Wednesday, July 22, 2015

20 Week US!

It's the moment we've all been waiting for.  OK, well it's the moment that Jon and I have been waiting for!!

The 20 week ultrasound. AKA the anatomy scan. AKA what gender is my baby day!!!!

And yet, our appointment was earlier today, and we still don't know.  Not because the baby wasn't cooperative. Not because the ultrasound tech isn't great (b/c I seriously love her!). But because we had her wrap up the little picture with "It's a Boy" or "It's a Girl" in a sealed envelope so we can find out this weekend in Florida!

While I'm dying (DYING!) to know, I think finding out with our family at the beach will be so much more memorable and special than laying on crinkly paper on the table at the doctor's office.  So even though we have to wait 4 more days to find out, this surprise will be well worth it!

The scan went great. The baby's heart rate is 156.  All body parts were accounted for.  

Little Lerma has a small calcification in the heart, but it is considered a normal variant at this point without evidence of any other calcifications throughout the body or evidence of structural abnormalities to the heart.  We will have a follow-up US in a month just to take a closer look at the heart and make sure no new calcifications show up, but nobody seemed worried about it, so we won't worry either.

Other than that, this baby is the exact opposite of Isabella.  During her scan we couldn't get her to move at all in order to see various parts.  This baby on the other hand WOULD NOT sit still! He/She was always throwing punches, kicking high over their head, twisting, turning and even shaking their head.  We have a mover and a shaker people!

I absolutely love these ultrasounds. It amazes me how detailed you can see the baby, each little finger and toe, the individual chambers of the heart, and movements as small as opening and closing of the mouth! 

Little Lerma #2 we already love you and while we love seeing that squishy little alien like face on screen, we are excited to meet you in 20 or so weeks!

Not a great picture, but you can see the baby's eye sockets, nose and lips at the top center of the picture

Sweet little profile

Kinda hard to tell, but baby's legs are flipped up over his/her head!

Baby was opening and closing his/her mouth repeatedly!

Cute little arm, elbow and hand

Sweet Little Lerma : )

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