Thursday, November 5, 2015

35 Week US/NST

Aubrey is still looking fantastic and we are now just 4.5 weeks out!

We had our NST on Monday and her heart rate ranged 137-168, but mostly sat in the 140s.  She was moving like a crazy lady (or herself I should say!).

The US today also went well. We are getting them weekly from here on out for a Biophysical Profile check, and monthly weight/size checks.  She was practice breathing a ton, and moving, once again, all over the place.  

Unfortunately b/c she kept moving we didn't get any take home pictures. She was either facing my back (and really how cute is a back of the head shot!?), or she would turn her head forward and put her hand right in front of her face. 

Oh well, there's always next week : )

I met with the same midwife as I met on Monday and she's great. I love how relaxed they are and how they make you feel they have all the time in the world.  I didn't have any questions (b/c I asked a few on Monday), and so she gave me some great tips on laboring at home, VBAC preparation, and taking Evening Primrose Oil to get everything geared up down there. 

If I ever get pregnant again, I will definitely go the midwife route, not b/c I don't like the doctors that I have had, it just feels like a totally different experience, in a great way!

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