Sunday, June 7, 2015

14 Week Bumpdate!

Hallelujah...we have entered the second trimester!  Nobody could be more excited than me. And while I am all about savoring every moment of pregnancy, I'm not sad to leave a lot of the yuckiness of the first trimester behind me!

How Big is Baby: The size of a lemon

Weight Gain: +0.5 over the last 2 weeks, so still down 8.5 lbs overall.

Workouts: From 12-13 weeks I felt so awful the best I could do was clean the kitchen and straighten up the house...this seriously felt like it took everything out of me! 13-14 weeks I felt a bit better on a couple of the days and was able to get in 2 20 minute YouTube prenatal workouts in and a walk or two.

Maternity Clothes: I can wear the "fat shorts" I bought about a month ago (nothing like wearing 3 and 4 sized larger pants than you are used to to boost the ego!), but maternity pants and shorts are definitely comfy at this point!  Regular shirts and flowy dresses still fit, just like last time. 

Belly Button: Innie

Sleep: Thanks to the Diclegis I still get super drowsy and am out usually by 10 pm, and sleep mostly well until about 7 or 8 am.  I have been having really weird and sometimes freaky dreams that interrupt my sleep.  And I usually wake up once a night to pee. 

Cravings: Pickles...and the juice! Loving fig bars first thing in the morning, a bagel with plain cream cheese mid-morning, and macaroni and cheese several nights a week. Super healthy over hear I tell ya! I also am loving watermelon, nectarines and mangoes. If we go out, I like to get a vegetarian burrito bowl with black beans, brown rice, all the veggies, and guac.  Pizza tends to go down and stay down ok about once a week as well. And I've had a few cravings for ice cream as well...good thing I've only caved once!

Aversions: Chicken, turkey, meat, fish, and basically anything not on the list above. 

What I Missed: A good margarita on one of our pool days over the last couple weeks. Having energy and stamina like I used to. 

Symptoms: Super all day nausea, lack of energy, headaches (lots of headaches!), and bloating/bump starting to show but with a layer of weird fat that just makes me look SO fat, and not pregnant!

Movement: Too early, but getting closer! I will say over the last several days I have felt a few little "bubbles popping" usually when I lay down at night that could very well be the baby...or maybe just small gas.  

Gender: Jon still sticking with girl, I will say girl too!

Best Moment this Week: Getting to see Little Lerma #2 on US...twice!  He/she was a stinker and not cooperating by laying the right way, so we got to do a 30 minute US, and then went back for another 20 min one later.  Love seeing how much the baby has grown and all it's little wiggles!

Worst Moment this Week: Still feeling awful and not like I am entertaining Bella the way that I want to.  Can't.Wait.for more energy!

What I am Looking Forward to: I CANNOT wait to find out the's killing me that we have to wait 6 more weeks than we did with Bella! Agghh!!

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