Sunday, August 30, 2015

26 Week Bumpdate!

Well we are just chuggin' right along aren't we!? Third trimester is right around the corner and while many days seem long, the time overall is going fast!  
Super creative board + weird lighting = awesome pic!

How Big is Baby: The size of a head of lettuce 

Weight Gain: +1 over the last 2 weeks, so -2 overall.

Workouts: Week 24 I was so tired and really didn't want to work out, but I fit in 1 prenatal yoga class, one sculpt class, and a super fun but intense hike (mostly b/c there were about 400 stairs down, and 400 back up!) in the North GA mountains. Not too shabby.

Week 25 I was able to do 5 workouts: two cardio classes, one intense prenatal sculpt class, one prenatal yoga, and hour long gardening session that involved about 1000 squats and some crazy sweating (so yes, definitely a workout!)!

Maternity Clothes: Definitely needing them, but loving that summer dresses are flowy, and workout gear is super comfy, and I don't have to buy an extra wardrobe!

Belly Button: Still an innie, but getting flatter and flatter as each week goes by!

Sleep: Meh...some nights I sleep great, other nights I wake up and can't go back to sleep. Your guess is as good as mine as to what will happen each night.  One thing is for sure: my hips fall asleep at an incredibly fast rate these days which causes a whole bunch of tossing and turning from side to side.

Cravings: Not much of an appetite these days, and not really craving anything in particular.  Indian food always sounds good, as does pizza and mac-n-cheese. Oh yeah, super healthy cravings over here!

Aversions: Grilled chicken, beef (with the exception of the 1/2 hamburger I ate the other day that I actually enjoyed), fish, turkey.

What I Missed: Wine!

Symptoms: Lower back pain, overall getting harder to move and just general aches and pains kinda all over, lack of appetite.

Movement: Oh this little lady loves to move around and the belly acrobatics have started to really show...LOVE it!

Gender: It's a GIRL!

Best Moment this Week: We had a great getaway with our best friends to the North GA mountains last weekend that was filled with relaxation, tons of laughing, a great workout, and gorgeous scenery!

Worst Moment this Week: Nothing too bad this week : )

What I am Looking Forward to: We are taking a family trip to San Francisco and Pacific Grove this week which will *hopefully* be fun! Jon has a work conference for the first half of the week which is probably about how long it will take for Isabella to adjust to the 3 hour time difference, and then its a vaca for the second half of the week! Looking forward to time on the beach, cliff-side hiking, taking Bella to the aquarium and just spending time together!

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