Tuesday, May 6, 2014

32 Week Bumpdate!

Well hello 32 weeks!  I can't believe we meet already.
8 months down!  And in a normal pregnancy, there would be 2 more to go.  But, why would I do anything "normal!?"  So here we are with 5 more weeks (if my doctor has her vote), or 6 more weeks (if I have mine!) til the C-section and Isabella's debut into this world. 
We couldn't be more excited to meet her, but I am equally as excited to let her stay cooking for as long as she possibly can!  So here's to 32 weeks down, and a hopeful 6
issue-and-bleeding-free more to go! 

How Big is Baby: The size of a squash 

Weight Gain: The scale says I lost 1/2 lb this week, but I thought something funny was up with the scale last week so I'm guessing it wasn't truly a 1.5 lb gain last week. Either way, up 20.5 lbs overall.

Workouts: I'm only cleared to take walks...and not the "get your heart rate up" ones, so that's what I do pretty much every day.  It's not in my nature to sit still for very long!

Maternity Clothes: I'm loving being pregnant as it gets warmer because I can use my regular summer dresses and flowy tops (see tank above)...that are now more fitted : ) I definitely need maternity pants and jeans though.

Belly Button: An innie...barely! Jon loves it for some bizarre reason...I think it's kinda creepy looking!

Sleep: Much better than last week because the coughing is so much better, although pregnancy insomnia is hitting more regularly.  I generally wake up sometime between 2 and 4 am to pee, and am up for an hour or two several times a week.
CravingsPortillos, watermelon, berries, Lara bars, sparkling water

Aversions: Finally, the aversions are becoming less and less...I even ate a grilled turkey burger  and flank steak tacos this week!  Still not excited about meat or other types of animal protein a majority of the time though.

What I MissedReal beer...O'Douls was SO not the same with our Mexican night!

Symptoms: More Braxton hicks, intermittent nausea (still!?), mild pelvic pain this week, and now what I officially call the worst pregnancy symptom ever...peeing just a bit when I sneeze or have a coughing fit!

MovementLess kicks and punches (although they are still there), and more full body rolls which makes for fun belly watching! And her cute little booty keeps rolling up between my ribs (yes, a lovely feeling).

Gender: It's a GIRL!!!

Best Moment This Week: Getting to see our precious little girl on 3D Ultrasound one more time...I mean, really, those lips!

Worst Moment This Week: Working through the weekend...this whole  working 3 out of 4 weekends thing is getting SO old!
What I'm Looking Forward to: My family and friends shower on Saturday! Can't wait to spend time with out of town best friends, and celebrate our little one!! 

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