Thursday, June 12, 2014

Dear Isabella

Dear Isabella-

Tomorrow will be your birthday. In so many ways, it is cool to know just when you will enter this world.  It leaves so much room for expected anticipation!

Your daddy and I cannot wait to meet you. We cannot wait to look into those little baby eyes.  We cannot wait to see all your tiny features and decide who you look more like.

We cannot wait to hold and cuddle and snuggle you.  We know that you will be little based on your ultrasounds lately, but we can't wait to see just how tiny you will be.

I have truly enjoyed every moment of you growing in my belly.  Have treasured every single kick, punch, roll, and hiccup that you created.  Have enjoyed singing with your daddy to you, mostly "You are My Sunshine," "Good Morning Bella Boo," and "Don't Shut the Door Tight."  And I have loved laughing every time your dad puts his hands on my belly and says "Isabella, this is your Father" in such a serious voice despite the fact he does not want to be known as father, but daddy. 

And while being pregnant with you was amazing, an answered prayer, a dream come true, I know that being your mama will be that and so much more.

Isabella Rae, I already love you with all of my heart. I can't wait to meet you tomorrow, and hold you in my arms.  We are praying you are healthy and that we can bring you home with us from the hospital.  We look forward to the journey that being your Mama and Daddy will bring!

Sorry babe, your eyes were closed in pretty much every picture we took!

Mimi can't wait to meet Isabella too!
Being pregnant with your sister is SO much fun! 

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