Tuesday, February 25, 2014

22 Weeks!

You ever have those days where putting on fleece lined leggings and a sweatshirt is all the energy you can muster?  Well today was that day for me.  Lucky for you I changed out of my oversized red sweatshirt that makes me resemble a barn.  Unlucky for you, that's all you get- no makeup, no effort, and to be fully honest, I can't really remember what day I last washed my hair.  I partly blame this on pregnancy brain, but it's also partly because it's probably been one day too many.  Se la vie!  So this week I'm letting Bella in her bump shine.  Just keep focusing on her or the board and all will be well : )
How Big is Baby? The size of a papaya!
Weight Gain: +1 this week, +11 total

Workouts: Two eliptical sessions, light resistance band training (high reps with low resistance so I'm not putting pressure in my abdomen per MD orders), and one prenatal yoga video.

Maternity Clothes: Since I'm working evenings/nights til 1am or so this week, I'm either wearing scrubs to work, or I'm in stretch pants with sweatshirts at home.  No need for maternity just yet although on the rare occasion I put jeans on, those are maternity (I can still put on and button my pre-pregnancy jeans since they ride below the bump, it's just not comfortable for more than an hour or so). 

Belly Button: In

Sleep: I'm mostly sleeping well, but working til 1am has thrown me off a bit.  I also don't fall right back asleep once I get up to pee (usually around 2 or 3am), so that's annoying.

Cravings: No cravings still, just trying to remember to eat this week! Ugh so weird that I could care less about eating because that is SO not me!

Aversions: Chicken, meat, ground turkey, and sweets/chocolate still.

What I Missed: Wine at an Italian dinner with family over the weekend, although it wasn't a true longing...just a "oh, that would pair really nice."
Symptoms: Feeling great these days overall with the exception of some pressure and shooting pain in the pelvic region which is worse when I stand for extended periods of time, and I think is also Isabella kicking on the placenta that's sitting right on top of my cervix. Not fun!

Movement: Undoubtedly yes! She is moving around like a mad woman these days with her punches and kicks getting stronger and stronger. I absolutely LOVE it! Nighttime seems to be her most active (only a shy second from around 9 or 10 am) and that really gets my belly dancing which is fun to watch.  She also got hiccups Sunday night which felt so weird but also so cool!

Gender: It's a GIRL!

Best Moment of the Week: Having a modified work schedule the last two weeks (essentially working only 16 hours each week!) has really helped me relax more, get in some good prenatal workouts, and catch up on things I wouldn't otherwise be able to at home.  After vacation, it's back to full time hours, but at least they will all be daytime. 

Worst Moment of the Week: Heaven welcomed another PICU angel this week, and this one was my all time favorite little boy who I have cared for over the last 4 years.  Makes you grateful for your little ones, and wanting to get in some extra snuggles (even if they are just via my belly at this point!).

What I'm Looking Forward to: Going on our Babymoon at the end of the week!!! 9 days of total relaxation and bliss...can't wait!!

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