Sunday, July 19, 2015

20 Week Bumpdate!

Halfway there!! Yay!!  

Seriously though, how are we halfway there already!? As much as I thought the first 18 weeks dragged by (probably b/c I felt so awful), it has certainly picked up speed and I'm sure there is no slowing down now. Holy Moly!  And finally (finally!) I am feeling better...not entirely great, not totally normal, but OH so much better!

And last time for comparison sake : )
How Big is Baby: The size of a banana

Weight Gain: +1 over the last 2 weeks, so still down a total of 7lbs

Workouts: Week 18 I was able to get in 6 workouts- one prenatal yoga, one prenatal pilates, 2 walk/runs in the park (1 mile and 2 miles) followed by a TRX strength workout, 1 prenatal cardio dance video, and one insane 1 mile hike up Stone Mountain which was super hard but so much fun!  

Week 19 I took 3 days off from workouts, but had a day of "2 a days" (which wasn't planned but just happened that way) so I still got in 2 park walk/runs (1.2 and 2.6 miles), 2 prenatal strength yoga videos, and 1 prenatal toning yoga video.

Maternity Clothes: Definitely needing maternity shorts and pants. Still loving my summer flowy dresses, normal tanks and regular workout gear. My bump starting at 19 weeks definitely feels and looks much bigger than around this time with the first pregnancy (although comparing the 2 pictures above, I don't know that it is "much" bigger, it certainly feels that way though!).

Belly Button: Innie

Sleep: Pregnancy insomnia started to hit right before 19 weeks. I usually wake up to pee around 3am and have been having a hard time falling back asleep til 4 or 4:30.  Still absolutely loving having the cloud and know that I am much more comfortable with it, but my hip pain is worse than last pregnancy (probably b/c I started out heavier this time around). I feel like I am tossing from side to side a bajillion times a night to take pressure off my hips. 

Cravings: I have been able to expand my diet a little bit more, but nothing crazy! I don't crave things really, but can tolerate certain foods that then tend to be a staple. The last two weeks I am enjoying caprese salads or sandwiches on Ezekiel bread, rice noodles with a bit of cheese, homemade tomato sauce (from our garden tomatoes!) over rice noodles, watermelon, sour cherries, and most fruit in general.  One night we had pizza which was great and one night Indian which was amazing...and leftovers the next day even better! Loving that I can enjoy real food once again!

Aversions:  Beef, chicken, turkey, fish...all make me gag a lot...still!  I was able to eat a few pieces of chicken in the Indian food though (nothing a little spicy butter sauce can't mask!)

What I Missed:  I still am not able to drink my hot morning coffee, and I miss this in the mornings! A few times a week I will drink about a half cup of iced coffee, but it's just not the same. I also missed some red wine on some of our pasta nights. 

Symptoms: Still nauseous and gagging when I don't get great sleep, I had about 4 really rough days in the last 2 weeks with all day long super intense nausea and dry heaving, and no energy, but for the most part these days don't happen quite as often!  I definitely don't have the normal second trimester energy like last time, but certainly am waiting for it! Some mild round ligament pain.  
-->Luckily this time around no constipation (as bad now), bloody noses, stuffiness or dry eyes! So different!

Movement: Yes! This little one is getting stronger by the week! Right around 18 weeks I could feel a few, sporadic kicks with my hands.  Jon got to feel one at about 18.5 weeks.  They don't happen all that often but when they do, it's amazing.  Otherwise, feeling tons of flutters throughout the day, and mostly at night when I lay down, plus a few total twists and turns!

Gender: I'm changing my vote this week to girl, Jon is sticking with girl.

Best Moment this Week: Overall starting to feel better, get out more, enjoy the fresh air, workout (which I love!) and just have fun with Isabella. 

Worst Moment this Week: Some really long, really sick days still.  Plus Jon traveled for 4 days this week and that always stinks to be apart : (

What I am Looking Forward to: We FINALLY get to find out the gender towards the end of this week...seriously CAN'T WAIT!! And, we get to go on family vacation for a week which I am super excited about, and will do the gender reveal there!

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