Sunday, August 2, 2015

22 Week Bumpdate!

Ahh, I think I have finally hit the sweet spot of pregnancy! I definitely have days that are better than others, but overall, my energy is better and my nausea/vomiting and all day gagging is SO much better!  This is where it's at!!

For comparisons sake- 22 weeks with Isabella Feb 2014

How Big is Baby: the size of a pomegranate


Weight Gain: +3 lb over the last 2 weeks, so now only down 2 lbs overall.  I blame feeling better, having more of an appetite, and mostly vacation for that weight gain!  
*I have to say since I never lost my baby weight after Isabella, this pregnancy has been a real struggle seeing the number creep up on the scale to ones that I have never seen before (nor ever cared to!).  I just have to keep remembering this is such a short phase in life, and is necessary to grow a healthy little human. 

Workouts: Week 20 I was able to workout 5 times, doing a 1.5 mile walk/run, prenatal yoga, 2 cardio strength training videos, and a 2 mile walk/run. 

Week 21 we were at the beach so there were almost daily beach walks which are killer regardless of how fast you go, plus 2 prenatal yoga sessions.

Maternity Clothes: Yes on the bottom, no on top (b/c I have a short torso to begin with I don't need maternity shirts just yet).  

Belly Button: Innie but I have to say it is getting shallower each week already!

Sleep: Sleep is so sporadic these days. Some nights I will fall asleep quickly at 10 pm and sleep pretty great until about 6 or 7.  Other nights, it takes awhile to fall asleep, then I wake up around 3 to pee and can't go back to sleep for at least an hour (sometimes 2), and still wake up around 6 or 7.  

Cravings: Caprese sandwiches on Ezekiel bread, Lime LaCroix, cereal with 2% milk (which we never buy b/c we get almond milk, but did on vacation and it was SO good!), Fig bars every morning before I get out of bed to keep nausea at bay, peaches, watermelon, garden cantaloupe.

Aversions: Same ole' things- chicken, fish, beef, turkey.

What I Missed: Margaritas on the beach!

Symptoms: Lots of aversions to food and intermittent queasiness, but the nausea is FINALLY so much better. I don't go around gagging all day long anymore! Hallelujah!  Otherwise, I am still lower on energy than normal but that has also improved.  Still waking up once or twice a night to pee.  And I definitely felt pregnant at the beach this year getting so hot and sweaty much much faster than ever before, which causes your heart to race like crazy!  

Movement:  This little one gets stronger and stronger every day.  By 20 weeks Little Lerma was throwing some good punches or kicks that Daddy could feel. And I love when it feels like there are some major somersaults going on in there too! Definitely more of a mover than Isabella was.

Gender: It's A....(gender reveal post coming!)

Best Moment this Week: We FINALLY found out the gender of Little Lerma #2!! That wait seemed like forever!

And, we had a great family vacation in Fort Walton Beach, FL which was a relaxing, fun and much needed time away!

Worst Moment this Week: Does coming home from vacation count? I just love being at the beach and being with family!

What I am Looking Forward to: Finalizing the name and decorating the nursery.

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