Monday, June 4, 2018

34 Week Bumpdate!

Wow, I seriously cannot believe we are at the less than 6 week mark! Somehow this pregnancy has been an equal mix of "How am I ONLY this far along!?!?" and "How am I ALREADY this far along!?!?"  So here we are, with just 5 more weekends before we are a family of 5 (because isn't everything fun measured in summer weekends!?) Oh BOY!!!

How Big is Baby: The size of a cantaloupe!

Weight Gain: +0 in the last 2 weeks, so +17 overall

Workouts: I think I'm just going to stick with the whole chasing after 2 little ones, gardening, tending to chickens, and overall house projects as my workouts from here on out, because that has seemed to be the theme lately. 

Maternity Clothes: Yes please.

Belly Button: It's visible with fitted shirts, and definitely pops out when I laugh. Jon thinks it's hilarious. 

Sleep: For the most part, I'm sleeping really well. I usually wake up once to pee, but can go back to sleep a majority of the time relatively quickly. I'm falling asleep around 9 or 9:30, and waking up usually in the 6 o'clock hour (unless it's a night that I had trouble going back to sleep after the bathroom). 

Cravings: Fruit, ice cream, pizza, Indian food, caprese sandwiches, charcuterie boards, sushi

Aversions: Nothing much. Rotisserie or grilled chicken never sound good to me, but I'll eat them. 

What I Missed: Margaritas, ice cold beer, just general nice cold summer drinks!

Symptoms: Feeling really tired and heavy these last couple weeks. Oh SO heavy! Even when I get a great night sleep, by mid-afternoon my body is toast. Mild, occasional heart burn. Serious gas (super fun!). Lots of Braxton hicks contractions. But the worst is just really bad, sharp shooting low back pain. I'm super fun to watch walk after sitting for a bit of time! If I stay moving around, it's ok. 

Movement: I will say he seems pretty chill overall, kinda like how Isabella was. His most active time is around 8 pm and he just is moving and shaking in there. 

Gender: It's a BOY!

Best Moment this Week: Getting lots of house projects accomplished sooner than I expected. Jon and I are both definitely nesting! Also celebrating our 13th anniversary! How are we that old!?!?

Worst Moment this Week: Flat tire on our anniversary date night. But if that's the worst thing I'll take it because Jon changed that tire crazy fast and we were home only about 45 min later than we were expecting. 

What I am Looking Forward to: Getting all of our house projects and "to do" list done before this baby comes! We have been quite productive, but I look forward to the slower days ahead. And summer fun with the girls! More swim days, ice cream dates, running around as the sun goes down, and just general summer fun!

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