Tuesday, June 10, 2014

37 Week Bumpdate!

Well, we are here at last.  We made it to the 37 week mark.  We made it to the week of the c-section.  And all without one bleeding episode related to the complete placenta previa which is completely against the odds.
I have to say I feel both successful and very blessed to be able to say that! 
In just 3 short days, we will officially be parents.  Isabella will be in my arms, not in my belly.  And she will completely rock our world, that I am sure of.
While I know we have many sleepless nights, probably lots of crying (perhaps from both her and me!), and hormones galore post-birth, I can't wait.
You take all of the above because of the many cuddles, snuggles, sweet baby smell, and precious little baby parts that comes along with it.  I mean really, how cute are a newborn's tiny little booty, fingers and toes!?!?
Jon can't wait to kiss her all over her face.  I can't wait to see him hold her and kiss her all over her little face.  I absolutely love how affectionate he is!
But before I jump way ahead to having her in our arms, I will do one last Bumpdate.  Crazy how fast time flies when you're having pregnancy fun!  It almost makes me a little sad that this will be the last one...but when I picture being able to hold her in my arms, and look into those sweet baby eyes, that (mostly) goes away! 

I truly have enjoyed every moment of being pregnant (yes, I will even include the reflux and the constipation as they are reminders of being pregnant!).  I am so grateful to have been able to experience pregnancy as there are so many women who battle with infertility or have other life circumstances that do not allow them such the experience and opportunity.

OK, enough with the rambling, here's to the last Bumpdate for our Little Lerma!

Baby is the Size of: a winter melon (umm, looks like a cucumber to me!)

I feel very sorry for the woman who has a 9.2 lb baby at the 37 week mark...good luck lady over the next 3 weeks! gah!
Weight Gain: 24 pounds total...although I will say this week it has felt more like a jiggly 54 lbs. But who's counting! 

Workouts: Not allowed to be working out or do much more than sitting on the couch with my feet up. Taking short, leisure walks around the block are the closest thing I get to a workout...and they certainly don't qualify.

Maternity Clothes: I had enough regular maxi skirts and dresses, and comfy shorts and flowy tanks that continued to fit, so it made not spending $$$ on maternity clothes super easy! Love that.

Belly Button: I'd say it's officially an outie (and made its debut in the picture above!), unless I'm leaning back or laying flat on my back (which, yes, I'm aware you shouldn't do too much of) during which only the upper half stays out, and the inner half goes back in.

Sleep: Still had pregnancy insomnia about 4 times this week, but I'm able to fall back asleep within 45 minutes to an hour vs the 2 or 3 or last week. So much better!

Cravings: Fruit, particularly watermelon, ezekiel bread with cream cheese, and FINALLY something sweet- ice cream!! Just a few bites (ok, sometimes 10!) most nights this week has certainly satisfied the craving. And seeing as I barely had sweets or sugar the entire pregnancy, I don't feel bad at all!

Aversions: Grilled chicken.

What I Missed: Ice cold beer.

Symptoms: I'm peeing what feels like every 5 minutes, for a grand total of 5 drops of pee...lovely! Still have reflux (although the fact that we have had leftover pizza 3 nights in a row certainly doesn't help the cause!). Moving around has week been much harder, mostly because I have felt a ton of pressure and heaviness in my lower belly. And the crazy dreams continue...and have even been passed on to Jon- he's had several bizarre baby dreams this week as well.
Movement: Isabella has moved more this week than ever which has not only been reassuring with everything going on, but so much fun to watch and feel!
Gender: It's a GIRL!!!

Best Moment This Week: NOT having the c-section moved up over a week like we were initially told, and ultimately that Bella was still doing ok and needing more time time cook. While we can't wait to meet her, the more time she can stay in there and do well the better!

Worst Moment This Week: Hearing the diagnosis "IUGR"...and hoping that the measurements were just way off, as we know they can be on ultrasound!

What I'm Looking Forward To: Seeing our little Bella's precious little face on Friday!! We can't wait to meet you baby girl!

It's going to be so weird looking down and not having my bump in just a few days...I seriously love it!  I will try my best to embrace the flab that will replace it : (

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