Sleep: Sleeping great still! Although several times this week I'd stay awake for about an hour after going to the bathroom...that's annoying at 2am! Still falling asleep around 8:30 every night though...and loving it!

Cravings: Still none.

Aversions: Nothing new...meat, chicken, poultry, anything with lots of flavor (except Indian never falls in this category b/c I love it in all it's full spicy flavor glory!).

What I Missed: Wine!!

Symptoms: Overall I'm feeling great still and absolutely love being prgnant!!  Nausea still coming and going this week, mostly early in the morning before work, or in the evenings if I haven't eaten much that day. My low back is also getting sore/crampy when I'm on my feet too much, and I certainly have a fair share of foot cramps (which is fun to shake out when I'm presenting in rounds during the morning!), but this is all par for the course, and really I'm not complaining about it at all! I keep reading about all these horrible aches and pains and trials and tribulations to experience at this point, and I'm just not.

Movement: Lots of it and lovin' it! She's been doing a lot of what feels like rolling around in there, as opposed to just kicking and punching, so it will be fun to see how she's positioned next time we go in.

Gender: It's a GIRL!!!

Best Moment This Week: Having my parents in town and having 4 days off in a row from work, just relaxing, doing a little shopping, and relaxing some more. Oh yeah!

Worst Moment This Week: Work was SO boring this weekend...and I think I'm just getting tired of working almost every weekend. But if that's the "worst" moment...I have nothing to complain about!

What I'm Looking Forward To:  My work shower this Friday night!  Can't wait to celebrate Isabella with the best work ladies out there!


  1. Yay for Baby Lerma! I love your blog.

  2. I CANNOT believe how small your bump is - it's so cute and compact!
