Friday, March 30, 2018

Aubrey 28 Months!

Happy 28 Months Aubrey Lynn!

28 Month Highlights:
-We took advantage of some early March gorgeous weather and ate brunch outside, went to a new park, and just enjoyed weekends as a family! 

-We celebrated Easter over a couple of weekends which was a ton of fun. We first went to the Holly Springs Annual Easter Egg Bash where you were so excited to meet the Easter Bunny. Once we got there, you were a little hesitant to sit on his lap, but as soon as Bella climbed on up, you just followed suit. You absolutely loved the easter egg hunt, and ask to do that almost daily at our house!

*You both LOVED the shuttle ride back to the parking lot. As if it were the coolest ride you've ever been on : )

-The following weekend we went to Woodstock's version of an Easter Egg Party and it was fun but definitely more chaotic. Next year we will probably just stick with the Holly Springs one. We did have fun going with the Leflers and Vegas though. 

Sleeping: Bedtime is still sometime around 7:30 and 8pm but you usually don't fall asleep til 8:30, sometimes 9. You sleep until about 7 am or so, and your clock wakes up (AKA we come get you) at 8 am. You just play happily, not necessarily quietly (!!), most days, in bed or in your room until that time. 

You nap around 1:30 and sleep for anywhere from an hour to 2.5, but most days it's about 1.5 hrs. 

Eating: You are definitely growing into a meat lover, but still don't eat vegetables unless I sneak them in somehow. You have a huge appetite these days and usually have a bowl of cereal (cheerios, bran flakes and/or cinnamon bunnies) or oatmeal with berries for breakfast, followed by second breakfast of runny eggies, turkey bacon and toast. You love pasta with meat sauce, chili, hamburger, black beans and quinoa/rice, avacado, cheese (mostly gouda), squeezies, greek yogurt with jelly, strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries when they are not sour.  

Aubrey Loves:
-Making people laugh and being silly
-Being outside, running around, scooters, flying kites
-Playing at the park, swinging
-Helping mama plant flowers
-Coloring, drawing, painting
-Playing with baby and her stroller
-Playing dress up
-Reading, you are loving your "reader" books, Paw Patrol, Princess Sofia, Pete the Cat and the Bedtime Blues, and Dora books lately

Aubrey Hates:
 -Not being able to do something independently...angry elf definitely comes out!

28 Month Stats:
Height: 34 in (25th percentile)
Weight: 24.5 lbs (about 10th percentile)

*Wearing 2T clothes, with some 18 month things still thrown in there. Wearing size 4 or 4.5 shoes. 

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