Saturday, June 30, 2018

Aubrey 31 Months!

It has been amazing to watch our baby grow into a big sister this month! There are days when I look at Aubrey and think, wow she's still so little! And there are days where I think, my goodness she is getting so big so fast!! Time slow down! I know I say it all the time, and will probably just keep in on repeat for the next 18 years or so with these 3 kids!  

Happy 31 Months Aubrey Lynn!

I mean, seriously, these monthly pics get easier and easier! The last couple of months I say "Get up on your chair" and she hops right up, puts her hands in her lap, and smiles...then proceeds to make goofy faces : ) Where I used to take 100 pictures and delete all but 1 or 2, now I take about 5 and have a hard time choosing because they are so cute!

31 Month Highlights:
-We really tried to take advantage of June and the beautiful summer weather, because we assumed we had until mid-July until baby brother came. Big surprise, he came a month early (and that was after Mama had to be in the hospital for 3 nights before hand), but we were still able to get in several days at the pool, a park date, ice cream dinner at Culvers, and some fun staying at home. 
Catching the rain : )

-You and Bella LOVE to play dress up, and just play together in general. I love watching the bond between the two of you deepen as the months go by! 

-You definitely look up to your big sister and love her dearly, and are constantly looking to see what she is doing, but you can hold your own! You are one feisty, strong willed little lady and I love that about you!

-The biggest change of the month was baby brother being born, and watching you become a big sister. Mama being on hospital bedrest for 3 days was really hard for you, and you didn't understand why Mama couldn't come home to put you night nights. Break my heart! We just tried to get as much time as we could in the hospital without you and Bella going crazy in a confined space!

-It was very confusing to you how one day baby brother was in Mama's belly, and the next there was a baby lying in a bassinet. You certainly are not obsessed with him like Bella is, but you have adapted well. And you say all the time "Aww Mama, he's so cuties!" 

 This picture pretty much sums up how both of you feel about baby brother...Isabella is always wanting to hold, hug and kiss him. Aubrey is like "HUH!? Who is this little dude!?" Ha ha ha!!!

Trying to get back to normal life with the inclusion of a newborn. Playing outside with scooters and bikes!

-We had our first outing as a family of 5 to the library because they had a farm animal petting zoo. It was a short outing which was perfect for Mama b/c she was still recovering from the c-section, but it was good to get out! The highlight of the trip for you and Isabella were the ice pops at the end : )

One day we will get a picture of all of us looking at the camera and day!

Sleeping: Bedtime goal is to go up around 7 and be out of your room by 7:45. More realistically, we get up sometime after 7, and are out by 8 or 8:10ish. You usually play in bed and sing at the top of your lungs for a good 45 minutes to an hour before you fall asleep. We crack up at you almost on a nightly basis because of how well you entertain yourself (and us!) in your bed!  You usually sleep until about 7 or 7:30, and your clock wakes up at 8 am when we come get you.

You still nap most days, and on days you don't fall asleep you have "quiet time." That being said, you still NEED your nap. You are cranky in the evening on the days you just play. Naptime is usually from 2 til 4. 

Eating: "I'm hungies" is your motto. You say it 1000 times a day. You love mixed cereal, fig bars or oatmeal with berries for breakfast. Lunch is usually ham and cheese sandwiches (which you eat deconstructed), fruit, pretzles and carrots with hummus, or leftovers. Dinner you are usually pretty flexible and unless it's a green vegetable will try anything and eat most of what's on your plate. You have also been loving greek yogurt popscicles, yogurt squeezies, fruit squeezies, strawberries, watermelon, peaches, quinoa rice, avacado, and black beans. 

Aubrey Loves:

-picking out her own outfits and trying to get dressed independently
-listening to music and singing
-reading books
-painting, coloring
-being outside
-going to the park
-shallow end of the pool

Aubrey Hates:
-not being successful at doing things independently
-having Isabella help her when she doesn't want help

31 Month Stats:
Height: 35 in (about 18th percentile)

Weight: 25 lb 3 oz (about 8th percentile)

*Wearing size 2T clothes
*Wearing size 4.5 to 5.5 shoes 

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