Sunday, November 22, 2015

38 Week Bumpdate!

2 more weeks left officially! And unofficially she can come any day today would be good : ) Overall, the time went by fairly quickly, although many of the days seemed like an eternity with how sick and sore I felt. I just can't wait to meet Aubrey and hold her in my arms. Let's get this party started little one! 

How Big is Baby: The size of a pumpkin!
Can I get an "Amen!" for Aubrey being on the small side of the pumpkin scale rather than the 9lb pumpkin!!
Weight Gain: +2.5 over the last 2 weeks, so +7.5 overall (I am officially 0.5 lb away from my "Oh I so don't want to go over this # mark"...eek!).

Workouts: Week 36 I did one prenatal yoga, one birthing ball workout, and then 2 days of serious house cleaning and painting which meant doing a ton of squats and yoga frog poses (so yes, I count that as a workout at this point!). 

Week 37 I did a 2 mile walk, two 1 mile hilly walks, one prenatal belly dance class, one day of cleaning and painting baseboards which required a bajillion squats (so yes, a workout!), and one birthing ball workout (pretty easy and light).

Maternity Clothes: Yes

Belly Button: Definitely an outie

Sleep: About half the time I get a pretty good 8 hours of sleep (with 1 pee break and a few wake ups to turn over to my other side). The other half of the time I can't go back to sleep after I pee (usually around 2 or 3 am) and can be up for an hour or 2, or for the day on really bad mornings! Unfortunately those days usually fall on the ones that we have plans, so naps are out of the question. And that usually just means I fall asleep at 8:30 that night! Too bad the last 5 nights in a row have been "half the time"...if only they'd space themselves out a bit!

Cravings: Luckily the chocolate/sweets craving has died down a little bit, but it's still there! Otherwise craving bagels with cream cheese, boneless buffalo wings or buffalo chicken sandwiches or buffalo salads (all things buffaloed!), and chowders or thick soups. 

Aversions: Still not wanting ground beef or ground turkey but that's about the only thing that makes me gag these days. 

What I Missed: I have been missing red wine and sushi these days!

Symptoms: Terrible, horrible heartburn a majority of the day! Occasional nausea, usually in the morning but subsides with ginger. Low back pain that makes walking super fun first thing in the morning or after I've been sitting for oh, you know, 5 minutes! Increase in braxton hicks/some semi-uncomfortable but certainly not painful contractions. 

Movement: I keep saying it, but she's a crazy mover and shaker, although in the last 2 days she has seemed to be more chill in her movements and less like a bull in a china shop (which I read can happen's to keeping my fingers crossed!) 

Gender: It's a GIRL!

Best Moment this Week: Aubrey was showered with love at my ladies small group on Monday and it was a blast. 
Unfortunately this was the only picture I got, but the food was delicious!  And nothing like an giftcard and doll that eats and pees in a diaper for Bella to "practice" with while I am doing the real thing on Aubrey! Thank you ladies!
I am also feeling pretty great about everything that has gotten accomplished over the last 2 weeks. My check list looks great and we are fully prepared for Aubrey's arrival! The only other thing I want to do is decorate for Christmas and the check-list is officially complete!! 

Worst Moment this Week: Several nights in a row of insomnia are definitely taking a toll on my energy levels!

What I am Looking Forward to: Meeting Aubrey...seriously little one you can come out any day now!!

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