Sunday, July 5, 2015

18 Week Bumpdate!

Last time around with Isabella
Baby is the Size of: a sweet potato
Weight Gain: +1 lb this week, so still down 8lb overall.

Workouts: Week 16 I was able to get in 5 workouts...and was super proud of myself! I did 2 prenatal cardio videos, one prenatal yoga, one full body strength, and a very long walk down the beach in the Bahamas (now that's my kind of workout!). 

Week 17 I only got in 2 workouts (prenatal videos on youtube). Bella was teething like crazy and very clingy, and I used her naps to catch up on stuff I got behind on during our vacation. 

Maternity Clothes: Definitely needing maternity shorts except for my 2 to 3 sized too big shorts that still plenty fit.  Otherwise still in regular tanks and summer dresses as well as a good amount of athletic gear!

Belly Button: Innie

Sleep: Let's start with the positive- I slept great on vacation!  Went to bed around 10 pm every night and woke up between 6:30 and 7am.  One night I didn't even wake up to pee!  Now the negative- Bella is teething hard core which translates to her not sleeping well at all...which means most nights I'm up with her for about 2 hours.  Definitely feeling it this week too! So exhausted!

Cravings: I will say I have been craving ice cream this time around which is so weird b/c I wanted nothing to do with anything remotely sweet with the last pregnancy.  Otherwise, I love garden caprese salads, bagels with cream cheese, macaroni and cheese, and the occasional saltines on days where the nausea is bad.  Look at that super well balanced diet (ugh!). And La Croix is my best friend!

Aversions:  Anything not listed above : ( Chicken, turkey and beef particularly make me gag!

What I Missed: Ice cold beer on the beach. Nice cold white wine with dinner on the beach. 

Symptoms: Headaches (mostly in the morning, but some pretty terrible all day ones as well!). Nausea was getting much better until I stopped Diclegis at 17.5 weeks b/c of the horrible way I felt in the morning...then nausea came on full force!  Ugh! Some mild low back and round ligament pain when I work out several days in a row. 

Movement:  Yes, and I love feeling the little flutters!!

Gender: I'm going to say boy this week...Jon says girl

Best Moment this Week: We had an amazing anniversary trip to Eleuthera, Bahamas.  We had 2 full days (3 nights) with amazing food, a gorgeous pretty much private beach, crystal clear water, and just the 2 of us...perfection!

Worst Moment this Week: Bella is getting 4 upper teeth = she is miserable, so fussy, low grade temps, clingy, not sleeping = mama is tired!

What I am Looking Forward to:  Finding out the's killing me not knowing!!

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