Sunday, June 21, 2015

16 Week Bumpdate!

While I still don't feel like my usual self (or as good as I felt second trimester with Isabella), things are on the up and up. I'm glad to already be at 16 weeks, and know that the rest of the pregnancy will probably fly by!  Each week I feel more pregnant and less "just fat" which is always a good thing, and I look forward to all the great things that the rest of second trimester will bring!

And just for comparison's sake, here is my 16 week pic with Isabella (January 2014)

How Big is Baby: The size of an avacado

Weight Gain: -0.5lb, so overall still down 9 lbs (and really this half lb up, half lb down is probably water weight!). At this point with Bella I was up 9 lbs, and yet even though I am down 9 lbs this time around, I am still 14 lbs heavier...grr!

Workouts: 14-15 weeks my plan was to do five 20 minute workouts, even if they were super easy. Well, I managed to do 2 short strength/cardio workouts and one insanely intense 1.5 mile hike up to a waterfall, and then back down. Good enough!

15-16 weeks I was able to fit in 6 workouts...go me! Most were just 20 minutes of work, with 5 min warm up and 5 min cool down, but I'm giving myself major props! I did 2 cardio/body weight videos, 2 walk/runs, 1 walk, strength training once, and yoga once (yes that's technically 7 workouts, but the day I did 20 min yoga, I also did a 20 min walk).  Boo-ya. 

Maternity Clothes: Loving comfy and flowy summer dresses, workout gear, regular shirts, and maternity shorts (or my fat shorts that I bought at the thrift store a couple months ago). 

Belly Button: Innie

Sleep: I am still going to bed around 10pm, sleeping mostly well during the night with the exception of one pee break, and the occasional crazy dreams that wake me up, and wake up around 7 or 8 am.  Still pretty groggy throughout the morning thanks to Diclegis but I think my body is getting used to it b/c it's not as bad as it used to be. 

And 2 days ago I broke him out...he's BAAAACCCKKKK.  Yes, what Jon and I affectionately call "The Cloud" (AKA: my U-shaped pregnancy body pillow) has now taken over our bed! And I couldn't be more thrilled!  I have actually slept more soundly and comfortably since busting him out. A second and third trimester MUST HAVE!

Cravings: Pickles are my one true craving- as in I think about them and my mouth insanely waters. And I desperately want to drink all the juice in the jar! Otherwise, the rest of what I eat is what I feel like I can tolerate which these days includes tomatoes from my garden with salt, fresh Caprese salad (with garden tomatoes and basil!), Chipotle vegetarian burrito bowl, macaroni and cheese, watermelon, nectarines and mangoes, and the occasional Jimmy Johns veggie or tuna sandwich on their amazing French bread. 

And FINALLY just this week, I am able to drink about a half cup of iced coffee in the morning! I have missed this experience for so long (although the fact that I am averse to hot coffee, and just want iced is weird...but I'll take it!). 

Aversions: Same ole thing- any meat, poultry or fish...they all make me seriously gag still! 

What I Missed: Happy hour on our back deck in the evening, particularly with an ice cold beer since it's been so hot!

Symptoms: Nausea, although this has gotten better and doesn't last as long or as severe as before. Still with super low energy and tiredness.  Some right sided round ligament pain (probably b/c of all the workouts I squeezed in this week). 

Movement: I have felt multiple little pops, like rice crispies or bubbles popping, mostly at night when I lay down to bed over the last 2 weeks.  I am thinking this is definitely baby and not gas! Love it! Just can't wait to feel it more definitively.

Gender: Jon is sticking with girl. I am going girl/boy/girl/boy this week...yeah, I seriously can't make up my mind! No mother's intuition here.

Best Moment this Week: Celebrating Isabella's first is my baby 1 already!?!? Feeling better on most days, at least better enough to get in some short workouts!

Worst Moment this Week: Am I still complaining about not feeling like myself and the bad nausea/extreme tiredness!?!...ugh! Other than that, no complaints.

What I am Looking Forward to: Jon and I leave on Friday to the Bahamas for a 3 night vacation to celebrate our 10th Anniversary that was on June 10th. OMG...I am SOOOOO excited! Sun, sand, crystal clear water, good Caribbean food, time alone with my man, and some virgin drinks with little umbrellas in them!

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