Thursday, August 20, 2015

Little Lerma 24 Week Appointment!

Well Little Lerma #2 (yes, we are still working on a name!) had her 24 week appointment today and it went great!

Mimi got to come along to see the Ultrasound which was fun, while daddy had a park date with Isabella!  

Everything looked great; the calcification in the heart that was there last month is now essentially gone, so whatever it was is a non-issue now!  And the part of the spine we didn't get a great view on last time looks perfect.  

HR= 147.

I go next month, and then we are already at 2 week intervals...seriously how is it just flying by!?!?

As of now, this was our last US. However, I am measuring the same as I was with Bella, and if this continues on (as did my sister's and mom's pregnancies) we continue to measure small, and will get another US towards the end.  I love that one because the baby is so much more developed and looks more human, less alien! So we shall see...

But for now, I will leave you with what may be our last US pictures of the little lady before her big debut!
Cute little leg : )
And look at those little feet...or kinda big feet!
Shoulder, forearm...and a thumbs up : )
Hand on her forehead- oh life is so hard in the womb : )
No pictures please!
3D profile

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