Sunday, May 24, 2015

12 Week Bumpdate!

Oh first trimester, how nasty you can be.  Grateful to be pregnant. Perhaps more grateful to be almost done with this trimester!

OK, my mind really wants a stomach just can't handle the thought of it!

Ironically enough, as the weeks have gone by I think the bloating has gone down some, and the bump is smaller than it was at 8 weeks.

How Big is Baby: The size of a lime

Weight Gain: I lost another 3 pounds in the last 2 weeks, so down 9 lbs overall.

Workouts: Still feeling pretty awful most of the day...every day (with the exception of 2 days this week which was a nice break).  Getting out in our neighborhood to take a short 1 mile walk is considered a success these days.  On one of the days I felt decent, I was able to get out to a nice park and do a walk/jog for 2 miles. Otherwise it takes all my energy to sit on the couch. 

Maternity Clothes: Wearing all my "fat" clothes and comfy summer dresses, so not needing maternity yet.  

Belly Button: Innie

Sleep: Once I fall asleep, (which these days seems to take forever, and is usually about 11pm!) I sleep like a rock thanks to the Diclegis I am taking.  No thanks to the Diclegis, I stay zombie like until about 10 am.  At least I am getting some good rest though. 

Cravings: Pickles (and I seriously have to restrain myself from drinking all the juice straight from the ginormous container!), saltines, bagels with plain cream cheese. That's pretty much what I eat these days (with a fig bar before I even roll out of bed).

Aversions: Pretty much anything other than pickles, bagels and saltines. Meat, chicken and fish especially churn my stomach. I have dry heaved into Isabella's pureed bowls of food more times than I care to admit.  Don't care for sweets either.  

What I Missed: Feeling human and not like a super nauseous, gagging zombie all the time!!

Symptoms: Bloating, gassiness, tiredness (although this has improved over the last 2 weeks), extreme all day nausea and dry heaving and gagging incessantly. I thought 2 days before I was 12 weeks that the nausea was so much more manageable (for the 2 days prior), so I stopped taking the Diclegis.  BAD, bad, BAD move!! The next 2 days were absolutely miserable (read: laying on the bathroom floor, dry heaving, and crying!).  Back to Diclegis for another weeks or 2!

Movement: Too early

Gender: I'm going with GIRL this week. Jon's sticking with GIRL too. 

Best Moment this Week: Pool days with Isabella on our deck, rare moments of improved nausea, and being able to tell more friends and family about our pregnancy! 

Worst Moment this Week: Feeling like poop all the time. I know I am a broken record, but this pregnancy is kicking my butt!

What I am Looking Forward to:  Second trimester and feeling better. Seeing Little Lerma #2 on US this week!

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