Tuesday, February 18, 2014

21 Weeks!

How Big is Baby? The size of a pomegranate!

Weight Gain? 0 lbs this week, so +10 total

Workouts this Week: One 45 min eliptical session, one upper body resistance band and corse session (this was before I knew that I couldn't do resistance or weight training anymore), and one prenatal yoga session.

Maternity Clothes?  I got a new pair of fleece lined stretch pants this week that have rocked my world...I've worn them to work and at home with sweatshirts. I'm pretty sure these are pregnant lady's best friend, and I may be defying the amount of times appropriate to wear the same pants before washing them but I don't care!
Belly Button (in or out)? In

Aboslutely in love with my cloud (AKA: leechco pregnancy pillow)...I sleep so well with it! 
Cravings: Still not much of an appetite...this is so unlike me!  I have to remind myself on days off especially to eat!  So when I do I try to get in high protein foods like protein shakes with greens in the morning, cottage cheese with tomatoes as a snack, greek yogurt or tuna.  And of course rice noodles are still a staple around here.
Aversions: Some ole things- if it's not on a vegetarian menu, I'm aversed to it!  And still not wating a thing to do with sweets or chocolate.

What I Missed: I really wanted sushi and wine this weekend, and Jon and I watched the Taste where they had to create dishes to pair with beer, so pretty much all day couldn't stop thinking about ice cold cereveza.
Symptoms: Crazy pregnancy congestion, having to pee ALL the time, a few leg cramps that have jolted me out of bed at night, and round ligament pain that came with a vengence! this week.
Movement: Isabella is kicking and punching up a storm these days.  It has definitely gotten more frequent this week, and stronger. So much so that Jon has been able to feel her a couple times as well! This is seriously the BEST part of pregnancy!!
Gender: It's a GIRL!!!!
Best Moment of the Week: Getting the anatomy scan US to see each and every perfect body part of our little one! It was awesome seeing her move and wiggle all around.  She definitely did not want to sit still for one moment...just like her Mama : )
Worst Moment of the Week: Early on in the week, I initially wrote "dropping off my prescription for the lovenox I've been taking for about the last year, and finding out that with my new insurance the price has gone from $15 per month, to $598 (and no, that's not a typo...as in five hundred!)."

Then, the very next day I found out that I have complete placenta previa, so while that means I no longer have to take the $600 lovenox, it also puts me at much higher risk for hemorrhage, pre-term labor, and is a definite c-section for me.  So that trumps $600 medications this week.
What I'm Looking Forward To: Counting down the days until our Babymoon...just 10 more to go!!!

1 comment:

  1. dang that sucks and the complete placenta previa. I really hope that everything goes according to plan! Just be mindful of anything out of the ordinary! Oh to know of the things that could go wrong - I would be such an obsessive pregnant lady if I had that!
