Saturday, November 28, 2015

38 Week NST/US and Appointment

So this week there's good news, and bad news. Let's start with the good news: Aubrey overall looks great. And we got some cute 3D pics.  So here those are!

The not good news: my c-section date got moved up from 41 weeks, to 39 weeks : ( 

So for the story on that one:

On Monday, our NST went great. Aubrey's heart rate was mostly in the 130s, and she had great movement.

We went in for the US and appointment with a new midwife on Wednesday since Thursday was Thanksgiving.

This did not go as expected.

Aubrey's biophysical profile was perfect- she had tons of movement, was taking great practice breaths, and had good tone.

However, she was only measuring at 5 lb 13 oz which is about the 6th percentile, and her head circumference and belly size were measuring 4-5 weeks behind.  

Because of these measurements, she is considered IUGR (Intrauterine Growth Restriction or Retardation).

The US tech said that b/c she was so small, they would probably have me come back in Monday for a repeat US, so this is what I was banking on.

However, the midwife came into the room with other plans.  She wanted us to head straight to the hospital for a c-section.  I was completely taken by surprise, very disappointed, and just started crying (which those that know me well, know this is totally abnormal for me!).  

I have worked so hard to prepare for a natural, unmedicated VBAC, and here we are getting whisked away for another c-section.  I was heartbroken! 

However, after talking more with the midwife, who was in communication with my OB (who was at home sick with conjunctivitis), they both agreed that it would be ok to wait on the c-section until Monday since Aubrey looked so great and all her tests this week were perfect. 

I left the office super upset, but still with hope that I could naturally go into labor before Monday (which puts me at exactly 39 weeks).

We shall be continued!

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