Tuesday, May 20, 2014

34 Week Bumpdate!

 Is time just going entirely too fast for everyone else...or is it just me!?!?  As excited as I am to meet Isabella, I mean this whole pregnancy thing is just whizzing by!  In 3 short weeks (THREE!!) we could be having our c-section, although I'm still hoping for 4 more weeks. 

Until then, there is much to be done...so I need to get a move on.  I've actually surprised myself with how opposite my true nature I have been.  Ordinarily I would have a complete nursery set up and everything baby ready by oh, 20 weeks or so.  And here we are just a mere 3 weeks away, and we don't even have a car seat or a place for the baby to sleep!  Hello, 2 of the biggest things that baby can't do without! 
But that is on the agenda for Thursday, so as long as she hangs on tight for the next 2 days, it's all good.  And on that note, I procrastinate no further...here is our 34 week update!

Baby is the Size of: a Butternut Squash!

Weight Gain: Overall up 21 lbs

Workouts: In the traditional sense, none since I'm restricted from all activity essentially.  Outside of that, I'm getting in plenty of walking and bending and cleaning with everything going on around here trying to get our house on the market! Still being reminded by the hubby though to sit and keep my feet up.

Maternity Clothes: Loving the summer weather and my regular comfy shorts with bigger sized tanks, or my regular summer dresses. Who says you need to spend a ton of $ on maternity wear (that is usually pretty ugly!?).

Belly Button: This thing has a mind of its own...sometimes it's what I referred to as a "flatie" last week, and other times depending on how I'm sitting or laying its an outie around the edges. Weird! 

Sleep: Meh...could be better. I'm falling asleep quickly, but waking up with my hips and leg asleep, numb and/or tingling, and then finding it hard to fall back to sleep...particularly if it's 4 am or later.
Cravings: Same things from last week- watermelon, fruit in general, macaroni and cheese, and sour lemon strawberry smoothies

Aversions: Grilled chicken

What I MissedIce cold beer, margaritas on the porch, you name it summer drink, I'm missing it : )

Symptoms: I'm pretty sure baby girl is trying to move down in the pelvis region which is putting TONS of pressure on the placenta, and subsequently my cervix. It feels like there's 1000 lbs down there!  Other than that and low back pain (oh stupid placenta previa being a contraindication to low back chiropractic manipulation!), things going pretty well over here.

MovementShe's still moving a ton, and we are absolutely loving it!

Gender: It's a GIRL!!!

Best Moment This Week: Getting put on modified bed rest which equates to no more work. Oh the time I think I will have to get stuff done!

Worst Moment This Week: Getting put on modified bed rest which equates to no more work (yes, it's ok this is my best and worst moment...it's my blog : ).  I absolutely LOVE my job and what I do.  I can't believe I'm going to be away from it, and my amazing co-workers, for so long! Once Isabella is in my arms, I'm sure I will be more like "Work...what??"

What I'm Looking Forward To: We are putting our house on the market this week.  And while I'm not super excited about all that entails, it will mean a LOT of stuff has gotten done. So I'm looking forward to that being behind us!  AND, it's one step closer to having a much shorter commute to work which is crucial for my sanity!  So all in all, it's a good thing to look forward to.
I can still see the feet, but it's getting harder and harder : )


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