Tuesday, May 26, 2015

12 week US of our Little Lerma #2!

Little Lerma #2 profile! Such a cute little nose : )
Ultrasounds (US) are just the best!  They are a reassurance that there is indeed a little life growing inside you.  And while the growing belly, constant nausea and gagging, and insane bloating/gas are also good reminders, there is nothing compared to seeing your little one wriggle around on the screen, kicking its legs, bringing its arms over its head, and just being all around fetus-cute : )

Our 12 week appointment went great.  We are still in awe at how "easy" and nonchalant and spaced out these "regular" OB appointments are! Starting out with a fertility specialist last time, and then getting sent to an OB who then dealt with possible genetic problems, then complete placenta previa, and what seemed like a different "problem" at each visit, etc etc etc. it seemed like there were endless blood draws, endless appointments, endless worries that kept piling up.  Thankfully it all turned out perfect in the end and there were many unnecessary worries involved.  So with all that behind us, it makes this pregnancy seem easy-breezy (well, with the exception of how I have been feeling!).

Plus, I really like the OB office that I am going to this time around. It is a very small practice with two female OBs and they are both great...super different, but great.  I don't care who ends up being the one to delivery my baby, and that's definitely NOT something I would have said about our Chicago practice (although that was a practice of 9, so totally different ball game!). 

We actually got to have 2 US because they were trying to measure the nuchal translucency of the baby which required him/her to lay a certain way.  Apparently Little Lerma didn't get the memo b/c he/she was just not cooperating. The tech had me rolling around on the table and laying in different positions to get the baby to move just the right way, but no such luck. But we got some super cute pictures! 

Just chillin with legs propped up!
It's amazing to me at just 12 weeks you can see so clearly the arms, hands and fingers!!
And the thigh, knee and foot!
This is what I affectionately call the freaky-fetus-alien-pose

So we got to go chat with the doctor, were reassured that everything was going "perfect" and sent back to the US room.  This time the baby was cooperative, the nuchal thickness was averaged at  0.04 (= super low, normal is less than 3.5mm), and we got to see our little peanut squirming all over once again.  Love it!

And the best part...getting to hear the heartbeat...aww such a sweet, sweet sound!

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