Tuesday, June 3, 2014

36 Week Bumpdate!

Well, the belly may still be measuring about 4 weeks behind, but it is certainly growing.  Hence 2 bump pictures today...because the belly is eating the words on the chalkboard in one of them : )
I say it every week, but I will say it again: I seriously cannot believe how fast time is flying through this pregnancy. I am already at 36 weeks, with the c-section scheduled in just 10 days.  How did we get here this quickly?!?

Baby is the Size of: Honeydew melon
I'm very curious as to what Bella will be weighing at our US on Thursday given the averages above- I'm thinking she's closer to the 4.5lb than 5.5 lb mark! We shall see!

Weight Gain: I actually have no idea because I totally forgot to weigh myself this morning. I will do one final weigh in next Tuesday before the c-section and call it a day! Crazy! But as of last week total weight gain was 22 lbs.

Workouts: Not allowed to be working out : ( SO missing out on running right now, but am guessing I will be missing my "not allowed to workout" time period once it's time to whip my butt back into shape post-pregnancy.

Maternity Clothes: Loving my maxi dresses and skirts and the tanks and shorts that I can still squeeze into (using a hair tie to keep the button secured).

Belly Button: Innie when I'm laying down, outie when I'm walking...but mostly just the upper half.  Seriously weird!

Sleep: Oh pregnancy insomnia, how I hate you!  Sleep has not been the best this week, but I think it is in part of regular pregnancy insomnia mixed with once I'm up, my mind goes a trillion miles a minute with everything going on (placenta previa, possibility of placenta accretia and hysterectomy, trying to sell our house, etc). So thankful for our DVR pile up of CSI: Miami that quiets my brain and gets me back to sleep! 

Cravings: Watermelon (I could eat it all day, every day), strawberry lemonade smoothies, and ezekiel bread with cream cheese (well, I truly crave a BIG bagel with TONS of cream cheese, but in efforts to not totally gorge myself, I stick with ezekiel bread).
Aversions: I'm not completely grossed out by anything anymore, but I still don't have much of an appetite in general which translates to Jon reminding me to eat often, and prefer to not eat grilled chicken,or much meat. Such a weird difference from pre-pregnancy...I usually LOVE food!

What I Missed: I have been craving a margarita on the rocks with extra salt on the rim all week.

Symptoms: I have to pee ALL the time. Reflux/heartburn has hit really hard this week which is NOT fun!  And I have had the most bizarre baby dreams ever...like the one where I kept giving birth to Isabella while driving, in the store, at work, and then putting her back in because she wasn't "done" enough.  Otherwise, can't complain!

MovementLots of swirls and twirls going on in there.  And a ton of hiccups!

Gender: It's a GIRL!!!

Best Moment This Week: Finding out my sister is also having a girl (she's 16 weeks pregnant right now)!!  Seriously, I think I was more excited to find out she's having a girl than I was finding out Bella's gender.  I really, really, really wanted her to have a girl also...but was entirely convinced it was a boy.  So this was the best news ever! 

And, for second place, our house is officially under contract as of a few hours ago, after only ten days on the market! Insane how fast this all went...and completely unexpected! So we are hoping all goes well with the appraisal in the next couple days so we can officially seal the deal!

Worst Moment This Week: I'm pretty sure the negotiation on our house that went back and forth for about 7 hours today was more stressful and nerve-wracking than saving kids lives in the PICU!  I usually love bargaining, but this was on an entirely different level! Whew, glad it is all over!

What I'm Looking Forward To: Celebrating our 9th Anniversary tomorrow...I can't believe we've been married for 9 years already! I have the most amazing, incredible, loving, affectionate, serving, funny, handsome husband in the entire world, and know without a doubt he will be all of those things in a father as well.  Isabella is one lucky lady, just like her mama!

Also looking forward to one last ultrasound on Thursday to see our little girl...before we get to see her in person! 

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