Sunday, August 16, 2015

24 Week Bumpdate!

This week I took a step back in the energy and feeling good department for some reason. The nausea came back full force in the late afternoon/evenings, and I just was totally sapped of all energy.  But baby is kicking and flopping and wiggling all around which makes it just a little better : ) I truly love feeling her in there and being reminded why I feel this way!

24 weeks first time around

How Big is Baby: The size of a cantaloupe!

Weight Gain: -1 this week (probably just regulating weight after vaca), so down 3 lbs overall now. 

Workouts: At 22 weeks I was able to do 3 prenatal yoga sessions, one prenatal cardio interval dance video, a 2 mile very hilly (AKA hard!) walk/run, and one full body strength training session. 

*It's amazing what not working full time in the PICU and feeling better can do for working out! I have to say I am loving that I can be as active as I am this time around...finally!

Week 23 I did a hill interval workout for 30 minutes which may have just tipped me over the edge because the rest of the week I had NO energy and felt exhausted! So, the rest of the week I stuck to yoga sessions and got in 3. By Saturday I felt more rested and we took a family hike (3 miles round trip) at a beautiful Mountain Preserve near our house and got to take in the amazing views from the top over 1 mile up.

Maternity Clothes: Definitely needed when "dressing up" or wearing pants/shorts that aren't yoga pants! Living in my regular flowy summer dresses or athletic shorts with stretchy tanks.

Belly Button: Innie, but definitely shallower!

Sleep:  For the most part I am sleeping decent. I usually fall asleep around 10 pm and wake up at 6 am.  In those 8 hours I usually have to pee once if not twice, and wake up a good 6-10 other times to roll over to my other side b/c my hips are throbbing.  And about 3-4 times a week I can't sleep for about an hour so I usually just lay in bed staring at the dark, or get on my phone to do some research.  So I'm definitely not getting long intervals of uninterrupted sleep, but I don't wake up tired usually.

Cravings: Indian food (particularly Chicken Makhni with basmati rice and garlic naan which is the only way I can really eat chicken!), cereal with 2% milk, fruit especially mangoes and peaches, and homemade fried okra. Occasionally I will get a sweet craving for dark chocolate or a little ice cream...good thing we don't keep those in the house! And last weekend I craved a McDonalds double cheeseburger and fries...glad we kept on driving by and didn't cave b/c I don't think it would have settled very well with the way my stomach has been lately. 

Aversions: Grilled chicken, fish, beef, turkey.

What I Missed: Jon and I reinstated our Deck Happy Hours this week that we did a bunch before I was pregnant because the weather has been gorgeous . Drinking a Lime LaCroix, while satisfying, is not the same as a nice cold beer, margarita or a full bodied red wine, but it was still enjoyable nonetheless.  

Symptoms: Nausea came back full force this week in the late afternoon/evening time which was no fun. Gagging while making Bella's dinner and feeding her unfortunately was not a thing of the past this week : (

Movement: This little lady loves to roll around, much more than I remember with Bella!  She kicks hard which has been visible on the belly for the last 3 weeks or so now. Some nights when I lay down she feels like she swims to the top of the uterus, then belly flops down to the bottom with a huge thud! Love feeling this little girl! I also feel like she is scratching at the bottom of my uterus with her tiny little fingers...weird but cool feeling!

Gender: It's a GIRL!

Best Moment this Week: I kept a pretty chill schedule this week which was nice to relax and spend a lot of time with Bella.  She is growing and changing every day...way to quickly!  I am amazed at how much she is learning and this is such a fun age to enjoy!

Worst Moment this Week: Nausea : ( Hate it!

What I am Looking Forward to: We have an overnight getaway planned next week with our best friends...can't wait for a relaxing, fun time away with the man and the besties!

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