Tuesday, May 27, 2014

35 Week Bumpdate!

Well hello 35 weeks!  This week was all about catching up with life, getting things ready for little miss Isabella, and feeling accomplished for making it this far without any previa complications!  Since all of that was done successfully, I consider it an amazing week in this pregnant lady's life!  And since I'm all about the "To-Do Lists"...because really, who doesn't love checking stuff off those lists...the board reflects that this week.

Ignore the 2 lotioned leg marks on the bottom of the board...I just got back from a prenatal massage and didn't notice them til after the picture was taken!  Also explains the half drugged, oh so relaxed, but with slicked back, lotioned hair look : )

Baby is the Size of: a Coconut

Weight Gain: +1 this week, so +22 total

Workouts: I think I've burned a bajillion calories this week by the amount of moving I've done.  But in traditional workouts, none...not allowed.

Maternity Clothes: Love pregnancy in the summer!  The above shorts are definitely maternity (b/c I could not get regular shorts over this booty now), but I'm still stretching out squeezing into my regular tanks and dresses.

Belly Button: My belly button is an enigma.  Sometimes its a full on innie, sometimes a flatie, and other times the bottom half fis a latie with mid-innie and top outie.  Weird!

Sleep: Pregnancy insomnia struck multiple times this week. That sucks! That has resulted in being really sleepy...a lot! Oh well, just preparation for what's to come I suppose.
Cravings: Same things from last week- watermelon, fruit in general, macaroni and cheese, and sour lemon strawberry smoothies. I haven't really had much of an appetite this week, so Jon has reminded me on multiple occasions to eat, but I could eat watermelon all day, every day! YUM!

Aversions: I'm at the point where I can pretty much eat anything...but dthat oesn't mean that I've expanded my diet all that much.  Just because it doesn't make me want to barf, doesn't mean that it sounds good!

What I MissedMargarita drink special on our date night Friday. Or a pina colada on this hot day today...how appropriate given Isabella is the size of a coconut!

Symptoms: Overall I'm feeling great.  With all the activity I've done this week though, by the end of the day my body is feeling it.  And when I get out of bed in the middle of the night to pee, I feel like a 600 pound, 95 year old lady with an aching back and stiff leg joints.  Good thing that goes away once I'm out of bed in the morning!

MovementLove, love, love this part of pregnancy. Isabella loves to dance in there!

Gender: It's a GIRL!!!

Best Moment This Week: Getting pretty much everything ready for Isabella to come! The car seat is installed, all of her clothes are washed and hung or put in drawers (and look SOOO cute!), strollers are assembled and we now know how to use them, the mini-nursery is set up in our room (minus the pack-n-play she will sleep in for the first month of two...but that's being delivered tomorrow!), and the house and car have been thoroughly deep cleaned and very organized (including closets that haven't seen the light of day in years!  Oh yeah, it was a very productive (and exhausting!) week!

Worst Moment This Week: Putting our house on the market before getting a few last minute things done that we needed to. That made for some very stressful moments. Like the one where I was trying to paint our kitchen ceiling standing halfway on a ladder, halfway on the counter and barely reaching...oh, and trying to get it done in the hour before the client came!  Lovely.  That ended in Jon saying I was totally not supposed to be doing that, and we hired someone to come this week to finish it up...and do a proper job!

And in second place comes the lady who sold me our Baby Jogger car seat adaptor...without the adaptor brackets.  And now she won't return my emails or texts. Grr...I hate when people are dishonest!

What I'm Looking Forward To: Having a much more relaxing week now that our To-Do list is done!  Can't wait to sit out on our pation enjoy the amazing weather, and catch up on some reading I've been wanting to do for months!

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