Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Isabella's First Birthday!

First of all, first birthdays are definitely not for the child, but for the parents.  Or, ok, maybe even for the mom! With that being said, I had a great time at Isabella's first birthday, and because we kept it small (just family), short and sweet, I think she did too!

Weekly chalkboard photos that I had taken of Bella all printed out...SO cute to see all together! (minus the one that fell off when I took the pic!)

Bella isn't interested in any one thing enough to come up with a theme, plus I didn't want to go crazy, so I kept it simple and went mostly with the outfit she would be wearing: black with pink polka dots. This made finding plates, napkins, straws and a few small decorations super easy (and cheap, hello dollar store!).

We had the party from 12:30 til 2 which gave us just enough time to eat lunch, open presents, do a "smash cake" and take a few (hundred!) pictures.

For lunch we had buffalo chicken dip with Hawaiian bread to start, then Jimmy Johns sandwiches, chips and dip).

I knew I wanted to do a smash cake for Isabella, but certainly didn't want a regular sugar laden one b/c she's not had sugar yet (other than what's in fresh fruit) and I certainly didn't want to start now.  So I looked up a few healthy recicpes online and combined a few to make my own.  It basically was bananas, unsweeted all natural applesauce, a little bit of whole wheat flour, vanilla and baking powder with a cream cheese frosting (AKA just plain cream cheese with fresh strawberries mixed in).  

Bella didn't really get the concept of it being a smash cake, and mostly because she doesn't like to get dirty! That being said, once we fed her a bite of the cake, she loved it!! I think she would have kept eating til she was blue in the face, but we cut her off after a substantial piece!  

Overall, it was a great little party and I am glad that we had it. I know Bella won't remember a thing from it, but it was memories made for us, and sweet pictures to hold onto for a lifetime! We got her a couple of books and 2 water balls.  Mimi and Pops got her 2 cute outfits (one for 4th of July), an adorable metal shopping cart, and a ball that is now one of her absolute favorite toys.  

Happy first birthday to my funny, fiesty, cuddly, curly haired and long lashed little lady!  We love you more than you know!


  1. Wow! Congrats on baby #2! I was keeping up with your monthly updates and then I was way behind! I'm so happy for you! Well my baby is turning one this month and I cannot believe it. I also wanted to update you and let you know that I finally found another job. The pediatrician office in my town was hiring and they offered me a job. I am so glad to have a normal schedule and since we will finally be putting our little one in daycare I will be so thankful to be the one picking him up and dropping him off everyday. No holidays and better hours. I'm just going to have to brush up on my primary care skills as I've been in picu mode for the past 3 years. It's a whole different ball game! We are also still breastfeeding so we have almost made it to a year and he is not acting interested in weaning at all! I'm definitely ready to be done pumping though. Well just wanted to update you and say congratulations!

    1. Thanks for the update! So glad you found a job with better hours and a more "normal" schedule! Lately I have been really itching to go back but I think it's just because I know that I am not going to for another 9 months or so which seems SO long, but in the grand scheme of life (and my babies growing up!) is not! I just keep reminding myself how great it is to be at home with Isabella and spend time with her as she changes daily. Enjoy that new job...and yes, primary care is a whole different ball game! I would be like a fish out of water there : )
