Thursday, February 13, 2014

Name Reveal!

Naming a baby is a serious feat!  I mean you are taking on the task of giving another person something that will stick with them for the rest of their life! 

And aside from the whole "What if they hate it!?" fear, comes the "What if I hate it in a year fear!?"

That being said, naming our little girl was pretty painless and easy. 

We started talking baby names about the day after we got engaged.  OK, while that may be a bit of an exaggeration, it certainly feels like we've been talking about it forever.

Early on, we decided on a girl and boy name.  And surprisingly, over the last 9 years or so, we've stuck to those names. 

So when it came time to actually making the final decision on baby girl, it was a relatively easy process.  We went through a few other names that we liked, and ultimately decided that we were sticking with our original. 


Over the last 4 years as we have been trying to get pregnant, every time we talked about having a little girl we called her Isabella.  When I start to get feisty with Jon, he just laughs and says "Oh I can't wait until Isabella is fiesty to you this way!"  And when he talked about having a little girl, he would always get a look in his eye, to which I would say "Oh man, Isabella already has you wrapped around her dainty little finger!"

So when talking about other names, it just didn't seem right.  She's been our Isabella for at least the last four years.  And we are so excited that she will be our Isabella for the rest of our lives!

With all that being said, the first name was almost a no brainer for us.  The middle name, however, has us a bit stuck.  For now, we are leaning towards Rae but still haven't made the official decision. I also like Dae/Day because that's what my family and a lot of friends call me, so it just fit, but Jon doesn't like it.

So feel free to leave a comment if you have any other suggestions...they will be gladly welcomed!  Our one caveat is that it doesn't start with an "L" because 1.) can you imagine a 3 year old having to say Isabella Lynn Lerma (or insert any other L name!); and 2.) having the initials ILL would suck. Being an APN I feel even more strongly about this. 

But that's it!  Get original...I don't care. Just let me know!   And while you're at it, leave a comment with your vote of Rae, Dae, or Day.

Until then, we will keep smiling with absolute joy each and every time we think about our little Isabella-middle name TBD-Lerma!

1 comment:

  1. Love the name! I am so happy for you. For the middle you have any family names? That always seems to work really well. I'm not a fan of the Dae spelling, but I do like Day.
